Mr Majestic vs Gladiator

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Battle of the Pre-Crisis Superman clones.

Gladiator: Scion of the Shiar. He is the strongest defender of the Shiar empire, leader of the Praetorian guard. He has flown through the heart of stars, fought might foes, and is a one man engine of destruction. Invulnerable, able to move so fast he can achieve hyperspace, and can even shoot beams of energy from his eyes, super-senses. He also has the ability to resist attacks on his mind for quite some time. He is Marvel's answer to Pre-Crisis Superman, and unlike Kal-El Gladiator is a cunning warrior who uses his mind just as much as his brawn. His only weaknesses are radiation, and the fact that he gets weak if he loses faith in himself.

Mr Majestic: Kherubim warlord. He is an immortal lord of the Kherubim, alive for millenia. Willing to do whatever it takes (including killing his own teammates when he knew letting them live would lead to doom) he is exceedingly cool and calculating (like Gladiator, and unlike Superman, he uses his mind as much as his brawn). Mr Majestic has moved the entire solar system, all 9 planets, in order to save them from a planet consuming entity. He has split stars into two, and can fly from galaxy to galaxy just for the heck of it. Having strength at Pre-Crisis levels, he also has the added benefits of Kherubim warrior training, energy beams from his eyes, super-senses, and hyper speed. Furthermore he has a psionic shield that protects his mind from (just like Gladiator) psionic attacks. But he has also has limited telepathic abilities. He is Image's answer to PRe-Crisis Superman (Image was later acquired by WildStorm, which went to DC - where Mr Majestic popped up for a Crossover and whipped their heroes). His weaknesses are that he can become too cold emotionally, seeing friends as foes if it serves the greater good.

This battle is set in an abandoned solar system far from our own (both characters can survive in space, so the vacuum of space is of no ill effect). The characters are told to let it all lose. If Gladiator loses then the Shiar empire is destroyed, and Gladiator would never let that happen. If Mr Majestic loses then the Daemonites (who have been waging war against the Kherubim for millenia) win, and Khera and its billions are slaughtered. None will give an inch. Both are at Pre-Crisis Superman levels. Both are calculating warrior lords.
Who wins?

I personally think the two would fight for ages. They are both almost omnipotent in terms of sheer physical power, both have amazing wills backed by equally amazing cunning, and they have a lot at stake in the battle.
Probably the only way a winner could be declared would be if Mr Majestic plain outlived Gladiator (since Mr M is so long-lived he is for all purposes immortal. In one portrayal he is the last living thing in the universe, where he merges with another entity to create another universe with a thought - but that was millenia in the future).
Gladiator cannot be defeated when he knows the Shiar empire is at risk.
Mr Majestic cannot be defeated if he thinks it means the destruction of Khera.
I think it would be a stalemate. But i'd like to see what you guys think.

well isn't some of gladiator's origin still a mystery? for all we know he could be immortal as well (unless this has all been covered somewhere that i missed) both powerful and fully capable of killing......... i'll go with gladiator because, even though he is something of a superman clone, he is the further of the two from the original and the further the better in this case

it would be a fool's errand to side with gladiator on this one. the creaters of majestros conceded that they made him up as the direct counterpart for a pre-crisis superman. their reasoninng is that there was no one like that left in comics anymore for everyone(comic companies) somehow adopted this self imposed creed to tone down everyone's powers. so they said "F" it lets just create a guy who is guarnanteed to be more powerful than anyone he's matched up against.

so i dont see anyone other than the Presence or TOAA taking this guy down. he could prorably even give beyonder, or LT a run for thier money

I think gladiator would win. I read his bio in a marvel encyclopedia and he has so many powers that he should be able to take care of mr. majestic. I would love to see this battle though.

thor kicked the presence's ass, glad can win this

After some thought, and even though i created the thread, i think Mr Majestic would win. He has everything that Gladiator has plus extra. For example Gladiator has cunning - Majestros has that as well, but it has been honed over millenia. Gladiator has Shiar technology, Majestros has Kherubim tech, augmented by arcane spells. Gladiator is immune to some psionic attacks, Majestros is as well - plus he has limited telepathic ability. Gladitor has punched planets out of orbit, Majestros moved the whole solar system. Gladiator has flown through stars, Majestros has made a star (our sun) into a binary star.
And that whole conclusion thing, where Majestros and Hadrian are the last living things in the universe, and where they have a though 'Let There Be Light' and create a new universe - well, you do not get more powerful than that.
I think Gladiator would make a valiant showing, and the fight would last the longest time, bt Majestros would win. Even if it would be by simply outliving Gladiator.

nuh uh

Mr Majestic is Pre-Crisis Superman with better artwork. He would not be easy to hurt, let alone defeat. And unlike Gladiator (who is weakened by radiation and loss of faith), Mr Majestic's only weakness is that he can be quite cold hearted at times.
But i'd love to see this battle portrayed (and written) well.

