My 50th Thread.

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Hehehe I know itt's not a big number but I've been here less than a month so what the ****. I love this place and I hope I never get banned, a question to those who have talked with me. Would you describe me as:



I have been here two years and I have just about 200 threads.

I just checked and it says you have 51 threads.

I hope I last as much as you.

While I have 202 threads.

- Cool

you rock man, and continue to do so! rock

Heheh thanks, you too.

congrats, 50 is alot, im almost 2 years and i have about 150.

Hehehe yeah but I'm bound to run out of ideas for threads.

Rogue Jedi
you are cool, pablo...muy do you keep track of the number of threads you start?

Thanks, I just click at my name when I post something.

Rogue Jedi
i knew that....not.....

Rogue Jedi
wow...i have 99....

Hehehe one away from 100 smile

u rock!!!!! concragulations pablo i've been here a few weeks and i love it 2 i've probaly started 9 or 10 threads

What do you win ?

Sir Mist
A cheeseburger made by Raz himself.

My hump the lady lump

Originally posted by Pablo G
Hehehe I know itt's not a big number but I've been here less than a month so what the ****. I love this place and I hope I never get banned, a question to those who have talked with me. Would you describe me as:

-******* I know it rulez @$$

Royal Knight
what is the point of bumping this 2 year old thread no expression

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