Sentry & Void Run The Gauntlet

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Adam Warlock
Ok. Reynolds has fully mastered his powers. And is control of himself and his spiteful and psychotic alter ego, the Void.

How far can these two make it? Can they be stopped if both are working together to their full potential? After each battle, Sentry and the Void are rejuvenated back to %100 percent.

Sentry & The Void


The Gauntlet:

1. Fantastic Four - Mr. Fantastic, Thing, Human Torch, Invisible Woman

2. Titans: Robin, Beast Boy, Wondergirl, Starfire. Cyborg, Raven, Tempest, Speedy, Kid Flash

2. X-men: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Psylocke, Archangel, Iceman, Beast, Wolverine, Havok, Polaris,

3. The Avengers: Captain America, Hercules, Wonder Man, Namor, Vision, Crystal, Quicksilver, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Thunderstrike

4. The JLA: Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern Hal, Martian Manhunter, Batman, Steel, Zatanna, Aquaman

5. Superboy Prime

6. Galactus at 75% percent power

Can they make it through? Or do they die trying?

No prep. No one knows each others powers.

Bloodlust is on.


I don't see them beating the JLA. Even if they do beat the JLA and Superboy Prime, which is unlikely, they won't get past Galactus.

they stop at galactus definately. they pass the JLA.

They get to SBP and stop.

Has it been confirmed that Sentry and Void are even two people?

That's kind of a spoiler. If you don't want to be spoiled, forget you read the first line.

Granted, they are tough. Really tough but I don't see them passing the Avengers.

Ungodly tough

Originally posted by Psyquis52
Granted, they are tough. Really tough but I don't see them passing the Avengers.

the Void alone took the Avengers, Fantastic Four, The Illuminati, the X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D; a being that the Hulk is scared to death of.

They get to Galactus and stop. Void alone will clear this entire gauntlet up to big G.

I agree that a reasonably powered Galactus would probably stop Uber Rob. If he weren't a powerful enough psi to mindwipe professor X without even thinking about it, I might give GL:Hal a chance.

Rebember, Rob Reynolds isn't a Superman clone with an evil alternate personality nemesis. He's a Mad Jim Jaspers clone who wanted to be a hero instead of get rid of heroes. The Sentry and the Void are both how he imagines Super-Heroes/Villains to be. Which is stronger/dominant seems to depend on how Rob feels about himself. So far however, their only limits seem to be Rob's imagination.

Originally posted by Laminator_X
I agree that a reasonably powered Galactus would probably stop Uber Rob. If he weren't a powerful enough psi to mindwipe professor X without even thinking about it, I might give GL:Hal a chance.

Rebember, Rob Reynolds isn't a Superman clone with an evil alternate personality nemesis. He's a Mad Jim Jaspers clone who wanted to be a hero instead of get rid of heroes. The Sentry and the Void are both how he imagines Super-Heroes/Villains to be. Which is stronger/dominant seems to depend on how Rob feels about himself. So far however, their only limits seem to be Rob's imagination. Rob isn't a superman clone, but his vision of Sentry is. Everything about Sentry is a direct Superman ripoff.

Murda Mase
Originally posted by Juntai
Rob isn't a superman clone, but his vision of Sentry is. Everything about Sentry is a direct Superman ripoff.

Not his psychic powers or his long flowing golden hair.

He either gets stopped at 4,5, or 6.

Superboy Prime
I don't really see them getting past the JLA. It won't be easy for the JLA though.

Originally posted by Juntai
Rob isn't a superman clone, but his vision of Sentry is. Everything about Sentry is a direct Superman ripoff.

One get's the idea that Rob read Action Comics growing up. Just the same, the set up for this bout is "Rob has fully mastered his powers." I don't think the Sentry could beat-up Superboy Prime necessarily, but one touch from the Void's Infini-Tendrils and he's done.

Sir Whirlysplat
We simply don't know What Sentry or the Void is yet and I have everything so far he has appeared in.

Murda Mase
LOL Why'd you name yourself Princess Diana?

Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
We simply don't know What Sentry or the Void is yet and I have everything so far he has appeared in. I've read all of his mini, and the first storyarc of the New Avengers, and everytime he is "Sentry", he's just.. Superman. Which is why it bugs me about people thinking "Sentry" is cool, and Superman isn't, when he's probably pound for pound more of a play on Supes than even Gladiator is.

Mr. Valentine
still, i like sentry, and i dont like superman..its all about personal preference really, some people really hate supes and some like him.

Originally posted by Mr. Valentine
still, i like sentry, and i dont like superman..its all about personal preference really, some people really hate supes and some like him. But disregarding the human side and the void, the actual "Sentry" character IS Superman. It IS him, to a T. Just blonde. He married a Linda, pretty much every alternate version of Superman marries another L named woman. Lois, Lana, Lorana, you name it. Big S symbol? Check. Weight of the world on his shoulders? Check. Superdog? Check. Cheesey classic outfit? Check. Or as seen in Sentry issue 6 "Faster than a speeding bullet"? Check. Labeled as a threat to everything just by existing? Check. It IS Superman.