Why 'nuh nuh.' Your reasoning please. I gave you mine, what is yours?

lol...... sorry about that, couldn't resist, the way i see it is the fights in space, they are pretty evenly matched (if the whole "mr majestic is basically superman with a different personality" thing is correct) the "limited telepathic" (or psychic) powers of majestic won't come into it as glad has defences, superman can function in space - so majestic can function in space, but superman still has to breath eventually so i assume mr M does too where gladiator does not and can even (somehow???) talk in space, so after exerting himself against an evenly matched foe majestic would soon need a breath and have to abandon the fight in the hope of finding a suitable atmosphere

about majestics feats, you don't know glad couldn't have done the same as (as far as i'm aware) they aren't things he has attempted.

and as for the immortal angle of the fight........ do you know for a fact that gladiator isn't? i don't! ......... besides, even with equal powered foes, no fight would last forever and superman has shown that someone of his level can be killed when sufficient force is used against him

it has already been said, he is pre crisis supes. when have you ever heard anybody being more powerful than precrisis superman? never thats when. in any given sitch i would pick gladiator over anybody but he is seriously outmatched here.

also maybe i just missed that crossover but when did thor and the almighty creator of the DC universe ever crossed paths?

One of the Majestic stuff i have shows him talking in space. Another has him wondering space for thousands of years before finally settling with the few remaining living entities after most of the universe has died. He has no problems with space.
As for Gladiator. Honestly the dude is just as powerful (i think both of them, when written well, are basically at Pre-Crisis Superman level without the silly stuff like sneezing away a galaxy - which is why Pre-Crisis Supes could probably beat the heck of both of them at the same time). Gadiator can do what MAjetros can, and vice-versa. And the little advantages one may have over the other are negated by other abilities.
And for all we know Gladiator may also be as long lived as Majestros (nigh immortal) - and it would be easy for Marvel to make it so next month anyways. These are comics we are talking about after all.
My reasoning on why Majestros may win is because Gladiator has two powerful weaknesses. Radiation (which, unlike the rarer Kryptonite radiation, is run of the mill and easy for Majestros to deliver), and his weakness if he loses confidence.
I do not see Gladiator losing confidence (since he would be fighting for Shiar), but what would he do about the radiation?
Anyways, bottomline i think the two are evenly matched (more so or less). I still think Mr Majestic has a definite, though slight, edge, but i am more than willing to call it a draw.

it probably would be something of a draw...... unless one of them tires easier than the other through fatigue, as for the radiation thing, well they're in deep space so unless someone drives up with a few tons of uranium or something it shouldn't matter........ so basically, i dunno

as for the preseence thing........ i have no idea who the DC creator presence is......... i thought you were talking about the marvel russian radiation guy (who is pretty powerful by planet bound villain standards)

Majestic takes this. Until a writer at Marvel comes out and says, unequivocally states that Gladiator has been alive a comparable amount of time, the clear advantage in experience must go to Majestros. Besides, where Majestic is ruthless and calculating, Gladiator is ruthless and arrogant. Arrogance is a fatal mistake when you're fighting Majestic.

Deep space is rife with radiation sources. Infact one of the main reasons why we have not attempted to travel to Mars (apart from the exorbitant costs and lack of sufficient incentive) is the fact that shielding the craft from radiation (from solar but especially deep space sources) would have to be quite thick due to the extended time duration of the trip, and with current technology that would further excarbate the cost problem, add to fuel requirements, and cause more heckling from those who think NASA is a waste of time and money.
I'm sure Majestros could grab material from a Pulsar and throw the raw radioactivity straight up Gladiator's you know what.
But anyways, i think calling it a draw would be fair (although the more i think of it the more i see Majestros winning this).

i know the whole radiation in space thing is true (i have seen star trek you know) smile , but glad travels unaided through space all the time and has, apparantly, flown through a star or stars, so i doubt it'd come into it, i think the whole "weakness to radiation" thing was just another dig at/comparison to superman and i've never read what specific radiation wavelengths affect him........ so i doubt majestic would know as he doesn't seem like the type to read marvel comics

Yeah, it's only a very specific type of radiation, something exotic enough that Gladiator routinely flies around in space without fear. I don't think Majestic will be bringing that into this fight. I think Majestic takes it on sheer power and skills.

only a fool would think that gladiator is on majestros strentgh and sheer power level. maybe his cloned son or something but thats it. no offesne to anyone of course.

glad is a superman archetype, but NOT that of a pre-crisis superman. the writers conceded that the inspiration came from silver age comics. you know...? from the eariler days like the 30's thru 50's? where ppl could move planets effortlessly, sneeze away galaxies and build fortresses in the faces of mountains with bare hands, in nano secs. yeah thats the one.

its like kicking a dead corpse already......gladiator is not weilding that kind of pre-crisis power, so just let it go ppl. i wrote the book on defending gladiator, but even i acknowledge when he's out done.

its saying much for a guy who predominatly deals with galaxie-eating entities, time bending anamoloies, would be alien conquerers who have power on a cosmic scale, and still be tagged as the most powerful being in the Wildstrom Universe.

Quick Freeze
i think Supreme would hand them both their asses!

Pffft, Supreme sucks. stick out tongue

K Von Doom
Yep, should throw in all the Superman clones... Supreme, Sentry, Hyperion, Captain Marvel... and so on.


Actually Gladiator does age, in his last encounter with Thor, he is shown to have gotten older when he was sent back in time... Supreme was images answer to Pre-Crisis Superman, and not Majestic, Supreme is 4 times stronger than Gladiator when they had that cross over. Majestic never really impressed me in his Image days, He allied himself with the now defunct group called Wildcore, and was getting his ass kicked badly by the D'rahn leader in oder to save his own life he had to resort to weapons...

I think Gladiator will choke him, unless he's gotten a whole lot stronger since his Image days.

Id give Majestic the edge because of his intelligence. He finds ways to outsmart his opponenent. Granted, Gladiator is tough and underrated, but I bet Majestic has handled worse.

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