Marvel Ultimate Alliance: 2

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.

This thread is basicallay a thread for everyone to post there ideas for what they would like to see in the next game. This includes playable and non playable characters, customs, powers, story line, etc.

If we get enough ideas put together maybe someone from Raven or marvel will notice and throw in a few of our ideas.

Jimmy Buggs

Actual comic book missions set on past story lines, not just a mixture of levels already in the game
A multi-player vs mode
A bigger variety of home bases eg X-mansion/ Avengers mansion, Shield HQ etc
An equivalent to the XML mode where you can select a character to fight a selected ai character in a selected arena
Possible free roaming environment gameplay eg choose four characters to roam around NY (like the recent superman game but with a variety of characters, flying and non flying)

-More Replay Value

-Better Levels (The Asgard dungeon sucked!)

-More characters

-Better voice acting


First four Characters:
Captain America
Spider Man

Selectable Characters:
Captain Marvel(Genis)
Jean Grey
Black Bolt
Iron Man
Beta Ray Bill

Dr. Strange

Originally posted by Soujaboy

First four Characters:
Captain America
Spider Man
Sentry <--- FAIL!

Selectable Characters:
Captain Marvel(Genis)
Jean Grey
Black Bolt
Iron Man
Beta Ray Bill

Dr. Strange

So you want to take out most of the characters from the last game and replace them with cosmics?!? What the f**k?

I'll do a character template, with powers, and costumes.



Mjolnir's Might(melee)- A hammer slam

Whirlwind(Radial) - a tornado attack

Anti Gravity(Blast) - a blast that renders enemies helpless

Anti Force blast(melee) - an attack that has chance of one hit kill

Thermo blast(blast) - an heated blast

Thor's Rage(Radial) - a lightning attack


God Speed - Increases attack speed

Odin Force - a power that heals all allies, slows time, and increases stats for a time.


God Blast - a massive radial blast


Current - The custom Thor will wear during his new series.



Rune King Thor

Originally posted by Grimm22
So you want to take out most of the characters from the last game and replace them with cosmics?!? What the f**k?

There were four cosmics on my list.

and considering Thanos will most likely be the boss of the next game it would be wise to have cosmics.

Change the gameplay so its more like Hulk ultimate destruction and spiderman 2, if that means taking out multi-player, then i don't mind, at least it be online.

Story mode, we need some classic, since Doom did something classic in the first game, steal powers.
Doom have stolen a lot of powers, even from beings such as: Pre-retcon Beyonder, Full powered Galactus ect.

Now it's Thanos turn, but he don't steal powers, he aquires some insane item that makes him God.

So Thanos finding a new plot device?

King Kandy
Making Doctor Strange a character who can actualy do shit and not just die the instint he comes across more then one enemy....

Vulcan should be playable too

Along with Gladiator, Havok, Hellion, Mimic (with last seen powers) with a well done Nate Grey and Cable (Full Power or current not gunslinger)

I wouldn't count on Punisher being in the next game, another gaming studio owns his rights.

I think the biggest thing to be worked on is environment. Keep the desctructibility, but have it more OPEN. I'd love an environment where powers like flying, web-swinging and teleporting could be put to actual use.

Also, just as a thought, if the graphics were revamped and the name was changed (so it wasn't a sequel), this game could work great as a split screen game. Like Spiderman 2, but multi-player, and with different characters.

And, on a more realistic note, expand on the new ideas that made M: UA just slightly more then a twin of X:L 2. Things like reputation, teams, a little more innovation with random game elements (pitfall, pinball, swimming, etc.), and a bit of an expansion in the Danger Room/Simulator theme.

Originally posted by Soujaboy
There were four cosmics on my list.

and considering Thanos will most likely be the boss of the next game it would be wise to have cosmics.

True, that does make sense, but to take away all of the first games characters? hell no!

Seriously though Sentry doesn't deserve an appearance, he hasn't done ANYTHING since returning to the MU

Freeplay like in Hulk or Spider-Man or Superman.

Originally posted by juggernaut66666
Freeplay like in Hulk or Spider-Man or Superman.

An open environment would be nice, but when you have characters such as Thor and Surfer who can fly where they so please, and then you have characters like Cap whom walk every where, it's hard to make it work.

Massive Graphics upgrade, show it's time to show the real graphical power that can be displayed on the Ps3/360.

More powers, and variety of different enemies.

More destructive environment

More control over characters, kind of like Hulk Ultimate destruction.

To me i like all your ideas, but heres what im thinking. Wanting the game to be Superman Returns/Hulk/Spiderman2 is cool but only for a one player true experience unless 360/PS3 does it right which is pain in itself, thing GTA for PSP you would most likely have a Captin America whos running around on ground feeling bored as hell, then player two comes comes zooming by with Thor then player one feels like this is gay!
Technically just about every character that isnt under another licence should be picked up quick. Epic "Hulk" vs "Juggernaut" most be fought out in two player mode, Full city none of that Marvel Nemesis crap!!!


Vs mode ,villains should be playable aswell and of course

Originally posted by juggernaut66666
Vs mode ,villains should be playable aswell and of course
what a jabba wanna be stick out tongue

I think you'll start out with the same team as before. Things I want added all characters appear in cutscenes. not just Wolverine,spidey,thor and cap. Better graphics. More costumes like how Thor had beta ray bill give spiderman venom. Villain mode: Play as villain vs. four heroes. Moe creative environment I swear to god every level in X-men legends was identical it's not much better with ultimate alliance. Better graphics. I hate that the graphics haven't gotten alot better by now. Don't make the final villain such a wimp. But not incredibly strong either. Like master mold thing in legends was nuts.

