My life sucks.

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I hate being a 5'3 1/2 white guy, and I'm 21, so I would think I'm done growing, despite growing half an inch last month.

Esau Cairn
Transgender operation dude.

I bet you'd have a pretty mouth afterwards.

People who cant walk hear talk or are missing some body parts, their lives suck. A little height problem is no big deal.

you get thorns
6'0", 220 lbs, work out daily. Women love this!


Neo_Version 7
Michael J. Fox was like 5'4 when he did the BTTF movies. Don't be discouraged, OP.

Originally posted by Neo_Version 7
Michael J. Fox was like 5'4 when he did the BTTF movies. Don't be discouraged, OP.

Aye but look at him now...Can't even take a selfie without it being all blurry.

Neo_Version 7
^ Not cool, bro. Not cool.

Originally posted by mrserjod
People who cant walk hear talk or are missing some body parts, their lives suck. A little height problem is no big deal.

But I'm a midget by white male standards.

At least those people can get girls, assuming they're of average height or above average.

Originally posted by VG_Addict
I hate being a 5'3 1/2 white guy, and I'm 21, so I would think I'm done growing, despite growing half an inch last month.

Originally posted by Astner

Why is that funny?

Because you're going to die alone and unloved, and that greatly pleases psychopaths like Astner.

Originally posted by Tzeentch._
Because you're going to die alone and unloved, and that greatly pleases psychopaths like Astner.
I don't care how he dies, I take pleasure in the fact that he acknowledges that he's less than other men.

No girl will ever want me.

Originally posted by VG_Addict
No girl will ever want me.
laughing out loud

Originally posted by VG_Addict
No girl will ever want me.

You know why? because you said it. you have to believe in yourself man, because no one else ever will until you do. You seem to have a shallow outlook on things, but believe it or not, there are women that love short guys. just be yourself, walk up to the hottest girl that hangs around in your circle and just say hello. Women know within the first 5 minutes of meeting you if they would like to take it further. Just have confidence.

He does have a point though. How often do you see women with men shorter than they are? It doesn't happen.

It's not uncommon to hear women say that they'd never date a guy under six feet. So in the majority of cases, i.e. for women with standards, the game is rigged.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure that there's some hideous ogre of a woman out there that would give VG_Addict a chance, but seriously, why bother looking for something like that?

I guess I won't grow anymore, despite growing half an inch last month.

Stop complaining like a b.tch. I told u take hgh and u will grow.,.god ur depressing me. U would make a perfect bottom men love little bitches! Ur ass prob is tight.

I grew half an inch last month.

Originally posted by VG_Addict
I guess I won't grow anymore, despite growing half an inch last month.

Dude I have a friend who is 5'8", and his wife of 18 years is 6'1". Different strokes for different folks. If you have a problem with being shorter than the woman that you are with, look for women that are 5'0"-5'3" or even shorter. I've seen loads of hot shorter women out there. Believe or not, it's more about the presentation, and less about the looks when it comes to the great ones. If you find yourself with a woman that simply can't get over something as superficial as your height, she really isn't worth your time anyways. Use that to weed out the riff raff.

You need to do yourself a favor, and go and talk to the hottest female that you see in your circle. you never know she may be single, and her looks may intimidate the hell out of the superficial man that you want to change out of. Sorry for the harshness, but you're looking at this all the wrong way champ. Tell yourself that you're the champ, and just go out and mingle. That one girl that you think may take offense at a shorter man, may be the one that's been waiting for an emotionally secure guy to approach her. Go for it, or die alone.

But I guess I won't grow anymore.

Originally posted by VG_Addict
But I guess I won't grow anymore.
That's right, and no woman will ever look at you and think "he's kind of cute, I'd like to know him better."

Stoic, VGA is a troll.

Originally posted by Dolos
Stoic, VGA is a troll.

Ah OK laughing out loud

I think hes 9 years old and just taking everyone for a fool but i guess he wont grow anymore indeed! All the short guys ive met are bad ass, some even cocky. Vg u can always go to navada and have ur legs extended surgery...first they break ur bones and u have to be in a wheel chair for a year. I remember seeing a special on growth defects on learning channel. Apparently bones can still grow but only if u break them and its not aways even, meaning u make both hands grow and one might be bigger then the other. There are humans who never stop growing and a boy who stayed a baby so i believe in the future man will be able to transform the body.

