who is your favorite character in the warriors series and why?

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Greetings warrior fans, my name is Rockmask of Thunderclan and this is just a where place you can share your favorite character is in the warrior series, it can be loner, kittypet, or clan cat. my favorite character in the series is Brambleclaw because he is just awsome and he really proves himself to not be like his father Tigerstar, when he saves Firestar instead of killing him or letting his half-brother,Hawkfrost, kill him he chooses loyalty over power and treachery he decides to go about becoming leader the right way instead of through murdering his leader like Tigerstar attempted to, in Forest of Secrets.

My favorite is the guy that clicks the bottles and says "coomme ouut annnd plaaaaaaayyyyy!" ... he has great skin

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