RE: Darth Maul ( see details )

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Tbh I didn't like Maul coming back in TCW even before Disney. We had Savage Oppress that was...basically Maul, so I didn't see any real point. Because even if he came back, he can't really do a whole lot and the stuff he builds up, has to come crashing down around him soo....I feel like there wasn't a point to his character.

So what, you introduce this other Zabrak, who uses a double bladed lightsaber and is a Sith Apprentice....only to then just...sideline him for...that same character. You could do anything with this new Zabrak Sith Apprentice character, but you don't...ok.

He was just there, he was in a time that he just didn't belong in, he was just there for fans and yeah he did stuff, he built up a crime syndicate....but then all that fell apart anyway and he got stuck on Malachor.

I vastly prefer his EU incarnation before TCW, where his character stops at the height of his prowess at the end of TPM(because everything points to TPM being the height of his training and abilities with all the backstory to add to that) and fully solidifies Obi-Wan as a full fledged Jedi Knight.


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