Glory Road Reviews

Glory Road Review
by Bill Clark
The underdog sports film is the most dependable of all. Whether based on true events or simply a tale of a ragtag team who wins the big game, the genre seemingly has crowds standing an applauding no matter how clichéd and tired it gets. Basketball has...more

Glory Road Review
by Steve Rhodes
GLORY ROAD, by first-time director James Gartner, is one disappointing basketball film, since it takes a great, true story and turns it into a very mediocre movie. Never deciding if it wants to highlight sports action or racial injustice, it ends up...more

Glory Road Review
by samseescinema
Director: James Gartner Cast: Josh Lucas, Derek Luke, Screenplay: Chris Cleveland, Gregory Allen Howard MPAA Classification: PG (for racial issues including violence and epithets, and momentary language) more

Glory Road Review
by Mark R. Leeper
CAPSULE: A philandering Kazakhstan filmmaker must leave his modern city and return to the rural countryside of his youth in order to visit his ailing mother. Along the way we see the world his country has given him and the world he...more