Mr. Valentine
so? you cant have sentry without the human side and the void thats what makes him a good character

Mr. Valentine
no, the sentry's dog is alot cooler than krypto, hes small and cute lol.. and no superman cannot have a monoply on having the world on his shoulders that can be held by anyone with big responsibilites. and every golden age character had cheesy coustumes, the L so lets say iron man goes out and marries a woman called lorraine does that make him a copy? yeah the bullet thing was satirical in manner they did that on purpose and yeah the threat thing isnt just reserved for superman it can go to anyone thought to be..

Originally posted by Mr. Valentine
no, the sentry's dog is alot cooler than krypto, hes small and cute lol.. and no superman cannot have a monoply on having the world on his shoulders that can be held by anyone with big responsibilites. and every golden age character had cheesy coustumes, the L so lets say iron man goes out and marries a woman called lorraine does that make him a copy? yeah the bullet thing was satirical in manner they did that on purpose and yeah the threat thing isnt just reserved for superman it can go to anyone thought to be.. Please, it's quite obvious, don't even bother defending it. Everything about the "Sentry" part of the character is direct ripoff of everything Superman. I only named a few instances.

Mr. Valentine
does it bloody matter though?? its one aspect of a character, there are totally different parts of the character that make the whole thing idependent from the typical superman

It might be the reason why Sentry is Sentry that people find cool. Superman isn't a splintered personality of a schizophrenic with undefined but seemingly enormous psionic powers.

People like crazies with big powers hence Dark Phoenix. And Parallax. And Wolverine.

Originally posted by Mr. Valentine
does it bloody matter though?? its one aspect of a character, there are totally different parts of the character that make the whole thing idependent from the typical superman I agree, and that's why I've been reading it thus far. Halfway decent art, and an interesting story.

Once it all clears up though, I'm sure Sentry will become just a Superman though. Void Free.

Mr. Valentine
we will see shifty shifty we will see

Murda Mase
I'd like to see Superman take off into outer space with a villian in hand and rip him apart.

Thats what makes Sentry so much cooler then Superman.

The guy will most likely stop at 4 or 5 but i'd just say 5. He hasn't done anything that SBP can't do easier physically and considering he just took a bloodlusted magic punch from BA i'd say he stomps Sentry.

Murda Mase
His psychic powers would stop SBP.

I think he'd make all the way through.

Originally posted by Superherovandal
The guy will most likely stop at 4 or 5 but i'd just say 5. He hasn't done anything that SBP can't do easier physically and considering he just took a bloodlusted magic punch from BA i'd say he stomps Sentry. You mean like break every single bone in the Hulk's body in less than 60 seconds like the Void did?

Originally posted by Murda Mase
His psychic powers would stop SBP.

I think he'd make all the way through.

He wouldn't even get passed 4 or 5 let alone the whole thing. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Originally posted by batdude123
He wouldn't even get passed 4 or 5 let alone the whole thing. roll eyes (sarcastic) Yet the Void had every hero and villian in the MU quaking at his coming?

Originally posted by BlaqChaos
Yet the Void had every hero and villian in the MU quaking at his coming?

That's the Marvel Universe and 4 is the JLA and 5 is Superboy Prime. stick out tongue

Originally posted by batdude123
That's the Marvel Universe and 4 is the JLA and 5 is Superboy Prime. stick out tongue Still doesn't answer the question of if SBP can break every last single bone in the Hulk's body in less than 60 seconds.

Originally posted by BlaqChaos
Still doesn't answer the question of if SBP can break every last single bone in the Hulk's body in less than 60 seconds.

probably could seeing as he punched out of the Phantom Zone, an inescapable dimensional prison. and speedblitzed the Flash and moved planets like chess pieces literally.

Dynamic One
Would someone give a defintion of psionic powers. The limits of abilities if any. I think Sentry has a good shot at getting to Prime then stalemating, I can only say stalemate and not beat because Prime is a suped up super and very incalcuable. Sentry is likewaise immeasurable, but only because we don't know what he can do yet. So i say he whomps, smashes super kirby knock out pwn, ( xx)C--(__)D, the JLA.

Originally posted by Dynamic One
Would someone give a defintion of psionic powers. The limits of abilities if any.
Psionic powers can almost be anything but it tends to represent powers like telepathy, astral projection, empathy but can branch off into teleportation and telekinesis which can open up all kinds of possibilities.

Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Ok. Reynolds has fully mastered his powers. And is control of himself and his spiteful and psychotic alter ego, the Void.

