Star Wars: The Vi'per's Bite

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Petjo St'gar
Adventurer and Gunslinger.
This is a collection of adventures I've had in Star Wars Galaxies and stories that I've made up. In the adventures I've added bits to make them more exciting.

How long had it been?
How long since he had seen flowers, grass, trees, life?
He had been stuck on this desolit planet of Tatooine for about a week. He carried is jacket in one hand, dragging it along the sandy floor. Tatooine was nothing like his home planet of Correlia. His shirt was unbuttoned, allowing air to get at it. His shoes were full of sand and he was only getting more in by trundling through the sand. His mouth was dry, he had used his last drops of water some 3 hours ago. The sand was enfused within his blonde hair. His blue eyes were almost closed, but he needed to go on. He needed to find the Tuskin Fort to the North. He was looking for the lake below it, a dangerous task knowing the sand people.
He looked to his left seeing the first sun setting with the second close behind it. There was something else. A dark shadow heading towards him. He tipped his head and tried to focus, wondering if the lack of food or drink had effected him. Suddenly the shadow took shape. A bantha was heading towards him, he clumsily fumbled around looking for his DL-44 blaster pistol, it seemed to be stuck in its holster. There was only one option, he'ld have to run for it.
He ran as fast as he could, loosing a shoe to the sand. His eyesight was failing, due to a combination of the night coming, the thirst and the hunger. He didn't see the hill comming. He tripped on a rock and slid down the hill, it was almost a vertical drop but not quite. He managed to catch hold of a rock to steady his fall. He stared up at the bantha, it took one look at him and decided he wasn't worth it.
Petjo sighed, he had been lucky. Over the hill he saw what he recognised as the fort he was searching for. He was almost there. Unbeknownst to im the rock he was holding on to was slipping out of the sand. He fell, slicing his hand on the rock. He hit the floor holding his cut hand and staring up at the sky. His eyes slowly began to close. Before they did he caught the shadow of three men standing over him. He assumed they were sandpeople and thought that was the end. He would no longer have the chance to search for lost artifacts or treasures, nor would he be able to find the truth about what happened to his father, Steve St'gar. He thought it was the end, he thought it was all over...

To be Continued...

Captain REX
I thought someone had posted in my story's thread! Star Wars: The Stories of...

Find it and read it! big grin

Anyway, good work! smile

There'll be more when I have more time on the PC...and when I'm not on SWG stick out tongue

I've read yours it's really good.

When he woke up it was dark. He had no idea how long he had been knocked out for. A man came up to him from by the small campfire.
"Here drink up" the man said passing him a flask of water. "If you're out this far into the desert then you're either very lost or after the same thing we're after. I'm Konomi Rites, and you are."
Petjo had to wait for the water to go down before he answered, he almost drank the whole flask.
"I'm Petjo St'gar. Adventurer and gunslinger. And it depends on why you're here" He took another swig of the flask.
"I'm here with some other men, we're going to try and free Fort Tuskan from the rule of those sandpeople." Konomi answered, picking up a stick from the campfire. On it was some meat, "Womp rat?" Konomi asked him handing him the stick.
Petjo didn't teally know what to expect, he had never tryed womp rat before, but he was so hungry he took it and bit into it, tearing chunk after chunk off. "I'm here to find the lake below the fort, there's something there that I need to find and deliver to Vi'per. Some crystal that's very rare." He took another bite of the womp rat, it tasted better than he would ever have imagined.
Throughout the night he met the other men. Ackomer, a human was the leader of the group, he had been hunting for some more food. Geart, a wookie who had been scouting the area for tuskin raiders and finding out about the ways in to the fort and its security. Julz, a human who had been with Geart searching the area. Finally there were the two Twi'lek brothers Limkai and Saith, they had been the other two who had rescued Petjo.
Petjo's jacket lay under his head as a sort of pillow. Konomi had gone to collect it while Petjo was cleaning his shoes, hair and blaster pistol. Konomi was a friendly man who revealed to Petjo that he was a smuggler when they had gone on the scouting mission, he wore Composite Armor except the helmet which was back at the camp.
Upon returning to the camp Petjo had found out the plan, they were going to have him, Konomi, Ackomer, and Julz go in through the front door and attack those who where guarding. Limkai, Saith and Geart would go through a cave located at the back of the fort and fight through to them. This would all happen at the rise of the first sun and be over before the second was up. Well that was the plan anyway...

