Quantum Leap Asain?

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Reboot. Dr Sam Beckett has been rebooted.

1st episode available

An Asian cast in the former role a White man played?

Something, something, liberal agenda! Something, something wokeness!

No the lead picks up after Sam Beckett is lost in the Quantum Leap machine. It actually went into the topic of what happened to Sam, and why he got lost.

The lead is played by Dr Saung, who happens to be asain. And his wife Addison is reprising the role of Al.

Theres also a whole new cast of scientists who are acting as a squad to help Ziggy maintain its machinery.

So far, the first episode was okay but it has similarities to many other cop shows and not a scifi show.

I am kinda disappointed that the designers of Ziggy the main computer didn't have a more futuristic look. All you see are giant mainframes with loose cables.

Episode 2# Atlantis was a bummer. Don't think the first season will be renewed

Darth Thor
Awesome. Cant wait for this to be available for me. And hope Sam Beckett eventually makes an appearance. His ending on the show was kinda depressing.

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