Couple things I would like to see different:

1. More powers- In XML each character has like 16 different powers to choose from. Marvel; UA only had like 8 per character. One thing I would LOVE to see is a change in the appearance of the power attack each time you upgrade it. For example; Thor's lightnting should start off small, and as you level up it should get bigger and "nastier" each time.

2. Better Villians/bosses- Although a few bosses were awesome i.e Ymir, Mephisto, Galactus, many of the villians in this story line had nothing to do with anything going on in the story, i.e Video man (or carnival guy), Scorpion and many others. Throw in some better top tier guys and your good.

3. Different Heroes- I liked the line-up, but it eventually has to change or people will get bored.

4. More costumes like XML: 2.

5. Make characters like Thor, Surfer, and IM be able to lift heavier things.

One thing I really dislike about Alliance is the complete lack of realism as far as power-levels go regarding the villians.

Ymir, Mephisto, Galactus? They'd completely wipe out 99% of the heroes in the game in less than a second - how the hell should you be allowed to fight & beat them?

They should have at least kept the bullshit PIS out of the game.

I'm completely anticipating a team of Thing, Spider-Man, Iceman, & Elektra taking out Thanos & Surtur in MUA2. Lame

Personally I would like to see some more realism to the power levels and what they are supposed to mean.

I mean if you are gonna have Thor be able to fly and lift the heaviest objects in the game then by god make them worth something more.

Now while flying is quite helpful many characters who don't have it can be just as useful and strength is a joke in the game oh look I can lift something a little heavier then Spiderman but is doesn't matter.

I mean if your as strong as Thor then you should be able to grapple bosses or toss boulders that actually hurt then enemy to some degree that and it should also give a boost to striking.

Basically I would like to see skills actually be useful instead of just eye pleasures. I mean if Wolverine is a better fighter than allow him to fight faster if Thor can Fly and has heavey lifting then allow him to fly with objects and villians. Make them actually be worthwhile and allow you to use skill points on them.

I would also like to see characters with different powers get different powers to use instead of the same old thing. Every character has that close melee bash attack. And for most people some powers are just upgrades of old ones or are very similar just look at ghost rider he has two attacks that do the samething with very littel difference.

Basically if you are going to put Wolverine in a game his claws are his powers so make his striking more powerful then actually giving him a bersaerker swipe or whatever. Also give him a berserker mode power and a senses power that allow him to see know where all the villians on the mini-map.

Also make characters that are supposed to be stronger more powerful. Thor should be able to beat Wolverine or Cap ina one on one match.

That and I would like to see a roster that isn't half made up of X-men. I mean there are characters out there that are also somewhat known. Like instead of Colossus have Hulk. You shouldn't need Storm if you have Thor.

Also the bad guy line up needs to be up more instead of all Spiderman Villians. I mean if you have a team of Strange Thor Silver Surfer, and Iron Man Mysterio shouldn't be hard. Scorpion shouldn't be able to fight them one on four.

I played it on PS2 so there were only 3 characters of the 24 were X-Men erm Wolverine and Storm were obvious inclusions as two of the most recognizable characters not just within the X-Men, but in Marvel as a whole.

Although I agree there shouldn't be as many characters with similar powers.

Gotta take into consideration that this game is aimed towards non-comic readers as well, so the gameplay is always gonna be unrealistic to an extent.

Originally posted by xmarksthespot
I played it on PS2 so there were only 3 characters of the 24 were X-Men erm Wolverine and Storm were obvious inclusions as two of the most recognizable characters not just within the X-Men, but in Marvel as a whole.

Although I agree there shouldn't be as many characters with similar powers. thats 3 to many for my tastes especially for something called avengers stick out tongue

Originally posted by Maestro
Gotta take into consideration that this game is aimed towards non-comic readers as well, so the gameplay is always gonna be unrealistic to an extent. I know what you mean but I would rather it be a more to an extent

You see I would like this game to be based on more roles like to you have your heavey battlers like Thor and Hulk or Wolverine. Then I would like to see people who can fight but their abilities are suited to different things.

For instance besides his shield toss power what I would like to see with Captain America is a lot of bossting powers that say boost his teams effeciency in battle like a general. Smart people like Spiderman should be used to hack computers and stuff.

That way people would actually have to give some thought to the people they picked and the powers would be more representative to the person.

Originally posted by Newjak
thats 3 to many for my tastes especially for something called avengers stick out tongue I've used Storm a bit and Iceman a bit. Wolverine wasn't great. I found Thing and Mr Fantastic pretty useless. Likewise Elektra. Carol kinda sucked too. I don't think I've used Blade at all. So I'm hoping for some different characters in the next game.

Originally posted by xmarksthespot
I've used Storm a bit and Iceman a bit. Wolverine wasn't great. I found Thing and Mr Fantastic pretty useless. Likewise Elektra. Carol kinda sucked too. I don't think I've used Blade at all. So I'm hoping for some different characters in the next game. I never used a single X-man I used Thor, Iron Man, Thing/Silver Surfer and the last spot was always opend for whoever my little bro wanted to play.

I agree tho better characters would be cooler like Hulk would be good maybe Black Bolt I mean they did introduce him.

My team was basically IW, Dr Strange, Iron Man and Thor/Silver Surfer. Black Bolt would have been a good character to have.

Meh, one dimensional tanks like Hulk or Juggernaut ( shifty ) have never been that interesting to me...

