Question about anime on Adult Swim/Cartoon Network

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Do they keep the original openning animation and theme song. Or do they butcher it like they did for Escaflowne when it aired? What about the ending?

Blue nocturne
Originally posted by Sai1
Do they keep the original openning animation and theme song. Or do they butcher it like they did for Escaflowne when it aired? What about the ending?
I think they cut the ending short, I know they did it for evangelion.

Adult Swim Guy
ya and what is up with the show's pee'wee's play house and shit?

Originally posted by Adult Swim Guy
ya and what is up with the show's pee'wee's play house and shit?

rofl, i know i saw commmercials for pee wees play house coming, but i thoiught it was a joke, but there it is right b4 family guy, but i suppose these r the guys who brought u robot chicken, i mean, look at there crap there throwing out, morel orel wtf is taht, ok, take my word for it, dont put much thought into it, what was this thread about oh yah...i wouldnt have a clue if they butcher it lolz

Originally posted by Adult Swim Guy
ya and what is up with the show's pee'wee's play house and shit?

You know Adult Swim's random like that. It's part of there coolness and stupidity! lol Yep! That's AS for ya...Originally posted by Sai1
Do they keep the original openning animation and theme song. Or do they butcher it like they did for Escaflowne when it aired? What about the ending?

And I think they don't keep it all the time 'cause from what I hear there were a more than just two openings for FMA. And they showed the entire song for the first ending of FMA only once! And that was when they repeated the entire series! Which is strange. Now we know that ending was always cut short.

hmmm,sounds like they did that kinda cool, and i think that, the peewees playhouse, makes it so u want to see family guy even more, lol

Black Adam
Originally posted by sailormoon

And I think they don't keep it all the time 'cause from what I hear there were a more than just two openings for FMA. And they showed the entire song for the first ending of FMA only once! And that was when they repeated the entire series! Which is strange. Now we know that ending was always cut short.

The reason they only showed two openings is because they made some sort of deal with the artist of those songs to promote it...... at least thats what I heard..

but yeah ending themes are usually cut short.

from what ive seen, most endings themes arnt that it doesnt matter to me

You remind me of SamuraiSquirrel...

samurai squirrel?? who or what is that??

Kayne Archeron
they do that sometimes, they did with the end credits to Samurai Champloo (awesome show btw.... I'M AMERICAN! YANKEE DOODLE! XD)

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