attention non americans!

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some of us americans find it offensive to be called yankees, no offense to people, but thats what we call northerners, thanks for your time.

one more thing, just cause we live in texas doesn't mean we are your bullshit stereo typical tractor driving hicks, i have never even seen a farm in my life i kid you not, i've been to the woods, but no farm also dallas is the 9th most populated city in the world, and its bigger than rhode island!

That was pointless, Legion. Although I do agree. I've never been north of the Mason-Dixon line. I'm no damn yankee.

neither am I....I'm just a regular girl from Texas but I HATE being called a hick or redneck.

Because I can
you guys actually get called that? wow.

damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him.

Originally posted by Because I can
you guys actually get called that? wow.

yup because I say...yup yall and I have a country slang from hell

Silence, yanks!

Because I can
Oh, i say ya'll and i'm from down under big grin and goddam proud of it

Originally posted by Because I can
Oh, i say ya'll and i'm from down under big grin and goddam proud of it

I get made fun of for saying it all the time.

@Because i can: You should be, we all should be, YALL should be! i say Yall all the time, nobody cares where i come from, not likes it matters or nothing. you don't lose youre jobs cuz of it.

Because I can
That sucks balls... cant people respect you?

do proper wogs not like being called wogs by non wogs?

Racist! sneaky2

On a serious note: I've never been or called anybody a Yankee.

wogs? well, black peope don't like to be called *******, and i don't do it, if you did i doubt you would live to regret it, but y'know we respect them and they respect us for what limited respect that they give...

Because I can
i aint calling NO ONE a ****** (tis bad)

i hate being called a kiwi.. when i'm Aussie

i won't call you an aussie, but i will imitate your accent out of jealousy, did get a hot girls number with yalls accent, you guys are a gift of god...


Because I can
New Zealander (we call them kiwis... like the english are the pommy's .. from pommy land big grin)

our accent .. is hot stick out tongue

got that right, i got some at the movie theature, thanks to you... and your kind, haha, i owe you one bud.

Whatever, you incestuous yankees.

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him. HEY!


Us Canadians do NOT call you Yankees

You say damn Canadian one more time and I WILL start calling you a Yankee!

DO YOU HEAR ME??!! mad

Originally posted by Because I can
Oh, i say ya'll and i'm from down under big grin and goddam proud of it Yeh, well i'm from up North and i'm DAMN well proud of it too!

congratulations, rich bastard, haha jk....or am i?

what? shouldn't you guys be hangin' out at some Rodeo or indulge in a bar brawl while listenin' to Garth Brooks? o_O

Originally posted by RogerRamjet
what? shouldn't you guys be hangin' out at some Rodeo or indulge in a bar brawl while listenin' to Garth Brooks? o_O


yes, but we'd rather drink tea and converse on the latest in the hitler youth camp....(racial german statment)

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
congratulations, rich bastard, haha jk....or am i? Rich Bastard? RICH BASTARD?!!

That's better stick out tongue

hahah, well i will say this...the south will rise again, only to be felled once more.

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
hahah, well i will say this...the south will rise again, only to be felled once more. And then rise again..and fall..rise..fall..r..f..".".."."...

Duh. And it's going to be the grits. Watch out for them, they'll be the traitors that foil you never-would-be Empire.

and the carpetbaggers, and nazi's joining forces to once again start an evil empire forging rings to--- wait is that lord of the rings?

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
and the carpetbaggers, and nazi's joining forces to once again start an evil empire forging rings to--- wait is that lord of the rings? All under the leadership of Saurhitler erm

or saurlyssese S. Grant...

Nah, their leader is going to be good ol' Dubya. Once his presidential term is over, he's going to try to find another way to take over the planet. Like the Brain, from Pinky and the Brain.

well, george isn't going to turn evil, because his dad has enlarged his ears so that he can hear every word his son thinks..

Alpha Centauri
Oh this is brilliant, an American calling out others on historical inaccuracies.

The irony is overwhelming, considering most Americans probably couldn't completely pass a world geography exam. I'm basing that on the overwhelming amount of Americans who know next to nothing about Europe outside of books, and next to nothing about English history. The overwhelming amount of Americans that don't own passports, don't want to own passports and never have owned passports.


Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
some of us americans find it offensive to be called yankees, no offense to people, but thats what we call northerners, thanks for your time.

big grin The K.Diddy care factor! big grin

= 0

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Oh this is brilliant, an American calling out others on historical inaccuracies.

The irony is overwhelming, considering most Americans probably couldn't completely pass a world geography exam. I'm basing that on the overwhelming amount of Americans who know next to nothing about Europe outside of books, and next to nothing about English history. The overwhelming amount of Americans that don't own passports, don't want to own passports and never have owned passports.

your not from america, nor do you have proof of this... and you are making this up, and lets see, oh yeah soccer fan or should i say futbol... this is a fun forum...chill the **** out dude!

historical innaccuracis, what kinda dickhead are you, what do you think WWII was about i lost my grandfather in that war and all you can say is oops germany was alseep, we never really went to war with you guys...

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Oh this is brilliant, an American calling out others on historical inaccuracies.

The irony is overwhelming, considering most Americans probably couldn't completely pass a world geography exam. I'm basing that on the overwhelming amount of Americans who know next to nothing about Europe outside of books, and next to nothing about English history. The overwhelming amount of Americans that don't own passports, don't want to own passports and never have owned passports.

-AC Oh no. The scholar decides to grace us with his untold wisdom and self righteous posts. All hail the man who knows all. roll eyes (sarcastic)
Have a laugh for once you f*cking stick in the mud.

hahahaha! BURNT and the first and only time you will hear me say this PWNAGE!

Kai Lein
pointless thread. The term 'yankee' has not been used in ages. I dont know who the hell yo are, but dhit like this gets us americans messed with. so i seriously suggest you shut it. The terms 'redneck, hic, hillbilly, etc. are used yes, but i do not believe they are found offinsive.... If you want to start fights for america, do it in your own damn hometown, not where the entire world can go to see. I do not find any race, country, etc. in deserving of being called different names. Things like this piss me off, sorry if wasted your time, but this entire post is the truth.

hey if we call you all yanks, then thats our choice.

As far as i know lots of countries calls people from the states yanks.
And you may not be some redneck or whatever you call it , but heck U SURE DO sound like one in person. Well generally.

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
some of us americans find it offensive to be called yankees, no offense to people, but thats what we call northerners, thanks for your time.

Well, the same way you are singling out North Americans as being Yanks, I would add that both North and South American continents dont appreciate that USA citizens, like yourself, like to be classified as the only Americans.

All other Americans are from Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay,Venezuela, French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique.

I just thought you should know that, unless you already do.

Oh yeah ; as EB White said:

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.

To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.

To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.

To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.

And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

-Tired Hiker-
Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
some of us americans find it offensive to be called yankees, no offense to people, but thats what we call northerners, thanks for your time.

one more thing, just cause we live in texas doesn't mean we are your bullshit stereo typical tractor driving hicks, i have never even seen a farm in my life i kid you not, i've been to the woods, but no farm also dallas is the 9th most populated city in the world, and its bigger than rhode island!

I used to get pissed when poeple made fun of Americans, but the thing is, many people do not understand that many Americans are actually really cool, down to earth people, like me! So, next time you American haters want to hate on us, just remember, guys like me are American! So there, that should make you love us! happy

I've never called an American a Yankeeconfused

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him. Well fromm what ive seen no bosdy seems to like america because you a full of yourselves and are a bunch do i put this......jerks, i have saw lots and i actualy think you are nicer than people think. big grin

I didn't think anyone would actually take his post seriously. Try reading his posts out loud, they sound so...ignorant.

I wouldn't be surprised if his role model was Larry the Cable Guy.

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him.
Hmmm,your doin the same thing right know you ****ing American. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him.

Typical American. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
some of us americans find it offensive to be called yankees, no offense to people, but thats what we call northerners, thanks for your time.

one more thing, just cause we live in texas doesn't mean we are your bullshit stereo typical tractor driving hicks, i have never even seen a farm in my life i kid you not, i've been to the woods, but no farm also dallas is the 9th most populated city in the world, and its bigger than rhode island! whatever, America is known to be the most stereotyping country against others. Pisses me off alot. and ignorant roll eyes (sarcastic)

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him.