Originally posted by xmarksthespot
My team was basically IW, Dr Strange, Iron Man and Thor/Silver Surfer. Black Bolt would have been a good character to have.

Meh, one dimensional tanks like Hulk or Juggernaut ( shifty ) have never been that interesting to me... laughing

I think Juggernaut should be a villian in the next game

I usually used a lot of street levelers for the game and preferred it that way (Although I thought Thor was a great character)

My team usually consisted of

Cap/Nick Fury
Thor/Black Widow
Ms Marvel/Hawkeye

I loved the game although there were one or two annoyances here and there. Also there are some obvious improvements. I would love to see actual comic book missions where you play a back story. I don't want one mission where Cap fights winter soldier. I want him to be on a beach in Normandy fighting Nazi's and Red Skull. I want spidey in a NY back mission fighting Carnage or Venom. I don't want them to fight in levels based on levels in the main game, it's a copout sad

Originally posted by boriquaking55
One thing I really dislike about Alliance is the complete lack of realism as far as power-levels go regarding the villians.

Ymir, Mephisto, Galactus? They'd completely wipe out 99% of the heroes in the game in less than a second - how the hell should you be allowed to fight & beat them?

They should have at least kept the bullshit PIS out of the game.

I'm completely anticipating a team of Thing, Spider-Man, Iceman, & Elektra taking out Thanos & Surtur in MUA2. Lame

I agree completely. the problem with that is Marvel's most Marketable guys are low end heroes like Cap, Wolverine, and Spiderman. However, yes the next game should have more higher powered heroes to take on the big boys.

A good idea would be to have four categories such as Cosmic, high powered, brick, and street leveler. Then you have to pick one character per category. You would have six choices per category:


Silver Surfer
Dr. Strange (not really cosmic, but i needed to fill one)

High powered:

Iron Man
Human Torch
Ghost Rider
Ms. Marvel


She Hulk

Street Leveler:

Captain America
Reed Richards

Villians: There should be one major boss per act: then each boss has sub bosses that do their dirty work in each level. Galactus gathers villians from every corner and unites them in attempt to destroy Earth.

Act 1

Major boss: Magneto
Sub bosses: Juggernaut, Exodus, and Stryfe

Act 2

Major boss: Dr. Doom w/ cosmic enhancment from Galactus
Sub bosses: Loki, Baron Mordo, and Absorbing man

Act 3
Major boss: Apocalypse
Sub bosses: Four Horsemen (two at a time), and Mr. Sinister

Act 4

Major boss: Annihilus
Sub boss: Ronan, Super Skrull, and Kang

Act 5

Major boss: Galactus
Sub bosses: Terrax, Firelord, and Morg

Replace Namor for Wonderman or Sentry

Marvel: The Villain Alliance smile

Some ideas for the next game.

- You should have like 4 places in your team. One heavy hitter, one metahuman, one middleleveller and one streetleveller. I'd have them all have different weaknesses and advantages so you'd want to play as the streetleveller too.

- I'd get rid many of the previous characters of the previous game. Wolverine, he's not necessary. They really can't add anything to his character, without making something stupid up. Same goes with Spiderman and likes. Thor has a wide array of powers, so he could maybe make a comeback, but why would they want BRB as a different character? They're way too similiar with Thor.

I'd also drop some stupid brick from the game. We have Thing, no need for Hulk. We have Surfer, no need for Gladiator (Even though I'd have Hulk over Thing and Gladiator over Surfer in the next game, just for the chance)

- I'd also have some of the weaker characters like Strom *Evades a Storm fan attack*. She's not a freaking melee fighter. Have her adding lightning to her attacks, or something similiar. Have her fighting from the range. Etc. IMO every character needs a ranged attack to go with his/her melee attacks (If they really aren't melee fighters) . And get rid of the charge attack or make it a lot better.

Hey stop stealing my ideas mad

No seriously i really think they should have the four category thing to balance the teams out.

I would definitely want Juggernaut playable. I loved playing as him in XML 2. I would like him to be playable on a next gen system as well. I also wouldn't mind having Venom as a playable character. Those are really the only 2 additions that would make this game perfect for me, and to give them the appropriate strength and the right powers.

Maybe they could add some of their Marvel Zombies costumes as well.

Originally posted by nimbus006
Hey stop stealing my ideas mad

No seriously i really think they should have the four category thing to balance the teams out. I don't think you need to really have different categories just makes sure that you have different characters with different abilities for different things.

One category would be the fighters this group is all about battle.
For instance Thor is in effect a powerhouse fighter in thats the wya it should be he should have the highest striking highest body and even focus. His powers should all be very strong in damage. Hulk would also fit into this

Then I would have a booster/supporter these guys are here to really help out the rest of the team. Captain America should be a booster/support guy. He can attack from far away with his shield although it doesn't do super damage but his biggest advantage is that his powers boost friends or reduce enemies stats powers stuff like that. And his powers would have to be useful although his focus should be low. For instance he could make teammates move at double speed or their power effects are doubled for how many seconds.

Then I would have a Thinker. These are the smart guys whose powers may not be the greatest but you can not get on without them. For instance these guys would open doors that have been shut down or they use computers. An example would be Spiderman or Reed. They're powers cna be useful but they aren't that good in a fight.

Then I would have the all rounder. A perfect example would be Ironman. He can fight and his armor can offer support by giving other people shields and he is smart enough. But the problem is that they would be a jack of all trades master of none. Thier powers are good but they couldn't fight a room by themselves. They can boost but not that much. They can think but not that well. Basically it would be that they are a third of everyother class.

