Dead Energy earth 999.......

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This is a character I have not finished creating for the earth 999... (Norse MU) alternate reality, but I thought I would see what you think so far. He has no 616 equivalent.

Dead Energy was brought up amongst a society of vampyres ( a breed of dark elf). His mother was a light elf and his father was an evil dark elf master. Dead Energy has both the dark elf gene and the light elf gene and has a sister who has the same attributes as well.

His father one day realised that both his children were going to be powerful elves as a result he imprisoned both of them. his wife tried to stop him but was killed.

His father used magic to drain his children's power as a result Dead Energy's sister went mad and died. Dead Energy lost his powers. Through sheer willpower and prayer he was able to communicate with his Elfin ancestors who over time taught him psionic, and magical powers as well as fighting skills.

Dead Energy grew more powerful overtime despite his father's magic, when the time was right he slew his father and over half his community. His whereabout are rumoured to be in wakandaheim (Wakanda lol) somewhere.

Powers: Martial arts skills combined with Necromancy and psionic abilities that boost fighting skills. Don't know exactly how yet. Im thinking of giving him the power to maniuplate a force which is the combination of darkforce and ice, he can also tap into his light elf gene and sometimes generate energy.

grey fox
Sweet costume very oriental....I like thumb up

Originally posted by grey fox
Sweet costume very oriental....I like thumb up

Not very Norse...though. sad Have to find a way to combine different styles.

Holy Luke Skywalker clone Batman!

stick out tongue

Powerful evil "dark" father... who he eventually fights .... smile

His sister has the same abuilities ... but fails to use them to the same level .... smile

Communicates with dead ancestors *coughobiwancough* .... smile

Psionic abilities .... smile

Originally posted by Alfheim
the power to maniuplate a force.....

big grin

stick out tongue


Hows he a clone of Luke Sywalker and Batman? confused

Looks like i bombed.

King Kandy
To be honest, not that great...

Originally posted by King Kandy
To be honest, not that great...

*sigh* ok how does he suck? Is it the drawing or the concept. I cant draw so I have to do with what I have.

Originally posted by Alfheim
Hows he a clone of Luke Sywalker and Batman? confused

Looks like i bombed.

Not Batman.... it's just a reference to the old Batman TV show.

Originally posted by Scoobless
Not Batman.... it's just a reference to the old Batman TV show.

Ok...and whats that got to do with my character... confused

King Kandy
Originally posted by Alfheim
*sigh* ok how does he suck? Is it the drawing or the concept. I cant draw so I have to do with what I have.
Both. The character has no emotional anchor, and the drawing looks like crap.

Originally posted by King Kandy
Both. The character has no emotional anchor, and the drawing looks like crap.

Well im fine with the drawing being crap, I cant draw! I would have done it alot different if I could. Well what exactly do you mean by emotional anchor?

King Kandy
He's got no reason for us to like him. No reason to care about him. He's not comparible to ourselves.

Originally posted by King Kandy
He's got no reason for us to like him. No reason to care about him. He's not comparible to ourselves.

Well that depends.

For example if you have experienced domestic violence then you will able to relate to him. His father killed his mother and imprisoned him.

If you know what it feels like to be alienated and rejected then you can relate to him as well his community knew what was going on but did nothing thats why he slaughtered part of the community.

As mentioned already he is very religous thats what enabled him to come into contact with his ancestors.

He is also a runaway.

I dunno man there emotional anchors but you didn't see them, maybe thats because different people ahve different anchors.

King Kandy
I think it's just because the bio wasn't terribly detailed.

Originally posted by King Kandy
I think it's just because the bio wasn't terribly detailed.

Ok fair enough. Like I said I haven't actually finished creating him, this is just a rough origin. I have not even completely deicided on his powers. Ok now I have elaborated a bit is that still crap? At any rate I will go off and try and create him in more detail.

King Kandy
Only the artwork is crap. The story is fair.

Originally posted by King Kandy
Only the artwork is crap. The story is fair.

Well in all fairness I cant there you go. What sort of things are needed to make a story excellent then?

Well at any rate I will have to try and write more detailed bios...


*cringes* *bump*

Didn't see the edit.

Originally posted by Scoobless
Holy Luke Skywalker clone Batman!

stick out tongue

Powerful evil "dark" father... who he eventually fights .... smilejk

So Ultimate Quicksilver was copying Star Wars. I said he also fight the community as well....

Originally posted by Scoobless

His sister has the same abuilities ... but fails to use them to the same level .... smilejk

Well what about his mother his father killed her too. im sure there are some mutant characters with sisters.

Originally posted by Scoobless

Communicates with dead ancestors *coughobiwancough* .... smile

Er thats a Heathen practice. Ancestor worship is part of Heathenry. The elf and gods are supposed to be ancestors

Originally posted by Scoobless

Psionic abilities .... smile)

I said pisonic abilities enhance fighting skills eg like Gladiator. Anyway I wasn't even thinking about Star Wars at all but I think I can see why people might think that. Anyway looks like im going to have to make some huge changes.

Can I be your nemesis?

I don't like the skinny model. Too scrawny.

No. Your character isnt creepy enough.

What if I told you the bowtie was cursed and had nothing to lose.

Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
What if I told you the bowtie was cursed and had nothing to lose.

*sigh* leave me alone.

Tan Japenese football homo man with wings a pharrot 4 arms bow a tail and a club will take you both on.

*puts his head in his hands*


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