To be Continued...

Captain REX
Thanks Spike. smile

They're actually the names of people I can remember from the game. I'll need to use a Star Wars Name Generator for the rest. Part 3 coming tomorrow.

Petjo and Konomi had taken out the two tuskin raiders outside the fort. The rest of the team moved in behind them. Luckly most of the tuskin raiders were asleep still. Ackomer was using a large two-handed sword, Petjo his trusty DL-44, Konomi a Scout pistol, and Julz used a metal staff.
They proved to be quite a match for the raiders, who were waking in confusion and running for their rifles. Petjo and Konomi stood at the doorway taking out the raiders coming out from the different rooms while Ackomer and Julz were moving in for hand-to-hand combat.
Petjo was using the door for cover, he didn't have any armor like the others did so he was more at risk. Petjo and Konomi made a good team taking out everyone who the others missed.
There were actually suprissingly few raiders up top. The guard towers were deserted, almost as if they had never been used. The main core of the troops were in the caves, which were accesable through a door at the back of the fort. The team slowly moved in taking out all the sandpeople who had come to investigate. Down below they heard the sound of blaster fire and screams, Limkai, Saith and Geart were working there way up to them.
The two teams met in the middle of the caves, which were completely cleared out.
"Odd, the plan was good, but there should have been more resistance." Petjo said moving down further into the caves.
"I'll come with you" Konomi said following behind Petjo. He thought Petjo might need some help if there were some more raiders down by the lake. The others went back up to the top of the fort to lock the massive gate and find out where the rest of the raiders were.
The bottom of the fort, the lake, was beautiful. There were no more raiders they had gone to investigate the sound and been slaughtered. The walls seemed to glow in multiple colours, the water shimmered beutifully. However the beaty was short lived by screams and shouts from upstairs...

To be Continued...

Rex while I was writing the third part I found out I needed to go to some christmas thing so I had to rush the end. Could you change it if I PM'd you the end I wanted?

Petjo pulled a red crystal off the wall when he heard the screams. Him and Konomi ran up the caves a bit where they saw Limkai walking backwards while shooting.
"Get outta here!" he yelled at them over the blaster fire, before he was hit in the chest.
The two of them heard footsteps of someone running down the cavern floor. Petjo grabbed Konomi by the only visable part of chlothing in his armor and pulled him down the cavern towards the back way that Limkai, Saith and Geart had taken. Along the way they heard the mighty wookie yell and then be silenced.
Petjo and Konomi ran out of the cave at the back of the fort and towards the camp. Konomi silently cryed underneath his armor. At the camp there were two landspeeders, which they had used to get to fort tuskan. One was completely dismantled, the other was surrounded by busy tuskan raiders. Konomi released his anger on them. Petjo managed to scare a few away, which were seconds later killed by Konomi.
They managed to get to the camp and into the landspeeder. Petjo made sure that he was driving, there was no way he was going to let Konomi drive in the state he was in. They drove away towards the closest city, that of Mos Espa.
When they were half way there Petjo stopped. He got out of the landspeeder and was sick. There was an empty silence before Konomi said "Thank you..." This confused Petjo until he finished, "If it hadn't have been for you then I'ld be dead too." Then the anger came into his voice, "I swear I'll kill every one of those tuskan raiders, men, women, children it matters not." At the time they had to assume that it was the raiders who had done it.

Petjo and Konomi split paths at Mos Espa, Konomi went to the hotel to get rested up and Petjo went to the cantina. But before they took different paths Konomi handed Petjo a comunicater with his frequency in. Petjo was now Konomis ony living friend, and he was sure they'ld see each other again. And they would, they would join forces more than once more and they would travel onwards together on many different adventures.

What do you guys think of the first adventure/story?

There goes the tumbleweed...