Lucid Lui
I haven't played the first one yet, but it'd be cool to see Wonder Man as a playable. Or Gladiator.

Originally posted by Lucid Lui
I haven't played the first one yet, but it'd be cool to see Wonder Man as a playable. Or Gladiator.

Have you played the XML games? If you liked them then you will like this game. There are room for improvements but overall well worth the buy IMO. yes

Plus if you buy it for psp you get Genis, Ronin, Black Widow and Hawkeye as playable characters (Hawkeye rocks) rock

Well if they are gonna do something new they would probably let us play as some villains since Galactus is invading the earth how many villians would come into play as a playable character or what ever I would like to play as these characters

Rhi-maybe not
Baron Zemo
Green Goblin
Kingpin and Taskmaster.

King Kandy
Make Warlock W/ Soul Gem a character. He would kick ass.

Originally posted by juggernaut66666
Vs mode ,villains should be playable aswell and of course

Sweet Jesus!

Where's that from?!

King Kandy
Originally posted by Grimm22
Sweet Jesus!

Where's that from?!
I wondered the same thing.

It's one of the possible endings when you complete MUA. Depending on items you rescue, or people you let live or die, depends on the endings. I believe that ending occurs if you don't free Odin from his prison yes

Doc Ock
Originally posted by Fanboy
Well if they are gonna do something new they would probably let us play as some villains since Galactus is invading the earth how many villians would come into play as a playable character or what ever I would like to play as these characters

Rhi-maybe not
Baron Zemo
Green Goblin
Kingpin and Taskmaster.

This gets my vote.


Originally posted by willRules
It's one of the possible endings when you complete MUA. Depending on items you rescue, or people you let live or die, depends on the endings. I believe that ending occurs if you don't free Odin from his prison yes

Hmm watching the cinematic after beating Doctor Doom... You'll hear Dr.Doom cry "You can't be free Odin" i thought HAVE to free odin ... Or else who will ??

Anyways there a website with the other alternate game ending pictures ? Sound files ?

Anyways here are some suggestions :

1)Since Wolverine is the only unique character (rage meter) It would be more "Balanced" to give the street level non-fliers other "combo-bonuses"
Maybe instead of 3 hits, they can chain up to 5 hits or something that places emphasis on H2H combat??

2)Cooldown on some abilities ? Mass Stunning via tossing Mjolnir seems pretty lame (but makes beating the game easy)

3)Funny thing was that the standard PC version did not have that to form a team with the Mutant X-MEn bonus was an impossiblity (iceman/storm/wolverine/ ??) so if u didnt' read the FAQS, you're left hoping for a secret mutant (nightcrawler/phoenix).

4)Also ..Busting up Murderworld clowns with guys like Thor,Doctor Strange,Iron Man, Ms.Marvel seems like overkill...while taking down titannus with guys like Wolverine,Daredevil,Blade,Elecktra seems like an impossibility. This defeats the "create your own dream team", but maybe some few missions (like the comic book ones) require u to use streetlevels early in the game, and powerhouse fliers later in the game??? I mean asides from favourites..there is no GOOD reason to not choose a team with 4 strong/fliers.

5)Inventory for items are WAY too small. Most of the time i'm just selling what i pick up because i dont simply have room to hold onto them.

6)The AI gets VERY suicidal at times, espeicalyl when on the asgardian boats and the time u are fleeing from galactus.

7)The objectives dont' seem clear enough (maybe i'm just dumb) or maybe they want to give you a sense of open-endingness.

8)Hardest part of the game was trying to get your team to go throw those electricity/wooden gate traps without losing too much life.
I'd lose anywhere from 75%-40% life running my crew past those, so it pretty much forced me to play a healer.

9)MOSt importantly for the PC version .. dammit Gamespy drops u so damn easily. I mean if i'm playing LAN With a bunch of friends..make it so we dont need to have to run past Gamespy network please!!
(Unless it's a marketing scheme to make us pick up a copy for wii/ps/xbox)

Doc Strange is a beast. Healing aura is damn useful, and he's really good at taking out larger goons with blackmagic and leviatation if he gets cornered.

Originally posted by Trolt
Hmm watching the cinematic after beating Doctor Doom... You'll hear Dr.Doom cry "You can't be free Odin" i thought HAVE to free odin ... Or else who will ??

Anyways there a website with the other alternate game ending pictures ? Sound files ?

Anyways here are some suggestions :

1)Since Wolverine is the only unique character (rage meter) It would be more "Balanced" to give the street level non-fliers other "combo-bonuses"
Maybe instead of 3 hits, they can chain up to 5 hits or something that places emphasis on H2H combat??

2)Cooldown on some abilities ? Mass Stunning via tossing Mjolnir seems pretty lame (but makes beating the game easy)

3)Funny thing was that the standard PC version did not have that to form a team with the Mutant X-MEn bonus was an impossiblity (iceman/storm/wolverine/ ??) so if u didnt' read the FAQS, you're left hoping for a secret mutant (nightcrawler/phoenix).

4)Also ..Busting up Murderworld clowns with guys like Thor,Doctor Strange,Iron Man, Ms.Marvel seems like overkill...while taking down titannus with guys like Wolverine,Daredevil,Blade,Elecktra seems like an impossibility. This defeats the "create your own dream team", but maybe some few missions (like the comic book ones) require u to use streetlevels early in the game, and powerhouse fliers later in the game??? I mean asides from favourites..there is no GOOD reason to not choose a team with 4 strong/fliers.

5)Inventory for items are WAY too small. Most of the time i'm just selling what i pick up because i dont simply have room to hold onto them.

