Something New Reviews

Something New Review
by Scott Mendelson
Something New isn't. Something New is actually a stock romantic drama, a slight reworking of the romantic drama archetype. Of course, formula isn't always a bad thing. Moviemaking is often less about what and more about how. A good film can survive...more

Something New Review
by samseescinema
If America were to reflect the African-American characters it portrays in Hollywood's films, the black minority of this country would consist mainly of thugs, pimps, and gangsters. Hollywood has always been racially challenged. And recently, it's been...more

Something New Review
by [email protected]
Love is an adventure, right? I know that's one of the few metaphors that Bette Midler's The Rose fails to capitalize on, but that doesn't make it any less true. Unfortunately for Kenya McQueen (Lathan), it's an adventure she has yet to embark upon. more