How far can these two make it? Can they be stopped if both are working together to their full potential? After each battle, Sentry and the Void are rejuvenated back to %100 percent.

Sentry & The Void


The Gauntlet:

1. Fantastic Four - Mr. Fantastic, Thing, Human Torch, Invisible Woman

2. Titans: Robin, Beast Boy, Wondergirl, Starfire. Cyborg, Raven, Tempest, Speedy, Kid Flash

2. X-men: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Psylocke, Archangel, Iceman, Beast, Wolverine, Havok, Polaris,

3. The Avengers: Captain America, Hercules, Wonder Man, Namor, Vision, Crystal, Quicksilver, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Thunderstrike

4. The JLA: Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern Hal, Martian Manhunter, Batman, Steel, Zatanna, Aquaman

5. Superboy Prime

6. Galactus at 75% percent power

Can they make it through? Or do they die trying?

No prep. No one knows each others powers.

Bloodlust is on.


They stop at 6.And I would not be surprised if they can clear the gauntlet

seriously why does everyone think that they stand a chance against Galactus beyond Spidey's word. Seriously i think that is a load of bull. I see them stopping at SBP.

If we ARE talking about potential here...

Wasn't SBP referenced to being more powerful than Anti Moniter? That would put him into high cosmic range as is. And 75% Galactus is speculatory, as no one really knows how powerful Galactus can potentially get. He could be Eternity's equal at 100%, or he could basically be the same as he is after eating a planet. There's never been an instance of him without the drain on his energy caused by Abraxas, so we really don't know.

Anyhoo, Reynold's is a beast, if he could use his powers. Wasn't it revealed that Sentry is actually a creation of the Void, and not vice versa? The entire thing has me kinda confused. Potentially though, Reynolds probably COULD be a pretty powerful cosmic being, but he's way the hell too crazy.

Originally posted by Superherovandal
seriously why does everyone think that they stand a chance against Galactus beyond Spidey's word. Why? Because (IIRC) Spidey said that he stalemated Galactus, not that he could stalemate Galactus. Which implies that it was something he actually did.

Originally posted by BlaqChaos
Why? Because (IIRC) Spidey said that he stalemated Galactus, not that he could stalemate Galactus. Which implies that it was something he actually did. But on the same note, Superman defeated Imperiex and the wrestled down Azmodel.

But when it's shown on panel, it goes down a little different.

seriously what does Spidey know about the cosmics? Sentry could have just used his psionic power to put a memory in his head that made him say that.

"The Sentry's abilities derive from an experimental serum that creates a phase-shift in his molecules, causing each atom to step an instant ahead of the current time line. The serum induces a photosynthetic reaction, resulting in a hyper state of consciousness. The Sentry's powers are derived from a serum which causes his molecules to step an instant ahead of the current time line. Though most of his powers and their limits are still unknown, examples he has demonstrated so far are super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability, and flight. He can also project energy fields, control light, and has vast psychic and mental forces mainly used for holding his physical powers together, though it is not yet known whether the Sentry can use them the way Professor X and other psychics use theirs; the only psychic abilities he had displayed so far is implanting his memories inside Paul Jenkins' mind and calming the fury of the Hulk. It may be theorized that the Sentry also has the ability to produce hard-light constructs similar to those of Dazzler's when it was revealed that the Void is a just an expression of his repressed persona, and thus his creation. With the people dubbing The Sentry as the world's most powerful superhero, and with the serum causing a photosynthetic reaction to his body, completely altering his state of consciousness, it is nonetheless conceivable that Sentry's powers are limitless, and may even rival those of the Silver Surfer's and Phoenix's. He has very similar powers to Gladiator and Hyperion. In effect, the Sentry's powers are seemingly limitless."

seriously if they rival SS they couldn't possibley rival Phoenix's as Phoenix is more powerful than Galactus who is eons ahead of SS in power. and is said MAY even. MAY being the key word.

Actually, SBP ended up being a total wuss. Conner was able to draw blood and send him reeling with his punches. I don't think it would be trouble for the two to take on (providing the two are not one). Now, let me give you my view on the Sentry. The Void is more than likely NOT what created the Sentry. The Void is the doubting part of his mind, the part that keeps him powerless. In a way, it's everything that Sentry isn't. Sentry, in Robert's mind, is a powerful, caring Superhero that the people love, while The Void constantly keeps him down. I think that the increase in his powers, and the power of his mind may have strenthed everything, even this seemingly alter ego that he has dubbed "The Void." If you notice in the latest New Avengers, one talk from the Void nearly depowers Sentry, which is nuts. So, who is what is still to be seen, but that's my theory.

seriously the whole fight between SB and SBP was a homage to SB before he died. They didn't want SB to look completely worthless before he died. I mean he took a magic punch from a bloodlusted Black Adam with no effect on SBP yet a punch from SB draws blood. ITs kinda obvious.

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