6)The AI gets VERY suicidal at times, espeicalyl when on the asgardian boats and the time u are fleeing from galactus.

7)The objectives dont' seem clear enough (maybe i'm just dumb) or maybe they want to give you a sense of open-endingness.

8)Hardest part of the game was trying to get your team to go throw those electricity/wooden gate traps without losing too much life.
I'd lose anywhere from 75%-40% life running my crew past those, so it pretty much forced me to play a healer.

9)MOSt importantly for the PC version .. dammit Gamespy drops u so damn easily. I mean if i'm playing LAN With a bunch of friends..make it so we dont need to have to run past Gamespy network please!!
(Unless it's a marketing scheme to make us pick up a copy for wii/ps/xbox)

Doc Strange is a beast. Healing aura is damn useful, and he's really good at taking out larger goons with blackmagic and leviatation if he gets cornered.

learn to use spoilers mad

Originally posted by Trolt
Hmm watching the cinematic after beating Doctor Doom... You'll hear Dr.Doom cry "You can't be free Odin" i thought HAVE to free odin ... Or else who will ??

Anyways there a website with the other alternate game ending pictures ? Sound files ?

Anyways here are some suggestions :

1)Since Wolverine is the only unique character (rage meter) It would be more "Balanced" to give the street level non-fliers other "combo-bonuses"
Maybe instead of 3 hits, they can chain up to 5 hits or something that places emphasis on H2H combat??

2)Cooldown on some abilities ? Mass Stunning via tossing Mjolnir seems pretty lame (but makes beating the game easy)

3)Funny thing was that the standard PC version did not have that to form a team with the Mutant X-MEn bonus was an impossiblity (iceman/storm/wolverine/ ??) so if u didnt' read the FAQS, you're left hoping for a secret mutant (nightcrawler/phoenix).

4)Also ..Busting up Murderworld clowns with guys like Thor,Doctor Strange,Iron Man, Ms.Marvel seems like overkill...while taking down titannus with guys like Wolverine,Daredevil,Blade,Elecktra seems like an impossibility. This defeats the "create your own dream team", but maybe some few missions (like the comic book ones) require u to use streetlevels early in the game, and powerhouse fliers later in the game??? I mean asides from favourites..there is no GOOD reason to not choose a team with 4 strong/fliers.

5)Inventory for items are WAY too small. Most of the time i'm just selling what i pick up because i dont simply have room to hold onto them.

6)The AI gets VERY suicidal at times, espeicalyl when on the asgardian boats and the time u are fleeing from galactus.

7)The objectives dont' seem clear enough (maybe i'm just dumb) or maybe they want to give you a sense of open-endingness.

8)Hardest part of the game was trying to get your team to go throw those electricity/wooden gate traps without losing too much life.
I'd lose anywhere from 75%-40% life running my crew past those, so it pretty much forced me to play a healer.

9)MOSt importantly for the PC version .. dammit Gamespy drops u so damn easily. I mean if i'm playing LAN With a bunch of friends..make it so we dont need to have to run past Gamespy network please!!
(Unless it's a marketing scheme to make us pick up a copy for wii/ps/xbox)

Doc Strange is a beast. Healing aura is damn useful, and he's really good at taking out larger goons with blackmagic and leviatation if he gets cornered.
your number 8 irked me so f*cking much i stoped playing it for like a day till i picked Thor and just flew ahead of the NPCs

Wolverines a beast amp up strike and regen, most likeky he dosnt die atol.
Cap and his damn sheild throw is a room clearer
Spiderman is the p*ssy version of Ghost Rider without slinging too.
Earlier levels use Luke Cage&Thing and watch boss hp DROP!!!!!
Blackpanther/Elektra/Blade are all bud lite to Wolverines bud, bub.
For fun/challenge try goin as far as you can with only street levelers
Daredevil is more battle useful than Spiderman.
You cant beat the game using all girls, "first time around"
thinka more later.

Originally posted by Soujaboy
learn to use spoilers mad

haha sorry buddy i thoguht the thread for UA 2 is for the guys who finished UA stick out tongue

Originally posted by Trolt
Hmm watching the cinematic after beating Doctor Doom... You'll hear Dr.Doom cry "You can't be free Odin" i thought HAVE to free odin ... Or else who will ??

Well I have completed the game twice now to see the alternate option to the ending I missed the first time round. On my second completion I didn't free Odin and it had that ending with Thanos. However the same ending came up with Odin speaking to Doom sad

I've heard many people say Spiderman wasn't useful in the game, but I love using him. I usually play 4 player multi with my friends and I'd use either Spiderman or Silver Surfer, and when I use Spiderman (with Spider's Bite speed boost equipped) I can run around and set up enemies for the kill with the Web Snare, Web Warrior, or special grapple/web hang, or take enemies out with the Web Throw or a high powered Web Warrior. He's also good because he can keep up with the flying characters. I was able to web swing through Mephisto's Realm endlessly while my squad was flying around and I could stay with them.

Originally posted by willRules
Well I have completed the game twice now to see the alternate option to the ending I missed the first time round. On my second completion I didn't free Odin and it had that ending with Thanos. However the same ending came up with Odin speaking to Doom sad

see.. thats a "???" moment. And the side quest of freeing odin is RIGHT THERE since the hammer is so damn noticable.
I guess Odin was pulling a beyonder and pretended to be captured ?

