Liz Truss resigns, becoming shortest serving Prime Minister in UK history.

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Well, she will be once a successor is chosen. She has also resigned as leader of the Conservative Party.


Originally posted by StyleTime
Well, she will be once a successor is chosen. She has also resigned as leader of the Conservative Party.


Six figures a year for life to wreck the economy. thumb up

So back to normality?

Sunak is in as Mordaunt withdraws 3 hours after her press team said she would "never withdraw". Meaning Sunak doesn't have to go to the membership for a vote which means the guy who lost the last leadership vote 6 weeks ago has "won". An increasing number of influential people in his own party are now saying a general election must be called because Sunak has no mandate to govern given he lost a leadership race such little time ago and ran unopposed this time. Those people include Zac Goldsmith,
Nadine Dorries and Sir Christopher Chope.

Me watching the Tory party implode faster than a star trying to fuse iron.


Rishi is prime minister and taking a sensible, respectable approach. He's not the king, after all.

Old Man Whirly!
Seems she had her phone hacked by the Russians as foreign secretary.

Darth Thor
I laughed how she wasnt the least bit apologetic leaving Downing Street, and instead doubled down on how she did the right thing.

Is Rishi actually already doing better? Or does it just appear that way because of the shithow that followed him?

Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by Robtard
Is Rishi actually already doing better? Or does it just appear that way because of the shithow that followed him? Just appears that way, Sunak is just a different kind of nutter.

Darth Thor
I mean its pretty difficult not to look good following Truss.

Originally posted by StyleTime
Well, she will be once a successor is chosen. She has also resigned as leader of the Conservative Party.


She's still going to be paid for the rest of her life, right? laughing out loud

Old Man Whirly!
Her mini budget cost the UK 30 billion.

We've gone from bj, to vag, to poo.

4chan joke, **** off Whirly.

Old Man Whirly!
Has anyone lost 30 billion quickly even in a nations history, that's the GDP of many countries, first the Tories ducked the UK with Brexit, then this.

Even I'm going to vote Labour.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Macklemore
Even I'm going to vote Labour.

You supported Truss !

that was before it turned out to be complete bollox! Originally posted by Darth Thor
You supported Truss !

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Macklemore
that was before it turned out to be complete bollox!

I did warn you. But you didn't want to hear it !

ass guard

Darth Thor
laughing out loud

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