Ben Affleck In Bruckheimers 'Glory Road'

Ben Affleck is to star in Jerry Bruckheimer's Glory Road for director James Gartner, according to Variety.

Affleck will star as a college basketball coach who led the first all-black lineup of players to the NCAA championship.

The actor will portray coach Don Haskins, whose integrated 1966 Texas Western team beat an all-white team from Kentucky. Haskins' team was among the first college teams to abandon slow-tempo offenses in favor of the high-speed style that dominates the game today.

Haskins won the NCAA title four years after taking over the team and helped further open the college game to African-Americans.

James Gartner is a commercials director who has been hired to make his feature directing bow. Gartner is an award-winning commercials helmer whose clients include American Express, Federal Express and AT&T.

The movies aims to start production this summer.

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