Deep Sea 3D

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Starring: Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet

Director: Howard Hall
Release Date: March 3rd, 2006
MPAA Rating: G
Studio: IMAX
Movie Stills: View Gallery
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Box Office Total: $22,946,886
Buy Movie: HD-DVD | Blu-ray | DVD | VHS

Synopsis: The same team who made IMAX's Into The Deep visit some of the world's most remarkable and inaccessible sea life. Take the 100-pound Humboldt squid, a dangerous predator that changes colour four times a second, filmed in the Sea of Cortez off Mexico. Or the rainbow nudibranch, a sea slug who eats poisonous tentacles and regrows them through its own back. Intimate shots, aided by IMAX's stunning clarity, capture the alien beauty of these creatures, and many more, in utterly convincing three dimensions.

QuickTime: Trailer, High Definition