Yoda and OB1

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I have an opinion, but I want to here you all's opinions before sharing my own.

Question: Why couldn't Yoda and OB1 take down the Emperor and Darth Vader on their own?

This, of course, is an imporant plot point.

What appears to be the case is that the Emperor CANNOT be defeated- except by the Chosen One.

But we have virtually no idea on the details.

Darth Pants
Well, if Anakin's midichlorian count was higher than Yoda's, it may suggest that by the time the OT took place, he was actually more powerful than Yoda (maybe). As for Obi Wan, well, we saw what happened to him when he fought him. Plus, by this time, the Emperor would have had gazillions of stormtroopers surrounding him, preventing even the most powerful Jedi from reaching him. They may have realised that by backing off for the time being, and concentrating their efforts on training Luke, they would have a better chance of vanquishing the Sith.

Obi-Wan and Vader were well-matched when they met again. Obi-Wan simply let himself 'go', becuase he was better off that way.

And earlier, Obi-Wan BEAT Anakin. So I don't think lack of talent was the problem. But cosmic forces were against them...

That's similar to what I was thinking. It also explains how the Jedi get wiped out. A Jedi can't block 1,000 laser shots at once. If they go up against enough clone troopers at once, they will die pretty quickly.

I say that Yoda and OB1 knew that they couldn't get close enough to the Emperor to fight. They would have to kill a billion stormtroopers. Only a child of Vader would be able to come before the Emperor.

New Question: I hate midichorians, so I'll ask it in a different way: Does Luke have more "potential" than Darth Vader? or does Vader's mechanical body slow him down?

Vader's body is no barrier to his force power, though he is a cripple physically.

However, the question about whether Luke has a higher count is unknown... and COULD be answered...

And the MCs REALLY aren't that bad...

Jedi seem to be able to surive agauinst armies, just not defeat them. Whether it will be billions of clones that take them out is unknown- but I reckon NOT. Especially as, from the best info we have, the Jedi WON the Clone Wars.

But that doesn't mean that their numbers won't be drastically reduced. It all goes back to "How in the world can Vader kill 20,000 (plus or minus 15,000) Jedi?

Darth Pants
You have to remember that we've only really seen two Jedi, who are actually very very good. It's easy to forget that Obi Wan and Qui Gon aren't just two normal Jedi, Obi Wan becomes one of the greatest Jedi in history and Qui Gon was a council worthy Jedi. I think we'll see some relatively untalented Jedi in Episode 2, and they're probably the ones who only survive a couple of seconds against a droideka.

That some will not be as good, fair enough. But Droidekas? Give the poor guys a break! No souped-up mook is going to kill a Jedi.

Quite how Vader kills the Jedi... yes... indeed...

I have heard that Jango Fett is a better fighter than OB1. Maybe the Force ISN'T all powerful...(I know I have just blaspemized)

Burn the heretic!

You do know the name Jango Fett hasn't even been confirmed yet...

In any case, I'm not saying there aren';t the odd amount of people out there who can take on a Jedi. But they would be EXTREMELY rare; rarer even that the Jedi.

That's true...I get a lot of my info from www.theforce.net. They have a rough copy of the story there, but I don't know how reliable it is... sad

That can form an entire mini-debate of its own... people like myself and Dim are sceptical, and I don't think ANYONE here is comitting themselves.

I would kind of like to think that I know everything about Episode II when it comes out, but when I finally see it, it is completely different from what I thought would happen.

There will certainly be a few giggles from me...

Underwater battle indeed!

(Sarcasm) You mean that Palpy and Sidious are different people?

OB1 and Padme get married, not Anakin and Padme?

Yoda is a dark jedi?

JarJar is behind it all?! laughing out loud laughing out loud

Jar-Jar is the one being cloned...?

Darth Pants
I'd laugh if the storyboards leaked were a red herring. An elaborate scheme by Lucasfilm to get the spies off their backs for a while. Possible, isn't it?

Certainly. Or it may even just be something of the fans that got out of control. Or it may all be true. Whatever, I'm staying wary.

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