A History of Violence Reviews

A History of Violence Review
by Homer Yen
Nothing much happens in the sleepy Indiana town where Tom Stalls live (Viggo Mortensen). He's just an ordinary family man that everybody knows because it is a small town. The most exciting thing may indeed be watching steam rise from the coffepot in...more

A History of Violence Review
by Jerry Saravia
In this jaded day and age, it is discomforting to know that audiences are not susceptible to morality plays about violence. Nope, audiences want violence to be devoid of morality, to be placed in a cartoonish context where people die and nobody gives...more

A History of Violence Review
by Rick Ferguson
If you look closely enough at David Cronenberg's films, you'll find that they're all- every dad-blamed one of them, from the head-exploding yucks of his 1981 breakthrough film SCANNERS to his 2002 Ralph Fiennes mumble-fest SPIDER- exquisitely dry...more

A History of Violence Review
by Steve Rhodes
Blending Alfred Hitchcock's tale of questionable identity from SHADOW OF A DOUBT with a dash of Martin Scorsese's mobster humor from GOODFELLAS, A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE is told by director David Cronenberg with his usual dark sensibilities. From THE...more

A History of Violence Review
by Mark Leeper
CAPSULE: David Cronenberg adapts a graphic novel into a potent crime film. Viggo Mortensen plays a peaceful man from a peaceful town who unwillingly becomes a hero when he outguns some vicious killers. He tries to shrug it off,...more

A History of Violence Review
by Bill Clark
A heavy-handed drama with a dash of standard superhero fare, A History Of Violence is a mishmash of ideas and emotions that never gets the response it desires. Director David Cronenberg's penchant for excessiveness interferes with an otherwise...more