Scariest Thing That Ever Happend To You

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One of the scariest things that ever happened to me was when my idiot neighbor threw an axe from a tree and it landed literally 3 inches away from me, face-down into the ground confused

I was supposed to be on a plane, but My dad's shift got swapped cause his mate got the flu. That plane crashed... killed all onborad...

drowning and my heart stopped beating for 10 sec....... so i have been told...... tehn i was revived somehow.... so techniqually im living a second life

Actually, it wasn't me, it was my friend Sam. Thought it would sound cool, but still, scary right.

Well, Stink, really, you're not. Cardiac arrest often causes something simply referred to as sudden cardiac death, so the two are clearly seperate.

My scariest experience was when my mom told me that she had breast cancer. Luckily, she was stage one and 8 months later she's totally fine again.

Scariest thing?
Living without Internet for nearly one month -.- horrible.

roll eyes (sarcastic)

The scariest thing that happened to me was in the woods behind my cousins house and we went for a walk and we were on a really steep hill part and we had to walk over this log thing and i fell off it and almost fell down the hill thing, but my cousin caught my hand then i was hanging their for 3 seconds p***in myself.

Having a dream that i was in a car crash and then the next day everything i dreamed about came true.

oh joe joe blink

Scrappy Doo
I was crossing the street near my school, I stepped halfway to the middle of the road, for some reason, heard a sound and stepped back quickly, and a van zoomed past at well over 70 miles an hour, mere inchs from the front of my face. If I hadent jumped, Im certain I wouldent be typing this now.

The Force
i almost fell off a mountian messed

well i dont care what others think.... i think i died... well thats wut the doc said... " he should have been dead... he stayed under water for way too long"

Well, "should have been dead" also suggests that you weren't, in fact, dead. thumb up

Long story. Tell ya later.

I Stupid
wow wat was drowning like stinkfist?

Darth Revan
When I was riding my horse and the wind was blowing really hard and I heard this splintering sound like a twig slowly snapping only a hell of a lot louder this girl riding another horse near me started freaking out screaming "ho" in this frantic voice god she's kind of a ditz then she fell off I turned around and this big pine tree (I'd guess a hundred feet or more) was falling down onto the lady's deck damn that was pretty scary.
Also when this girl tied a horse to the door of a stall then something scared the horse and she pulled back really hard until the door came off the stall I was standing in the middle of the aisle at the time then the horse ran down the aisle i jumped out of the way just in time cuz it was not very wide I probably would have got trampled the damn horse dragged the door all the way out of the barn and was running around still attatched to it for about 15 minutes before they finally got the rope cut somehow after falling down several times and stepping between the bars she was miraculously okay. Now will someone please remind me why I got into this whole horse business?

Tired Hiker
When I was about seven years old my dad took me to see Alien.

Another scary thing was my seatbelt came undone on the Matterhorn at Disneyland. I would have been launched from the ride if I hadn't hung on for dear life.

wow i would be so scared...

scariest thing that happend to me? umm... when i was very young i was with my brother and my mom and went to the dentist cuz of my brother. they took so long so i just went into the elevator cuz they took so long so i would just wait for them on the 5th floor (where i though the dentist was). i waited and waited and waited. and the dentist was on the 4th floor. but i didnt know. remember i was about 7. so i went to the 1st floor and kept going up to the 5th floor and i couldnt find my mom. i went up and down and up and down. it was like 20 min. then i finally met her and she was with her friend and my mom was crying!!! like she could flood the whole city. it was probably more scary for her than it was for me.

I woke up this morning

Tired Hiker
This thread is pretty scary.


some things here aren't that scary actually...

But knowing you COULD have died is scary.

Funny you should say that... one of the scariest things I ever saw was what you described... but the sound that made the kid stop was me, honking my horn, because he was about to run in front of an oncoming car he didn't see. I laid on the horn, and it startled him enough that he stopped running, and then the car missed him by about six inches... (I was sitting at the intersection, waiting to make a left turn... I guess I saved his life.) I needed a drink after that one. (It made stomach sieze up a bit, at the time... almost like a sick feeling, at how close it had been...)

I sometimes wonder if that kid appreciated how close he came to being killed.

When I got an A-, no, not really, that was a joke............ what really scared me the most was when I rode the Magnum XL200 at Cedar Point. Id have to say that was the scariest thing ive ever done.

total metalhead
when me and my brother were wlaking down a street in the evening, and this mugger attacked us and threatened us with a gun, my brother punched him in the stomach and shoved him over (he was a damn tough kid) we ran off and the mugger started shooting at us. you have no idea how scary it is being shot at, especially from behind, unless you've experienced it yourself.

when i accidentally deleted all the porn off my hard drive.......


I Stupid
I've been shot at from behind, but it was only a BB gun...

at camp when at like 2 in the AM, we heard this noise and it woke up my whole cabin and my counselor was like "ok, yall (my camp was in north carolina so they all say "yall"wink theres someone out there" earlier that night we heard people on the road alongside our camp arguing and cursing at each other, and considering we are talking about brevard, north carolina where there are lots of crazy people, we all started freaking out and my ccounselor goes outside to see whats up and all of the cabins around us are awake also now (remember we are in the middle of the woods) and some counselors go out to look around......and it was........................................

a cat in heat!!!!!!!!!!! but oh my god it scared the sh*t out of everyone and i dont want a cat anymore!!!!!!!!!

Dirty Vader
I was in camp, well in a mountain chalet where people went on about calling spirits. I was taking the piss out of them cos some guys said they called them in their room and the light bulb started moving. Then I thought "Hell I'll give it a try" and I did with two other guys. We did the ritual crap and the wind made a whistle and it was a summer nights day.
We all ran. Well actualy, that wasnt realy scary.

The Force
laughing out loud

Matrix_Man> big grin laughing out loud no wacko doctor
The scariest thing was when i found out i was robbed. We were all aslepp though. After that I always locked my door.

The Force
one of of the scariest things for me is almost getting my neck slice in 2 by a frisbee, thank God i have quick reflexes yes

scariest thing ever happened to me? I've had some pretty creepy guys approach me...
I was in a really bad car accident, and the ironic part was if I had my seat belt on, I would have serious back problems now.

Prince Eowyn
i was sitting there playing video games and all of the sudden my rack of cd's and dvd's just crashes for no reason and just about crushed my t.v. and xbox and game cube. damn, luckily all my discs were ok.
and another time some guys were doing constuction at my soccer practice, and i was leaning against a wooden board, and just as coach told us to go run laps and i moved forward, a big chainsaw ripped through the board where i was standin. i got tons of splinters in my face.

when i was taking lesson on rock climbing i miss a rock and my foot slip off. i fell and my elbow hit the rock. we was real high. thanx god someone was at the bottom to stop me from falling to my death. the same thing happen to my cousin right before me. she was scared. she started to cry.

when I came to the otf and there was like 20 "do you like me?" threads! *shudders* it was one of the scariest days of my life!

i did do you hate me thread. i just wanted to do the opposite. hey i got to talk to alot of ppl

Captain REX
I can't think of any terribly scary things.

Once I thought I was drowning and then I realized that the ground was about a foot below me. confused

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