Crappybob they could have shown how strong he was without the scene taking so long! thats the problem. They just take to long from the beginning of the fight to when the other smiths arrive. Its all punch, kick,bla bla!
If you are a big fan and dont like seeing the movie you love being trashed (wich is to strong a word!) you're in the wrong place!
I hoped so much it would be a fantasic movie, that I was very disappointed. All I've seen is a movie pledged to Special effects and fight scenes (whatever their reason was...). K. Reeves & H.Weaver haven't even played the fight scene against the 100 agents... It was just stuntmen changed in Neo & Smith by computer.
Yeah, i love that part. The thing that pisses me off is that the music being played in the movie is different than what I was informed what it was. Dread Rock by Paul Oakenfold. It sounds different in the movie, the fight scene part with MOrph and the twins. I want the theme that plays in that scene.
i think dred rock is part of what is played during the freeway scene. i'm not sure what's playing during the fight w/morpheus. just another reason to go see it again, i guess!
I like Jackie Chan movie. The fighting there is very different and its what his movies are about. But here its different, the fighting is not what the matrix is about. besides the fighting in jackie chan movies is never that long!
you guys squabble like kiddies....anyway I liked pretty much every fight scene that Neo was in. How you said that it wasn't Keanu it was all computer animated...the begining of the smiths/neo fight was keanu if you just watch him fight it awesome, watch his moves. They brought in the computer when he went flying and took out that kick ass pole.