More From Vin Diesel On 'Chronicles Of Riddick'

Speaking a day after the premiere of The Chronicles of Riddick's, Vin Diesel says he was nervous at the gala event. "Well, for some reason, I was more nervous last night [at the premiere] than I have ever been on any premiere," Diesel told Sci-Fi Wire. "I was nervous, because it was something that I had been working on for five years that is so close [to me], [that has] been such a labor of love, and that made me anxious for some reason last night. I don't know why I'm more nervous at this than I've ever been."

Diesel stressed that he's not worried about the film's effect on his career. "Having said that, the second I finished my first day of shooting with [Riddick co-star] Judi Dench, I won," Diesel said. "I had accomplished a real goal. ... The second the studio green-lit this epic that didn't spawn from a book that was in existence for 50 years [like The Lord of the Rings] [or] that didn't come from a comic-book character [like Spider-Man], [that] was completely an original project, I felt like I was satisfied." The Chronicles of Riddick opens June 11.

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