Foreshadowing Events

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So I know someone who told me what I'm about to tell you.

They were walking out of a college building and it was rather late, and they ran into a classmate, a female classmate. She asked him if he'd walk her back to her dorm

(Right there some kind of light bulb should have went off. I'm sure she would have found her way back if she hasn't ran into him.)

SO he obliges, just has oblivious and dumb as ever.

So they get back to the dorm room and they talk and laugh for a while and then the girl starts to feel for his rather little member down below.

He asks what she is doing. (Why he asked I do not know. He never admitted it, but I'm pretty sure he's a virgin)

So later she just pulls down his pants and gets on her knees and proceeds to do what she intends to do and he immediately pulls up his pants and asks what it is that she is doing once more. (Again, I have no idea why he appears to be so dumb and unintelligible in what this girl's true intentions were all along.)

She the girl tells him that she knows that he likes her b/c he's always flirting with her and all that jazz.

He says no I don't. I wasn't flirting with you in class. I'm like that with everyone.

She continues and throws him on the bed. (He's rather thin, so he's fairly easy to throw around by this girl, or anyone for that matter)

So she throws him on the bed, jumps on top of him and kisses him, tongue and all and once again feels for his little friend.

He pushes her off top of him as he gets up and asks once again "What are you doing?" and leaves her there on the floor and runs out of the room like a *****.

I asked all throughout and after he told me how it was that he has no idea what this girl's true intentions were and he really did not have any answer. He's rather ignorant and not that bright and I could do nothing buy laugh and have pity for this poor unfortunate soul.

As he told me this he was very embarrassed and rather appalled at what this girl did to him.

It kind of had me wondering about him........I mean......

Anyway yeah. I was like, She would have survived and gotten through the night if you had told her right off of the bat that you couldn't walk her to her dorm. Not to mention he had the catch the bus himself.

SO I really don't know what was going through his hollow skull. More than likely nothing at all.

So yeah, he ran right out of the room, caught his bus and went home.
He was so embarrassed that he skipped the class that he had with her for the majority of the remainder of the semester.

He avoided her and never spoke to her again. Keep in mind this all happened just this past Spring Semester, so it's fairly recent.

I tease him here and there about liking a certain boy, and I'm just playing when I do so, but after recently finding this out, I'm kind of questioning whether my teasing him of liking this guy hits closer to than I previously thought.

SO yeah......

I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this matter.

Anata Wa Wakarimasu Ka.....



anata wa wakarimasu ka.....

Originally posted by InnerRise

anata wa wakarimasu ka..... I don't have to know what that means. happy


Originally posted by Storm
If this thread' s only purpose is to ridicule someone then I might as well close it.

laughing Fail.

Im only kidding with you InnerRise. No sweat. happy

Wow, someone can't get a hint.

How many times are you going to make this same thread only to get it closed?

Originally posted by Lana
Wow, someone can't get a hint.

How many times are you going to make this same thread only to get it closed?


Wow, someone can't get a hint.

Stop watching my every move and just shhh

anata wa wakarimasu ka.....

It is not your responsibility to disclose personal details about his life which he probably would rather keep private. Nor is it your responsibility to question his sexual orientation or to speculate, suggest or imply anything about it, especially when that person is a registered member on these forums, which I' m sure everyone will still remember from your original thread. You are being rude and intrusive.

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