---- Item wise..whats the top item ? Ie there is one worth 5450 or something like that . I know spider's bite is up there as well (only item that gives u actual movement bonus)


it would be cool if they had like a upper-tier storyline and a street level storyline.

upper-tier: sentry, thor, zemo w/ moonstone, doctor strange, iron man, quasar, blackbolt, surfer, nova, namor
mid-tier: iceman, colossus, quicksilver, cable...
street level: wolverine, iron fist, black panther, captain america, spiderman, punisher, mister fantastic, cyclops, deadpool, black panther

i give up.

London mark
I would like to see this roster for MUA2.
Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Punisher, Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Thing, Ant Man, Vision, Wonderman, Falcon, Sentry, Cyclops, Ice Man, Gambit, Angel, Beast, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Shang-Chi, Cable, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange, Blade, Morbius The Living Vampire, Daredevil, Venom, Moon Knight, Namor, Black Panther,
Captain Marvel, Quasar, Gladiator, War Machine, Hawkeye, Century, Silver Surfer, Night Trasher, Speedball, Nova, Cloak, Adam Warlock, Black Bolt, Gorgon, Havok, Quicksilver, Multiple Man, Guardian, Northstar, Deathlok, Machine Man, Nightcrawler, Captain Britain,
Black Knight, Man-Thing, Werewolf by Night, Hercules, Ares, Victor Mancha, Jack Power, Franklin Richards, Door Man, Flat Man, Darkhawk, Mach-IV, Cannonball, Rictor, Shatterstar,

Ms Marvel, Invisible Woman, Elektra, Spider-Woman, Arachne, She-Hulk, Black Cat, Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Emma Frost, Jubilee, Psylocke, Dagger, Wasp, Tigra, Shadowcat, Dazzler, Silver Sable, Medusa, Crystal, Polaris, Snowbird, Firestar, Mockingbird, Namorita, Magma, Misty Knight, Ronin, Moonstone, Spider-Girl, Valkyrie, Karolina Dean, Sister Grimm, Xavin,
Katie Power, Julie Power, Big Bertha, Squirrel Girl, Darkstar, Vindicator, Aurora, Songbird, Photon, Satana Hellstrom, Topaz, Jennifer Kale, Shanna The She-Devil, Enchantress,
Elsa Bloodstone, Cybermancer,

Originally posted by London mark
I would like to see this roster for MUA2.
Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Punisher, Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Thing, Ant Man, Vision, Wonderman, Falcon, Sentry, Cyclops, Ice Man, Gambit, Angel, Beast, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Shang-Chi, Cable, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange, Blade, Morbius The Living Vampire, Daredevil, Venom, Moon Knight, Namor, Black Panther,
Captain Marvel, Quasar, Gladiator, War Machine, Hawkeye, Century, Silver Surfer, Night Trasher, Speedball, Nova, Cloak, Adam Warlock, Black Bolt, Gorgon, Havok, Quicksilver, Multiple Man, Guardian, Northstar, Deathlok, Machine Man, Nightcrawler, Captain Britain,
Black Knight, Man-Thing, Werewolf by Night, Hercules, Ares, Victor Mancha, Jack Power, Franklin Richards, Door Man, Flat Man, Darkhawk, Mach-IV, Cannonball, Rictor, Shatterstar,

Ms Marvel, Invisible Woman, Elektra, Spider-Woman, Arachne, She-Hulk, Black Cat, Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Emma Frost, Jubilee, Psylocke, Dagger, Wasp, Tigra, Shadowcat, Dazzler, Silver Sable, Medusa, Crystal, Polaris, Snowbird, Firestar, Mockingbird, Namorita, Magma, Misty Knight, Ronin, Moonstone, Spider-Girl, Valkyrie, Karolina Dean, Sister Grimm, Xavin,
Katie Power, Julie Power, Big Bertha, Squirrel Girl, Darkstar, Vindicator, Aurora, Songbird, Photon, Satana Hellstrom, Topaz, Jennifer Kale, Shanna The She-Devil, Enchantress,
Elsa Bloodstone, Cybermancer,

so basically everyone then... stick out tongue

Originally posted by London mark
I would like to see this roster for MUA2.
Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Punisher, Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Thing, Ant Man, Vision, Wonderman, Falcon, Sentry, Cyclops, Ice Man, Gambit, Angel, Beast, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Shang-Chi, Cable, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange, Blade, Morbius The Living Vampire, Daredevil, Venom, Moon Knight, Namor, Black Panther,
Captain Marvel, Quasar, Gladiator, War Machine, Hawkeye, Century, Silver Surfer, Night Trasher, Speedball, Nova, Cloak, Adam Warlock, Black Bolt, Gorgon, Havok, Quicksilver, Multiple Man, Guardian, Northstar, Deathlok, Machine Man, Nightcrawler, Captain Britain,
Black Knight, Man-Thing, Werewolf by Night, Hercules, Ares, Victor Mancha, Jack Power, Franklin Richards, Door Man, Flat Man, Darkhawk, Mach-IV, Cannonball, Rictor, Shatterstar,

Ms Marvel, Invisible Woman, Elektra, Spider-Woman, Arachne, She-Hulk, Black Cat, Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Emma Frost, Jubilee, Psylocke, Dagger, Wasp, Tigra, Shadowcat, Dazzler, Silver Sable, Medusa, Crystal, Polaris, Snowbird, Firestar, Mockingbird, Namorita, Magma, Misty Knight, Ronin, Moonstone, Spider-Girl, Valkyrie, Karolina Dean, Sister Grimm, Xavin,
Katie Power, Julie Power, Big Bertha, Squirrel Girl, Darkstar, Vindicator, Aurora, Songbird, Photon, Satana Hellstrom, Topaz, Jennifer Kale, Shanna The She-Devil, Enchantress,
Elsa Bloodstone, Cybermancer,

One thing Antman?

