Nick Fury. Superhuman Registration Act. ... ... ?

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Lucid Lui
I know he's supporting Cap's resistance, so that would imply he's against the act, but has he actually appeared and given his opinion on this whole mess? Or is he still MIA?

And how do you think this would all be going down if he was running SHIELD?

I dunno, all of sudden i'm very interested on where Fury stands on all this.

H. S. 6
He's appeared in the most recent Captain America comic.

Winter Soldier's been carrying out missions for him. Read the issue; the interaction between Soldier and Fury is well done and entertaining.

Originally posted by Lucid Lui
I know he's supporting Cap's resistance, so that would imply he's against the act, but has he actually appeared and given his opinion on this whole mess? Or is he still MIA?

And how do you think this would all be going down if he was running SHIELD?

I dunno, all of sudden i'm very interested on where Fury stands on all this.

He's against it. Not because of the actual law but because it is being carried out in a way that he thinks is wrong and unamerican.

I think if he were in charge of SHIELD and the law got passed he'd execute it differently. Probably only those who wish to crime fight would have to register and you wouldn't have to be part of some huge army

grey fox
Hasn't fury hacked into his 'clone' and is watching everything through it ?

yep. but it's a LMD, not a clone.

Originally posted by H. S. 6
He's appeared in the most recent Captain America comic.

Winter Soldier's been carrying out missions for him. Read the issue; the interaction between Soldier and Fury is well done and entertaining.


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