Yeah, I heard you rebelled cause you to keep your Black Slaves......damn rednecks you.

Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
your not from america, nor do you have proof of this... and you are making this up, and lets see, oh yeah soccer fan or should i say futbol... this is a fun forum...chill the **** out dude!

historical innaccuracis, what kinda dickhead are you, what do you think WWII was about i lost my grandfather in that war and all you can say is oops germany was alseep, we never really went to war with you guys...

Firstly it's "You're". Second, those are actual facts, by the way. Try not typing in a blind rage and maybe you'll summon some kind of post worth having a laugh with.

Originally posted by Valharu
Oh no. The scholar decides to grace us with his untold wisdom and self righteous posts. All hail the man who knows all.
Have a laugh for once you f*cking stick in the mud.

Oh I'm having a laugh, believe me. At your expense, but I'm having one. This is hilarious stuff.


lord xyz
Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
some of us americans find it offensive to be called yankees, no offense to people, but thats what we call northerners, thanks for your time.

one more thing, just cause we live in texas doesn't mean we are your bullshit stereo typical tractor driving hicks, i have never even seen a farm in my life i kid you not, i've been to the woods, but no farm also dallas is the 9th most populated city in the world, and its bigger than rhode island! how do you think we feel? Every country has a different name for the English laughing out loud

And the term Yankee came from New York

Agreed, AC. I may not like being called a Yankee, but this is hilarious. Legion, I hope you realize that making an idiot of yourself like this is just going to get you called a Yankee more.


lord xyz

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Firstly it's "You're". Second, those are actual facts, by the way. Try not typing in a blind rage and maybe you'll summon some kind of post worth having a laugh with.

Oh I'm having a laugh, believe me. At your expense, but I'm having one. This is hilarious stuff.

-AC Too late hero. You've been dusted and binned. And I look forward to your (must have the last word because "I'M educated) reply.

Please explain to us how has he been 'dusted and binned'.

Damn Yankees. Wasting everybody's time. disgust

Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by Valharu
Too late hero. You've been dusted and binned. And I look forward to your (must have the last word because "I'M educated) reply.

No, go on. I actually wish to hear how I've been dusted and binned. All you did was come on and tell me to have a laugh, prior to calling me a stick in the mud.

I've endured worse here, so please. Indulge me. This isn't a last word thing, because if you reply and answer my question, I won't need to reply to you again.


lord xyz
the thing about americans are they have no idea what anything is. They are kings of PETA, College, Creationism, Abstinence, alternative medicines, and especially conspiracies. laughing out loud there's so much ignorance, when confronted, all you can do is laugh.

Not all of us are as ignorant as you think we are, although I must admit that there is overwhelming evidence that a good portion of our population is fairly stupid and unable to find their own country on a map.

Alpha Centauri
I wouldn't go that far, and they're not all ignorant. They're just not a naturally curious nation, or at least not ones to act upon their curiousity.

Most of the American population don't own passports. America is a giant cultural and corporate juggernaut, they don't need to look outside of it. Everything they'll ever want, need, or be told that they want and need, is inside of it.


lord xyz
Originally posted by Dawson
Not all of us are as ignorant as you think we are, although I must admit that there is overwhelming evidence that a good portion of our population is fairly stupid and unable to find their own country on a map. yeah I know laughing out loud some say it's Russia because it's the biggest.

disclaimer: I don't hate Americans, I hate America. big grin

Originally posted by Dawson
Not all of us are as ignorant as you think we are, although I must admit that there is overwhelming evidence that a good portion of our population is fairly stupid and unable to find their own country on a map.

Don't forget fat.

Stupid and Fat.

That's where America is at.

lord xyz
Originally posted by Bloigen
Don't forget fat.

Stupid and Fat.

