Ohio Incel arrested for mass shooting plot

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Old Man Whirly!
He planned to kill sorority girls.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.npr.org/2021/07/22/1019089834/police-foiled-an-ohio-incels-plot-to-kill-women-in-a-mass-shooting-prosecutors-s& amp;ved=2ahUKEwjEkJfFqffxAhV2_7sIHYb6DYgQ0PADegQIB

I remember Voltron telling me Incels are A O.K.

Eon Blue
Incels are disgusting creatures.

"Ohio Incel arrested for mass shooting plot"

For a second I thought "well, someone finally snapped", then remembered he's from the shittiest part of Chicago.

Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by Robtard
"Ohio Incel arrested for mass shooting plot"

For a second I thought "well, someone finally snapped", then remembered he's from the shittiest part of Chicago. laughing out loud remember the false equivalency with antifa. One are a group based on standing up to fascism and don't kill people, the other aren't.

They love to equalize, it's a means to try and make who/what they're from the sidelines defending, seem less shit.

eg The original Charlottesville Rally/murder thread.

Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by Robtard
They love to equalize, it's a means to try and make who/what they're from the sidelines defending, seem less shit.

eg The original Charlottesville Rally/murder thread. incels radicalised by the Internet are a big problem nihilism never works out well.

A fiery, but mostly peaceful incel becomes a victim of police overreach. Release him immediately!


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