Hmm, suppose I'll add my notes in a couple of minutes. This game was awesome, yet had a lot of room for improvement.

1. Brawling. Since you'll be fighting tons of enemies pretty m8ch 99% of the game, you'll notice that Brawlers get very boring eventually. A lack of decent combo system makes it a tad boring to be a hand to hand combatant. I really think they could've given us a couple of more combos, instead of the old trip/stun/air moves.

2. Inventory. Either improve it or ditch it, I don't think there was any REAL need for an item part in this game, not when it was so small.

3. HP. There was one thing I always thought was really weird, how Mandarin could take more than Ultimo. One thing that would make it a lot more interesting was if they actually made HP suit the characters/bosses. Give them a shield or something to make up for only having human endurance, it would be a lot more believable.

4. Character AI. Everyone who played the game knows what I'm talking about.

5. Thanos, gief.

London mark
Originally posted by Fanboy
One thing Antman?

What's up don't you like Ant Man?

Originally posted by willRules
Well I have completed the game twice now to see the alternate option to the ending I missed the first time round. On my second completion I didn't free Odin and it had that ending with Thanos. However the same ending came up with Odin speaking to Doom sad

Who says that Odin didn't escape after you left him? After you break the machine he is teleported straight away, he could have just been teleported after you left him. And because you personally didn't save him he wouldn't help you with Thanos.

Good point yes Although If that's the case I would have liked that to have been explained better yes

Originally posted by willRules
Good point yes Although If that's the case I would have liked that to have been explained better yes

if there was anything I wanted explaining is why couldn't Nightcrawler teleport out of his cage in Mephisto's realm? I went to free Jean the first time thinking he would port to saftey lol.

Originally posted by Sparkz
if there was anything I wanted explaining is why couldn't Nightcrawler teleport out of his cage in Mephisto's realm? I went to free Jean the first time thinking he would port to saftey lol.

Their powers must've been blocked somehow. They both had ways of getting out. I spent almost an hour going back and checking every crook for something that I might've missed. Didn't know I actually had to sacrifice them :/

I wouldn't mind some blood in the next game.

Originally posted by London mark
What's up don't you like Ant Man?

Well why would he be there? I mean Giant Man would be better.

London mark
Originally posted by Fanboy
Well why would he be there? I mean Giant Man would be better.

What Powers could he have as Giant Man then?

has any one noticed at the end of mua if you dont save odin when thanos takes over earth he has the infinity gauntlet on his left hand.

London mark
Did anybody else see Electro in the Villains Gallery concept art?

Other things i noticed:
Surtur can be seen in one of the bad ending epiloges if you don't find Volla's ring.

Jubilee can be seen standing next to Nightcrawler and Colossus in the first epilogue scene after the curse has been stpped.

And Angel's tombstone can be seen near Wolverine and Colossus's tombstones if you fail
to stop the curse.

London mark

London mark

London mark
What Cosmic\Horror characters would you guys like to see in the Sequel?

Sentry should be in the next game and Namor yes along with some Thunderbolts and initiative members. All the characters from the first game should still be in it yes

London mark
Can a mod please move this thread to the video game forum?

this game shold be like 140 sq miles of free roam, they shoudl incorparate all of teh teh area from teh spiderman movie games , they shoudl develop theier own Ny for certain charecters to have thier story in i.e spiderman , fantastic four

alos they shoudl make the game into different territories biuut all of teh 140 sq mile is open to teh charecter if he can get along liek sentry who can fly

charecter who can't have to make thier way to chrecters that can and ask 4 a lift , spidey coudl swing to baxter byuilding and ask 4 alift to teh savage island etc

so what i'm saying is there shoudl be about 10 mile above sea level for terriestrial chaecters such as sentry to enter( also checters that can fly need to have capped speeds ,i.e sentry who is very fast soudl only be alowwed to tope like mach 2 and can enter a mode like reflex mode where everting slows down and he can catch bullets and do multiple things at once,namor shoudl be able to top liek 300mpoph making teh travellling longer and more of a challenge, human tprch should move at 700mph , so the flying speed is prrpoertional etc)

the game shoul include urban,rural areas, also among the land there should be say 20 sq miles of explorable water,lets say atlnatis which is not open from the start to others but not namor whose story revolves around atlantis, the story mode shoudl incorpate vital parts of teh chareters comic book life,

marvel coudl do thsi , tehy coudl take a few years to craete this and work with dc who can make it for thier carecters aswell with same game engine and blueprints, this woudl bea hit

any ways there should be numerous islands ,savage island,genosha etc plenty for teh x-men and all chrecters to visit , there shoudl be variuous random crimes,and rare alien invasions , the tier of teh chraecter decides who gets involved , silver surfer shoudl be included (mach 2 for him aswell)

so all chrecters and teams should be included ,avengers,FF etc

teh environment shoudl be fully interactive, say you are playing as sentry you coudl fly into spidey's area and crusade with him on his mission and help him, you see this coudl be great for co-op over interent

there shoudl be an upgarde system that is true to charedcters ,spidey would satrt at classic levels lift 10 tons etc (there shoudl be objects above 10 tons he shoudl bo t be able to interact with but coudl barely lift;it shoudl show with teh effort teh charecter display so spidey woudl be able to upgrade form 10 ton's to 20 throughout the course of his story mode,speed shoudl be upgardable say spidey starats at able to sprint at 30 mph but goes upto 45mph by teh end of his story, wolverines healing factor upgardes, there are gyms to tarde charecters etc sentry woudl be able to inrteract with almost anything topple or rip chunks out of buildings ,lift weights greater than 100tons , catch plaees ,holind buildings upop while they collapse

there should be area for hulk say 20 miles of deserts and bases etc ,desert, he shoudl start at sprint like 100mph then go up to say 200mph , start at leaping up to 100ft then up to 200ft etc
teh potential is limitless with next gen so tehy shoudl invest a lot into this and take thier time with it , say 3 years from now they relase it they will have billions of customers who have pre-ordered it and waiting for it