That's where America is at. actually you're wrong. In America you're rather

Super Anorexic or Super Fat
Super Dumb or Super Smart
Super Poor or Super Rich

but, that's Capitalism for ya. roll eyes (sarcastic)

I agree. I love my country, but I don't like being constantly surrounded by idiots. It gets quite annoying. I was in a geography class once where a girl thought that Alaska was southwest of mainland US because it's often in an inset there. I know people who think that Australia is in the Caribbean and that the Yucatan peninsula is in Arkansas. I have personal experience with American idiots.

Alpha Centauri
One of my American friends just the other day asked me if Wales was in England, under the impression that it was.



Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
I wouldn't go that far, and they're not all ignorant. They're just not a naturally curious nation, or at least not ones to act upon their curiousity.

Most of the American population don't own passports. America is a giant cultural and corporate juggernaut, they don't need to look outside of it. Everything they'll ever want, need, or be told that they want and need, is inside of it.


I, for one, love to travel. I have a passport, and I use it. I am going to England and Spain both next summer where I hope to put the Spanish that I desperately try to learn to use.

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
One of my American friends just the other day asked me if Wales was in England, under the impression that it was.



Agreed. Many Americans are not, shall we say, the brightest of people. I'm lucky, for the most part, in the fact that I am able to surround myself with smarter people.

Alpha Centauri
It's not even that they're not bright, the girl herself is actually pretty smart in many areas, and that shocked me.

It's just ignorance, pure ignorance. I suppose one could argue successfully that ignorance is also stupidity.

Where in England are you travelling to?


lord xyz
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
One of my American friends just the other day asked me if Wales was in England, under the impression that it was.


-AC laughing

I believe that I'm staying in or near London, and most of the week is planned in advance, to my dismay, but as far as I know I will have a day or two when I will be able to do what I want. I'll probably go to see my aunt who lives there, but I'm not certain exactly where she lives. erm

Alpha Centauri
I'm not one to make crass generalisations about Americans, unless of course they happen to be true, or unless I'm joking.

Most Americans are so fascinated by England and the English, purely because they have zero idea of what it's I'm sure most of them still believe King Arthur and his knights are roaming ancient forests somewhere. Though ironically, in this rabid and blind appreciation, they tend to treat England like some cute, modern day curiousity. As opposed to the historically rich country that it is.

Originally posted by Dawson
I believe that I'm staying in or near London, and most of the week is planned in advance, to my dismay, but as far as I know I will have a day or two when I will be able to do what I want. I'll probably go to see my aunt who lives there, but I'm not certain exactly where she lives. erm

So why are you coming over? Schooling?


Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
damn canadians.... and ****ing europeans, y'know we rebelled for a reason. god, our biggest enemy is our best friend now. we don't exactly hate you guys, you just piss us off when you hate on us, tell us what did you do to you guys? don't blame bush, half his decisions aren't made by him. I'm from Holland and I don't even want to know what yankees and rednecks are. I don't like it though that you accuse those ****ing europeans of calling americans that. stick out tongue

lord xyz
Originally posted by Dawson
I agree. I love my country, but I don't like being constantly surrounded by idiots. It gets quite annoying. I was in a geography class once where a girl thought that Alaska was southwest of mainland US because it's often in an inset there. I know people who think that Australia is in the Caribbean and that the Yucatan peninsula is in Arkansas. I have personal experience with American idiots. is it true some of them think Iraq is in Central America?

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
I'm not one to make crass generalisations about Americans, unless of course they happen to be true, or unless I'm joking.

Most Americans are so fascinated by England and the English, purely because they have zero idea of what it's I'm sure most of them still believe King Arthur and his knights are roaming ancient forests somewhere. Though ironically, in this rabid and blind appreciation, they tend to treat England like some cute, modern day curiousity. As opposed to the historically rich country that it is.

-AC you should see how their cartoons try to stereotype us. laughing out loud They try so hard, trying so many times, yet, they still haven't got it right.

lord xyz
Originally posted by overlord
I'm from Holland and I don't even want to know what yankees and rednecks are. I don't like it though that you accuse those ****ing europeans of calling americans that. stick out tongue Originally posted by lord xyz
how do you think we feel? Every country has a different name for the English laughing out loud

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
I'm not one to make crass generalisations about Americans, unless of course they happen to be true, or unless I'm joking.

