Hit Piece Against The Guardian!

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BY the Guardian.


The Guardian is clearly biased against The Guardian. Support The Guardian from Guardian slander! 👍😈

Seriously though, what's the angle here?

The Guardian owner commissioned the study into slavery ties of their founders. I can't see any benefit for doing so, yet they must have had a reason.

Maybe the current owner is at odds with the Scott Trust? Or I dunno, maybe they got wind someone else was on a muck raking mission against them, so this way they get to control the narrative?

Dunno, don't get it.


Hah, this might be it. A fear she could retaliate.

Maybe she never would have, but seems a logical move to expect from a disgruntled employee. So you dig into your own history yourself, keep everything above board so you can't be accused of a cover-up, and deal with what comes on your terms.

My guess would be, in the future, they're going to run stories about other companies (possibly other media outlets) with histories involved in slavery and don't want called out for hypocrisy.

Could be, could be.

Reading the articles, it looks like the Founders main sin was in the how the cotton and textile industry sourced their cotton. E.g. they weren't slave owners, but the businesses they invested in had ties to slave labor.

It sounds bad, but I have to wonder what industry DIDN'T have some form of ties to slave labor during that era? It's like the two or three person removed theory, I'd imagine literally every aspect of the economy had ties to what we would consider unethical labor practices.

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