First Picture Of Jessica Alba In 'Fantastic Four'

Here is Jessica Alba as Sue Storm aka The Invisable Woman, in the upcoming comin book adaptation Fantastic Four, posted on USA Today.

Director Tim Story (Barbershop) takes a leap into the big leagues with his first summer blockbuster.

"Part of the appeal of the Fantastic Four is they don't use secret identities or wear masks," he explains. "They walk amongst New Yorkers who accept them and go to the grocery store to buy milk, just regular people dealing with life who happen to have extraordinary abilities. They don't always like each other, but they do love each other."

"I'm the biggest Pixar nut in the world, and I can't freaking wait to see it," Story says. "But some of the powers are very similar, and I don't want the public to think we took elements of The Incredibles when it's the other way around."

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