Most Americans are so fascinated by England and the English, purely because they have zero idea of what it's I'm sure most of them still believe King Arthur and his knights are roaming ancient forests somewhere. Though ironically, in this rabid and blind appreciation, they tend to treat England like some cute, modern day curiousity. As opposed to the historically rich country that it is.

So why are you coming over? Schooling?


No, I'm going because I want to. Like I said, I like to travel. England is somewhere that I've never been. I was able to get a good deal on a trip, all meals paid, and I took it. My aunt lives there, and I haven't seen here in quite a while, with the Atlantic between us and all. If I recall, I stay for ten days and then head off to Spain, where I can see my cousin. A side trip may be made to Morocco as well.

Originally posted by lord xyz
is it true some of them think Iraq is in Central America? Do you really want to know..
Originally posted by lord xyz
how do you think we feel? Every country has a different name for the English Uhmm.. What the hell? Is that some kind of misplaced joke? confused

Originally posted by lord xyz
is it true some of them think Iraq is in Central America?

I can't think of any who do, but it wouldn't surprise me. Like I said, I tend to surround myself with more intelligent people. All of my friends know where Iraq is, along with just about every country in the world. I'm sure that between us we can name a good portion of the countries and their capitals.

lord xyz
Originally posted by Dawson
I can't think of any who do, but it wouldn't surprise me. Like I said, I tend to surround myself with more intelligent people. All of my friends know where Iraq is, along with just about every country in the world. I'm sure that between us we can name a good portion of the countries and their capitals.

these I think are a bit out of date by about 5 or so years.

Originally posted by lord xyz

Never seen that one.

Originally posted by lord xyz

these I think are a bit out of date by about 5 or so years.

Not all of us are that stupid, believe it or not. However, I do know some folks who would probably do something like what when asked to draw a map of the world and what they know about it.

lord xyz
Originally posted by Bloigen
Never seen that one. go to or search in google images like I did big grin

lord xyz

Originally posted by Dawson
Not all of us are that stupid, believe it or not. However, I do know some folks who would probably do something like what when asked to draw a map of the world and what they know about it. I know but god is it funny laughing out loud



It is. Made me laugh the first time I saw it.

lord xyz
Originally posted by Bloigen

laughing hey, I was going to post that.


Half the people I know can't pronounce "Thames" correctly.

lord xyz
Originally posted by Bloigen

laughing the best part was that bit about "nig nogs and pakis". too hilarious. laughing

lord xyz
Originally posted by Dawson
Half the people I know can't pronounce "Thames" correctly. they can't say 'temz'? They say 'pheims'? or 'pheimes'? or 'theimes'? or 'theims'? or 'pheimz'? or 'theimz'?

its pronounced tims
this has become the exact opposite now we are making fun of other countries, MOD can you come and close this thread!

lord xyz
Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
its pronounced tims
this has become the exact opposite now we are making fun of other countries, MOD can you come and close this thread! you mean 'temz' you american.

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
MOD can you come and close this thread!

You have to report it.

i should and will

Originally posted by Legion_of_Maul
i should and will


Originally posted by lord xyz
they can't say 'temz'? They say 'pheims'? or 'pheimes'? or 'theimes'? or 'theims'? or 'pheimz'? or 'theimz'?

Perhaps it's not that they can't, persay, but that they refuse to learn how to say it correctly. I know many who pronounce it exactly the way it's spelled: Thames.

lord xyz
Originally posted by Dawson
Perhaps it's not that they can't, persay, but that they refuse to learn how to say it correctly. I know many who pronounce it exactly the way it's spelled: Thames. so dumb

Forgot how to spell it incorrectly big grin

oh haha

Originally posted by lord xyz
so dumb forgot how to spell it incorrectly big grin



lord xyz
Originally posted by Milkie
OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/1/1//11/1//1/1/11//11/1/1/1/1/

pwn pwn pnw, gay...

imma bunny woof woof

Originally posted by lord xyz

these I think are a bit out of date by about 5 or so years. This my friend is one of the reason why i hate america and i live in it

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