"Star Wars" words not in the Original Trilogy.

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Had a thought and realised that the following words are not mentioned anywhere in the OT. (And some aren't in the PT either):

Tusken Raider

Any more?

Darth Subjekt
uh...are you sure that Palpatine and Tuskens arent mentioned? I could of swore that they were...but ill have to double check.


Darth Subjekt
oh yea....Ewoks werent mentioned.

Darth Traya

Boba Fett (except yelled by Han over all the music and blaster fire in ROTJ; barely make it out))
Mon Mothma
Nien Numb

- They say Sandpeople, not Tusken Raiders. The PT referes to them both ways.

Darth Subjekt
AHHH..ok thanks...i guess I just had them mixed up. not to be "captain obvious" but since other people are saying characters...

Darth Maul, Qui-gon, Jango, watto, Shmi, Jar Jar (thank god), podracer, slave, Mustafar, clone troopers....I mean the list can just go on and on.

Jedi Council...ok...but yea, thanks for that clarification.

Revan, Exar Kun, Aayla Secura..this is way to easy dude.

Captain REX
A shame that this thread is getting WTFpwnd by idiots going 'Hey, I'll put PT stuff and other things that aren't even in the movies!'

The idea is things that were IN the OT that weren't named and such.


For example, Coruscant wasn't mentioned. Nor was Han mentioned to be a Corellian. And so on.

DeVi| D0do
A lot of vehicles are never refered to by name... for example: Slave One, Y-Wing, A-Wing etc... Sandcrawler.

Is Yavin ever mentioned by name?

Salacious Crum is another one...

Captain REX
I dunno if Yavin is mentioned...

Originally posted by Captain REX
A shame that this thread is getting WTFpwnd by idiots going 'Hey, I'll put PT stuff and other things that aren't even in the movies!'

The idea is things that were IN the OT that weren't named and such.


For example, Coruscant wasn't mentioned. Nor was Han mentioned to be a Corellian. And so on. Thank you! I was about to start sticking pins in my eyes because of the stupidity of some people!

Bib Fortuna

Come to think of it, is "Tatooine" actually mentioned by name in the OT?

Lord Shadow Z
Originally posted by amity75
Come to think of it, is "Tatooine" actually mentioned by name in the OT?

Yes, Luke discusses the rendezvous as "Tatooine" to Lando at the end of ESB

That Han isn't identified as a Corellian is true, but the original poster is wrong to say Corellia isn't mentioned, and indeed were it not for the brief use of the name in ANH the whole background for that world would never have been created.

The thing that is not mentioned that has the least need to be is Mandalorian, which has forever been an EU concept.

GL liked the name Coruscant better than his own name for the world (Had Abaddon) and so nabbed it between OT and PT.

'Sith' was in the original drafts and he always said that Vader was the Dark Lord of the Sith, but never explained wehat it meant. The EU picked it up as meaning something, and then GL pretty much changed that when the PT came out and he actually used the term on-screen.

This sort of thing happens a lot, though- for example, the name 'Mace Windu' wasn't mentioned in TPM at all.

Darth Subjekt
Yea i was just being a smart ass, I know what you meant for the thread, thats why i put ewoks...i just put some PT stuff cause someone else did...oh well.

But i was serious about the slave one though...i figured they might being as wookies were supposed to be slaves of the empire, right? Or is that only EU?

Originally posted by Ushgarak
but the original poster is wrong to say Corellia isn't mentioned, and indeed were it not for the brief use of the name in ANH the whole background for that world would never have been created. When is Corellia mentioned in ANH?

"I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk-cruisers, mind you. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now."

Just testing. Well spotted wink


HAN: "Bespin. It's pretty far but I think we can make it."

(Without a functioning hyperdrive it could take decades!)

Twilight Janick
Yaddle, Queen Jamillia.

I've been needing to adjust the volume on my TV since 1983 because I've just heard bespin get mentioned by Han. Thanx Chinabing.

Tangible God
Originally posted by Twilight Janick
Yaddle, Queen Jamillia. Were they in the OT? No? Thought not?

Twilight Janick
I don't know whether did Yaddle survive the Order 66. And Queen Jamillia isn't the Queen of Naboo by ROTS.

Darth Subjekt
Yaddle was killed after TPM supposedly.

Originally posted by amity75
I've been needing to adjust the volume on my TV since 1983 because I've just heard bespin get mentioned by Han. Thanx Chinabing. You're welcome, but also try turning on the close-captioning.

Tangible God
Originally posted by Twilight Janick
I don't know whether did Yaddle survive the Order 66. And Queen Jamillia isn't the Queen of Naboo by ROTS. Yes Yaddle was killed sometime after TPM, and this is about the ORIGINAL Trilogy, not the PREQUEL.

Originally posted by amity75
Bib Fortuna
Bespin Bespin was mentioned in ESB when Han says "Bespin, it's pretty far but i think we can make it".

Oh, lol sorry about that post i just quick quoted it as soon as I saw it. Didn't know somebody had corrected him.

Ganner Rhysode
"There is a rebel base is located on the fourth moon of the planet Yavin."

Tangible God
The Executor. Mon Calamari. Rodian. Sith. Wampa. Twi'lek.

Originally posted by Captain REX
I dunno if Yavin is mentioned...

yeah it is.

Death star intercom:

"we are now approaching the planet Yavin, the rebel base is on the moon on the far side"


"Leia Organa" is never mentioned.

Tangible God
Including the DVD edition, Coruscant, and Naboo aren't mentioned.

Is Owen and Beru Lars mentioned?

Red Superfly
Originally posted by Tangible God
Including the DVD edition, Coruscant, and Naboo aren't mentioned.

Is Owen and Beru Lars mentioned?

"Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru? Uncle Owen......" - Luke when he goes back to his home after the Stormtroopers raided it.

Tangible God
Right, right. What about "Lars," then?

cain marko

Tangible God
Originally posted by cain marko
gungons This is a thread about things in the OT that weren't named.

Space Slug

Actually, to correct a post, I think Palpatine was mentioned by name, but I don't think the name Sidious was.

Palpatine was never mentioned in the OT. He was always referred to as the Emperor or "Master" by Vader.

I can't remember if Mon Mothma was ever mentioned by name.

When I first bought the emperor figure in the year 1998 and before any prequel was made it said Palpatine on the green card.

Tangible God
No, Palpatine was never called anything but MAster or the Emperor. The name was derived I believ, well after ROTJ was filmed.

And Mon Mothma was never mentioned either.

Red Superfly
Originally posted by Tangible God
No, Palpatine was never called anything but MAster or the Emperor. The name was derived I believ, well after ROTJ was filmed.

And Mon Mothma was never mentioned either.

I rememebr seeing "Emperor Palpatine" written on an action figure for the first time after watching the movies, and I was like "WTF? Thats his name?"

Tangible God
Me too actually. Lucas must have made it up all ready, just couldn't fit into the script.

I think it said his name in the novelization of ANH. It was called Star Wars, from the adventures of Luke Skywalker, I believe.

Batman no expression

Tangible God
Originally posted by DarthBanevv
I think it said his name in the novelization of ANH. It was called Star Wars, from the adventures of Luke Skywalker, I believe. Yeah I just read the novelization, his name his mentioned. Plus it said that there had been more than one emperor of the Empire.

and Bail

Also the fact that Vader was burn alive in lava wasnt mentioned, but we knew it.

Originally posted by Sans_Fi
Also the fact that Vader was burn alive in lava wasnt mentioned, but we knew it. it wasnt mentioned in the movies..only in the books
Originally posted by Council#13
Batman no expression
dude...it was for things found in the movies that werent named...

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