Originally posted by ankur29
this game shold be like 140 sq miles of free roam, they shoudl incorparate all of teh teh area from teh spiderman movie games , they shoudl develop theier own Ny for certain charecters to have thier story in i.e spiderman , fantastic four

alos they shoudl make the game into different territories biuut all of teh 140 sq mile is open to teh charecter if he can get along liek sentry who can fly

charecter who can't have to make thier way to chrecters that can and ask 4 a lift , spidey coudl swing to baxter byuilding and ask 4 alift to teh savage island etc

so what i'm saying is there shoudl be about 10 mile above sea level for terriestrial chaecters such as sentry to enter( also checters that can fly need to have capped speeds ,i.e sentry who is very fast soudl only be alowwed to tope like mach 2 and can enter a mode like reflex mode where everting slows down and he can catch bullets and do multiple things at once,namor shoudl be able to top liek 300mpoph making teh travellling longer and more of a challenge, human tprch should move at 700mph , so the flying speed is prrpoertional etc)

the game shoul include urban,rural areas, also among the land there should be say 20 sq miles of explorable water,lets say atlnatis which is not open from the start to others but not namor whose story revolves around atlantis, the story mode shoudl incorpate vital parts of teh chareters comic book life,

marvel coudl do thsi , tehy coudl take a few years to craete this and work with dc who can make it for thier carecters aswell with same game engine and blueprints, this woudl bea hit

any ways there should be numerous islands ,savage island,genosha etc plenty for teh x-men and all chrecters to visit , there shoudl be variuous random crimes,and rare alien invasions , the tier of teh chraecter decides who gets involved , silver surfer shoudl be included (mach 2 for him aswell)

so all chrecters and teams should be included ,avengers,FF etc

teh environment shoudl be fully interactive, say you are playing as sentry you coudl fly into spidey's area and crusade with him on his mission and help him, you see this coudl be great for co-op over interent

there shoudl be an upgarde system that is true to charedcters ,spidey would satrt at classic levels lift 10 tons etc (there shoudl be objects above 10 tons he shoudl bo t be able to interact with but coudl barely lift;it shoudl show with teh effort teh charecter display so spidey woudl be able to upgrade form 10 ton's to 20 throughout the course of his story mode,speed shoudl be upgardable say spidey starats at able to sprint at 30 mph but goes upto 45mph by teh end of his story, wolverines healing factor upgardes, there are gyms to tarde charecters etc sentry woudl be able to inrteract with almost anything topple or rip chunks out of buildings ,lift weights greater than 100tons , catch plaees ,holind buildings upop while they collapse

there should be area for hulk say 20 miles of deserts and bases etc ,desert, he shoudl start at sprint like 100mph then go up to say 200mph , start at leaping up to 100ft then up to 200ft etc
teh potential is limitless with next gen so tehy shoudl invest a lot into this and take thier time with it , say 3 years from now they relase it they will have billions of customers who have pre-ordered it and waiting for it


sounds a bit like marvel universe online which is being made at the moment,for xbo 360&pc.

Starscream M
My ideas for MUA2:

Plot: The first MUA centered around Doom's quest for Odinpower. The sequel should center on Galactus quest for revenge on Marvel earth based on the events of the first game. (Thanos quest for the infinity gauntlet will be the plot for the final game of the MUA trinity)

Gameplay changes:

Level design: Since this game takes place only on earth....make a free world environment ala GTA. No more constricted and boring linear levels. Create a living and breathing world populated by the familiar icons from the comics.

Enemies: make the enemies more varied...giant robots, monsters, etc instead of just generic soldiertypes. Make the AI more realistic and smarter.

New Playable Characters: Juggernaut, Sentry, Iron Fist, Apocalypse, Cable, Gladiator, Captain Britain

Mr. Slippyfist

Galactus: "I'm going to eat your planet!"


Heroes: "We won!"


Epic game!

good graphics, normal camera view, no stupid menu sounds

gta styliiiiiieeeeeeee!!!!!! but cap would have air drops smile

iron fist
epic hulk only near end or a cheat
shang chi
super skrull would be fun
black bolt proper

no gay hold r2 shit

They really need to improve the graphics, yeah.

Originally posted by Starscream M
My ideas for MUA2:

Plot: The first MUA centered around Doom's quest for Odinpower. The sequel should center on Galactus quest for revenge on Marvel earth based on the events of the first game. (Thanos quest for the infinity gauntlet will be the plot for the final game of the MUA trinity)

Gameplay changes:

Level design: Since this game takes place only on earth....make a free world environment ala GTA. No more constricted and boring linear levels. Create a living and breathing world populated by the familiar icons from the comics.

Enemies: make the enemies more varied...giant robots, monsters, etc instead of just generic soldiertypes. Make the AI more realistic and smarter.

New Playable Characters: Juggernaut, Sentry, Iron Fist, Apocalypse, Cable, Gladiator, Captain Britain

I would totally buy free roaming game like that if it had multiplayer yes

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.