Cyclops Vs Starfire

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Midtown Manhattan.
No prep.

Cyclops. master strategist on the battlefield in real time during a fight. after this fight, you will call cyke the redheads rider. he gona ride that redhead hard.


she's essentially a superhuman version of him. the edge he has though is in quickdraw. she needs to aim and fore with her hands. he can get off a ko'ing shot much quicker and more precisely if we look at some of his higher end feats.

if she can manage to dodge or block or avoid being ko'd at the outset, i'd give her a solid majority. interesting thread.

I think she might be able to take a hit from him better than he could from her.
That said i'm still undecided.

Zack M
Probably Starfire. Faster, stronger, and just as powerful energy output.

I was thinking that after i posted. Strength, durability, flight advantage, warrior training...this is a great challenge for Cyclops, really.

Zack M
Forgot about durability. She's been tagged by bricks and energy manipulators (her sister for one) in the past and has managed to not get KO'd.

Scott is a "Master Strategist"???

Since when did "Imma Hit It Wif Muh Punch Luhzer" become a STRATEGY......much less a Master One?

Originally posted by Zack M
Probably Starfire. Faster, stronger, and just as powerful energy output.
Probably?! WTF? Starfire every single time.

Originally posted by Flyattractor
Scott is a "Master Strategist"???

Since when did "Imma Hit It Wif Muh Punch Luhzer" become a STRATEGY......much less a Master One?

if you cant agree that cyclops is a great field leader and strategist, you need to check him out during the x men battles. he manage to fight, throw around orders and come up with strategies and plans to overcome the foe. he is the glue that held the x men many times thruought hard fights.

Originally posted by leonidas
she's essentially a superhuman version of him. the edge he has though is in quickdraw. she needs to aim and fore with her hands. he can get off a ko'ing shot much quicker and more precisely if we look at some of his higher end feats.

if she can manage to dodge or block or avoid being ko'd at the outset, i'd give her a solid majority. interesting thread.

With her speed, she "should" be able to dodge even a GOML blast. Scott's still limited to his range of vision, and Starfire could just keep directly above his head. Like teasing a dog with a biscuit. wink

Plus, can't Starfire shoot eye beams too?

Originally posted by Dareangel
if you cant agree that cyclops is a great field leader and strategist, you need to check him out during the x men battles. he manage to fight, throw around orders and come up with strategies and plans to overcome the foe. he is the glue that held the x men many times thruought hard fights.

He's absolutely a master strategist.

Won't do him a lot of good in a random.encounter, though.

Originally posted by Dareangel
if you cant agree that cyclops is a great field leader and strategist, you need to check him out during the x men battles. he manage to fight, throw around orders and come up with strategies and plans to overcome the foe. he is the glue that held the x men many times thruought hard fights.

So he is at his best when he has other characters with better powers then his to boss around?

Yeah sounds like a Marvel Comic.

Originally posted by leonidas
he can get off a ko'ing shot much quicker and more precisely if we look at some of his higher end feats.

Like when he KO'd Emma in her amped diamond form.

Originally posted by Flyattractor
So he is at his best when he has other characters with better powers then his to boss around?

Yeah sounds like a Marvel Comic.

he is good on his own as well. the thing with cyclops is that he is fighting while adapting and planning.

Originally posted by cdtm
He's absolutely a master strategist.

Won't do him a lot of good in a random.encounter, though.
I dont think so either.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Like when he KO'd Emma in her amped diamond form.


She's at least, what, Luke Cage level? Maybe closer to Colossus?

Originally posted by cdtm

She's at least, what, Luke Cage level? Maybe closer to Colossus?

yeah, but i'm not talking about a massive blast. i was thinking much more likely would be a direct and focused beam at her head which would almost for sure ko her, or hurt her enough that he could finish her off.

she's superior to him in all ways EXCEPT one: the speed at which she can get off an attack. and in this forum style match, that could well be the deciding factor. he'd have almost no chance if she can somehow avoid or weather the first hit. if we're using cyke at his best though, hard to find a way for her to do that given some of the ridiculous, bullseye-esque shots he's made. her speed edge wouldn't be enough to get off the shpt before he sees and fires at what is essentially light speed. she'd likely have to simply take the hit and withstand it. she MIGHT, but i'm more inclined to think a focused head shot ko's her or nearly does so. i might be able to see a situation where there's a double ko possibly.

put them in locations they can't see each other to start and she kills him, easily, every time.

His blasts arent light speed.

Anyway, i think an "environment" scenario'd favor Cyclops MORE than a featureless environment; Cyclops can make angled shots better than most anyone, while SF's blasts are fairly straightforward.
As for Cyke at his best, SF at hers is then opposite him. She has speed and flight to make all but his most powerful attacks not as potent.

huh? of course they're light speed. pretty sure it's been stated as such several times in x-titles.... pr? the device through which the eye beam is fired isn't instantaneous however, so there is a bit of 'lag time' from thought to energy output, but it's pretty inconsequential on the whole and would be applicable (or helpful) only to a few people with speeds that could take advantage of the tiny lag. she's fast, but she isn't that fast. and even at her best she isn't tanking a focused beam to her head.

The lightspeed thing is bollocks, tbh.

Narration even calls it light speed a couple of times, but it just doesn't fit with a vast majority of the showings in comics.

okay then, i'll take your word for it. funny, i've read a lot of x-stuff and just always assumed it was the case.

i still have a hard time not seeing him winning a quickdraw, but riv, maybe you have a point. /shrug

Oh, he's faster on the draw than she is. And i'd say he has far better aim too.

On that I agree.

Her best bet is to fly straight up as fast as she can, then go evasive. (Again, crinking your head at odd angles in the sky is a lot harder to do then aiming at ground level.)

What's her top flight speed? If it's hypersonic or above, she has a really good shot at the bell if she fights smart..

Zack M
She can go FTL in space. She was casually faster than a jet.

Originally posted by leonidas
okay then, i'll take your word for it. funny, i've read a lot of x-stuff and just always assumed it was the case.

i still have a hard time not seeing him winning a quickdraw, but riv, maybe you have a point. /shrug
Thanks. Just nit picking, really.

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