Muslims opposed to LGBT curricula for their kids not bigots

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Interesting logic.

This would naturally apply to other religions (Catholics, Christians).

No, they're sexuality bigots too. If a Muslim parent(s) wants to pretend gay people don't exist for their own children, that is fine. But they should find a private school for this just like the Christians.

I'm glad I could clear that (and your own bigotry) up for you thumb up

If being lgbtq isn't a mental illness, why are so many suicidal even after affirmation?

That sounds like mental illness.

Could it be because of the stigma from the masses in society (like you) telling them that they're mental, sick, perverts, degenerates, pedophiles, damned by god, less than human etc., for being gay?

Originally posted by Robtard
Could it be because of the stigma from the masses in society (like you) telling them that they're mental, sick, perverts, degenerates, pedophiles, damned by god, less than human etc., for being gay?

PTSD is a mental illness Rob.

Any way you slice is, LGBTQ suicide rates are static regardless of environment, factors like transitioning, supportive parents ect.

No snappy come back? sad

When did you even think I was an anti lgbt bigot? I never said one stereotypically intolerant thing about the alphabets.

Not one. Who doesn't like rainbows?

You're lying again, as usual.

You can label all gay people "mentally ill", it won't change reality, as at the end of the day you're just another unemployed Rightist sucking up tax dollars while eating potato chips, playing video games, shit-posting online and masturbating to trans-women on Pornhub, who you believe are actually men.

Originally posted by Robtard
You're lying again, as usual.

You can label all gay people "mentally ill", it won't change reality, as at the end of the day you're just another unemployed Rightist sucking up tax dollars while eating potato chips, playing video games, shit-posting online and masturbating to trans-women on Pornhub, who you believe are actually men.

If I'm lying it should be easy to show your examples.

You won't, because they do not exist.

Bashar Teg
OP is a phaggot

You called them all "mentally ill" in this thread.

You have a history of shitting on gay people:

Originally posted by cdtm
At least someone is fighting against the LGBTQ menace that is corrupting our youth.

Do you think this game of yours is more, less or equally pathetic to lying to people and claiming you have cancer for sympathy posts?

Bashar Teg
Originally posted by Robtard

Do you think this game of yours is more, less or equally pathetic to lying to people and claiming you have cancer for sympathy posts?

Who was the worthless piece of degenerate garbage that did this?

Originally posted by Robtard
You called them all "mentally ill" in this thread.

You have a history of shitting on gay people:

Do you think this game of yours is more, less or equally pathetic to lying to people and claiming you have cancer for sympathy posts?

None of that is bigotry.

Bashar Teg
^was it mister clickhere]? did he pretend to have cancer for internet sympathy tokens?

Originally posted by Robtard
You have a history of shitting on gay people:

People in general, you mean.

That includes all foreigners, different religion, sexual orientation, race... the list goes on.

Ageism, ableism, antisemitism and misogony, too.

That's why the whole site put him on their ignore lists. But even without any of that hate speech, he's extremely annoying, spamming and talking to himself 24/7. Never contributing anything to the discussion.

Look when it cones to ltgbtq etc whatever any con-sequel sex between adults is fine. get your freak on as long as you're not hurting anyone.

Just don't teach grade schoolers or below about your freaky ways.

yeah exactly. dont touch kids folks.

Originally posted by FalconPaunch!
Look when it cones to ltgbtq etc whatever any con-sequel sex between adults is fine. get your freak on as long as you're not hurting anyone.


Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
People in general, you mean.

That includes all foreigners, different religion, sexual orientation, race... the list goes on.

Ageism, ableism, antisemitism and misogony, too.

That's why the whole site put him on their ignore lists. But even without any of that hate speech, he's extremely annoying, spamming and talking to himself 24/7. Never contributing anything to the discussion.

All the markings of a US President, and yet I'm not a President. 😅

Originally posted by DonnieWiseau
Dis El Stupido thanks he can run her cuntrey like Tom hanks

Worked for us so far. thumb up

Look, Adam Poe himself argued the militant demands of Trans activists for complete and unquestioned affirmations don't help anyone.

I'm not saying anyone should be shouting anti gay rhetoric or telling LGBTQ people to their faces that they don't approve of them. I AM saying if you believe anyone who doesn't embrace gay without reservation, maybe gets grossed out by it and switches the channel from two guys kissing, is a bigot, then I say you aren't a reasonable person and don't really understand human behavior.

Same for religious objections, if you think no one should ever object on religious grounds, you are arguing religion should be abolished. Piety isn't something you do half way, that includes "backwards" views on the role of women and lgbtq.

But keep hating on hateful Christians, because many Muslims are finally waking up and being politically active for their religious beliefs.

Case in point;

Can they even do that? Firing for free expression?

Well either way Canada's Prime Minister muppet is actually trying to blame White Supremacists for this. Because why not.

Not for this specifically but for Muslim parents pleading about forcing their children into sin.

In response he talked about disinformation campaigns. Because that has everything to do with Muslim parents simply believing LGBTQ is a sin.

Bashar Teg

All this threads proves is that religious extremism and the bigotry and intolerance that inevitably comes from that is bad regardless of the religion.

Also shows that the Christians and Muslims in American have another thing in common, they hate the gays. The good ones don't, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease as the saying goes.

This wasn't the intended propose of this thread of course, he thought certain people would give this intolerance a pass because Islam, the thread starter just failed as usual.

Originally posted by Robtard
All this threads proves is that religious extremism and the bigotry and intolerance that inevitably comes from that is bad regardless of the religion.

Also shows that the Christians and Muslims in American have another thing in common, they hate the gays. The good ones don't, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease as the saying goes.

This wasn't the intended propose of this thread of course, he thought certain people would give this intolerance a pass because Islam, the thread starter just failed as usual.

I happen to be VERY tolerant.

I never blame people for being taught heathen religions. And I tolerate gay, pivoted they don't ask, don't tell, and keep it to themselves.

They are unnatural and gross but I respect their right to exist. Far away from me.

Bashar Teg
Originally posted by Robtard
All this threads proves is that religious extremism and the bigotry and intolerance that inevitably comes from that is bad regardless of the religion.

Also shows that the Christians and Muslims in American have another thing in common, they hate the gays. The good ones don't, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease as the saying goes.

This wasn't the intended propose of this thread of course, he thought certain people would give this intolerance a pass because Islam, the thread starter just failed as usual.

sir, are you suggesting that OP is a phaggot?


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