If that what you saying is true, well, you have to learn to love yourself and stop complaining about that. We have to accept ourselves as we are, and everyone else will do too.

you get thorns
Originally posted by mayche89
If that what you saying is true, well, you have to learn to love yourself and stop complaining about that. We have to accept ourselves as we are, and everyone else will do too.

I see many dates involving frozen pizza and Jergens Lotion in his future.

Originally posted by you get thorns
I see many dates involving frozen pizza and Jergens Lotion in his future.
laughing out loud

Why doesn't anyone understand how hard my life is? Every day I worry about dying alone because of my height.

Originally posted by VG_Addict
Why doesn't anyone understand how hard my life is? Every day I worry about dying alone because of my height.
I understand, I just don't care.

I barely feel any empathy towards starving children in Africa.

you get thorns
Originally posted by VG_Addict
Why doesn't anyone understand how hard my life is? Every day I worry about dying alone because of my height.

I understand how hard your life is. I enjoy your misery. Is your mom available? I like short chicks.


He said this exact post on IGN forums yesterday.

Bardock42 is a pussy. laughing

I keep telling this guy that i'll loan some of my skeleton to him. i'm over seven foot tall, a bodybuilder with less than 5% bodyfat, and i'm a millionaire. I got skeleton to spare VG. you just have to beg for it. or i'll pay one of my women to pretend to like you for the rest of her life. You like Hungarian supermodels?


Originally posted by VG_Addict
Why doesn't anyone understand how hard my life is? Every day I worry about dying alone because of my height. Move to Japan.

Originally posted by Mindship
Move to Japan.

he'd still be short there. his only option is to abandon civilization and join the pygmy tribe.
or re trace Gulliver's travels and he can become king of the lilliputians

Originally posted by Dolos

laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud you are funny with these vids man...even on my topic with the roller coaster(cant stop laughing)

None of you understand how hard my life is.

Originally posted by P-Geyser
laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud you are funny with these vids man...even on my topic with the roller coaster(cant stop laughing) What, I love that song, and I would fall to my death on that Euthanasia Coaster any day!

you get thorns
Originally posted by VG_Addict
None of you understand how hard my life is.

You sure you didn't mean say care rather than understand?

I love being tall. I can't even imagine being short. it would suck

Question, have you as a midget accidently get stepped on? As in as someone literally put his or her foot on top of your head and tried to walk over you?


No girl will ever want me.

Originally posted by VG_Addict
No girl will ever want me.
Not with that attitude.

you get thorns
Originally posted by VG_Addict
No girl will ever want me.

And the problem is????????

Try having 5 in love with you at the same time and trying to juggle them because they just won't give up.

That is a burden. If only I had your problems............

Originally posted by Dolos
What, I love that song, and I would fall to my death on that Euthanasia Coaster any day!

embarrasment Oh...sorry. The OP can't be serious though.

Assuming for a minute the opening poster is serious... I do feel some sympathy for your situation. The early 20s can be rough years as you find yourself. By the time you get into your 30s you'll find life to be different. Dating is so much more about your attitude. Have a successful career, a loving group of friends and family... And maybe one day she'll come along. If not be happy knowing you were a positive influence on other peoples lives.

I know from a guy who is around 5'3 or 5'4, married now to a chick that's about 5'8 and they got a kid. The guy though had a very upbeat way of looking at life. But he didn't find her til his late 20s.

Course his story isn't every guys story... But life is what you make of it..,

And worse comes to worse I know guys who were set up with overseas arranged marriages that actually worked out for them also.

Originally posted by rotiart
life is what you make of it

Well, inch by inch, there's only so much a human being can accept.

I don't care who it is, there's always going to be a position of discomfort you can put that person into, and they will run out of things to be happy about.

Can I post graphic videos without getting the permaban hammer? I'm thinking of showing two guys one hammer! 31

Instead I think the only purpose of life is to take what one desires. Without doubt, without any lack of confidence, I mean, go delusional if your that worse off, the law of attraction says that what you desire desires you back. I wouldn't any less than a reality of no zero ebb for anyone, all flow.

you get thorns
Anyone seen Shorty lately?

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