Bernie Sanders spot on

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Old Man Whirly!

‘People are tired of being ignored while the rich get richer’: Bernie Sanders on anger and hope in the US and UK

"This brings his attention back to a perennial passion – and what he wants to talk to me about: the prospects of the US labour movement. We speak over the phone, but he hits all his rousing lines with the zest of a platform rally. The thread that runs through all his answers is class politics. This is less of a novelty in progressive politics on the British side of the Atlantic – to rousing cheers at a recent Enough Is Enough rally, Lynch proclaimed: “The working class is back” – but it was long considered alien in a US that peddled a myth of classlessness. This was a politically convenient myth in a country where, Sanders notes, three rich men have more wealth than the poorest half."




Bernie's pretty damn awesome. I wish he were POTUS.

Weird world when someone is considered "radical" because they want people's taxes to be to help the same people paying the taxes as opposed to going on subsidies for corporations that do everything they can to avoid paying taxes.

Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
Weird world when someone is considered "radical" because they want people's taxes to be to help the same people paying the taxes as opposed to going on subsidies for corporations that do everything they can to avoid paying taxes. thumb up We used to call that the UK.

With wealth disparity as high in the US as it was in pre-revolutionary France, you would think something is bound to break, eventually.

I saw Bernie speak in my downtown when he was campaigning, I guess it was 2016... (shit I've kind of forgotten)..

But anyway, yeah, it was great. Cornell West was there, too.

Darth Thor


Lord Lucien
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
Weird world when someone is considered "radical" because they want people's taxes to be to help the same people paying the taxes as opposed to going on subsidies for corporations that do everything they can to avoid paying taxes. *orgasms in capitalism*

Darth Thor

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