Red Machine

Starring: James Marsden, Piper Perabo, Thomas Jane, Billy Bob Thornton, Scott Glenn, Adam Beach, Michaela McManus, Kelly Curran

Director: David Hackl
Release Date: 2013
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Synopsis: Centers around two estranged brothers (Marsden, Jane) who reconcile on a camping trip with their girlfriends. Once in the remote wilderness, however, things go horribly awry when they are attacked and relentlessly stalked by a horrifying grizzly bear -- the Red Machine.

Four Stars Join 'Red Machine' Cast

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Scott Glenn, Adam Beach, Michaela McManus and Kelly Curran have rounded out the cast of David Hackl's "Red Machine." Pic centers around two estranged brothers (Marsden, Jane) who reconcile on a camping trip with their girlfriends. Read more...