So no-one's got any comments? I'm going to post the 'intermission' bit tonight, this will help to connect the stories and adventures together and will be story parts rather than adventure parts more often than not

The band played to the many people sitting down around the cantina. People who knew the song joined in. Petjo sat down at a table at the back, by the back door. He sat opposite a man covered by a long dark robe, he looked human from what Petjo could tell, but he couldn't be 100% certain.
"Is this what you were looking for?" he picked the red crystal up and put it on the table.
Vi'per's eyes widened, "Yes, perfect. And my favourate colour as well" He picked it up and examined it, twisting it in the light and forming colourful patterns on the wall. Its red seemed to match the figures dark eyes, which reflected through the crystal.
"About my credits..."
"1 million credits will be depostied in your bank account." Vi'per said reassuringly. Petjo had wanted half the money before the journey to buy a landspeeder but hadn't got it. He remembered how long he had walked for.
"...and the other thing we promised. The information about my father." Petjo leaned back in the chair and put his feet on the table.
Vi'pers red eyes disappeared again under his hood, he slyly slipped the crystal into his robe. "I am afraid I can not divulge that information...especially with the likes of you!" he spat the last words out.
Petjo got to his feet and leaned over the table, his back to the band. "Now listen up. I don't care about the money, I don't care about some little crystal that the sandpeople have hidden underneath their base, I don't care about you. But what I do care about is finding my father, now tell me where he is..." he grabbed his blaster and got ready so he could fire from his hip if necessary "or it won't be pretty."
Suddenly, somehow that Petjo didn't understand how it had happened he was thrown backwards accross the cantina into the band. Vi'per hadn't even laid a finger on him. Getting to his feet he saw Vi'per gone.
"Damn!" he yelled and ran to the back door, locked from the other side.

Petjo still clutched his chest, it felt like he had been pushed across the whole room. Yet it didn't hurt, and Vi'per hadn't laid a hand on him. He clutched his chest to try and make some sense out of it, to see if he was still alive, to try and make some pain.
He was heading back to Corellia, his home planet. He had had enough of Tatooines desert, traveling for miles on your own with no change in the surroundings and a dry tongue. At least on Correlia there were trees and grass and, most importantly, water.
"I heard what happened in the cantina" Konomi said sitting next to him and removing his helmet, "We're both lost now, you've lost the person who was going to give you info on your father, and I've lost my friends. We could help each other out."
Petjo smiled, "Yeah, I guess. But I'm not going to give up I will find someone who knows the whereabouts of my father. I will find him, I swore I would and I will."
"OK, we got a deal. Where wre we going to go?"
Coronet was the answer, the capital city of Correlia. Full of smugglers, pilots, bums, lowlifes and some good citizans. A sprawling metropolis, which Petjo had learnt every place and every shortcut the city had to offer. He also knew where the best jobs would be.

Captain REX
Nice work, Spike. smile



ARC Trooper 117
Not bad at all. yes

Petjo walked down the steps of Theed's palace, Imperial forces stood at every corner. A large grin lit his face up, the questions had been easy - he had stormed through them all with no problem at all. His hand went to his pack, and from it he pulled out a Lopez Softdrink, pulling the cork out and taking a long swill.

Stepping down from the bottom step, something caught his eye. Several people, of various species and from various planets were stood around a man in a dark robe.

"Vi'per..." Petjo spat as he said it, moving towards the group, and drawing his pistol. The group didn't notice him, they turned and walked away towards the Starport. Petjo picked up the pace, he needed to be sure of where they were going before he made his move.

Closeby, another person in a dark robe watched, two silver cylinders at his hilt, one on either side. "So this is the one who has caused all this trouble..." he said, moving from shadow to shadow stalking Petjo.

Petjo had been right, they were heading for the Starport. Vi'per's followers or bodyguards or whoever they were had only noticed him twice. The first time, they had thought him a passing civilian, not noticing his blaster. the other they had sent someone after him to try and get him to take a different route to whereever he was going.

They shoved him towards the cantina, but a couple of shots into the gut each took care of them.

Petjo ran the rest of the way, out into the centre of the Starport, where a Corvette was waiting Several of Vi'per's men had already boarded it. Slowly Petjo moved towards his target. He was about 15 feet away when two of Vi'per's bodyguards grabbed him, relieving him of his DL-44. Vi'per turned around.

"I wondered when you would show up again..." Vi'per said taking his pistol off one of his guards. He turned it over in his hand and then smashed it against the corvette. "So long" He said turning and boarding his corvette.

The guards dragged him off to the side as the corvette doors closed and the ship prepeared for take off.

The guards lay a fist into Petjo's ribs, Petjo's facecrunched up as he witheld a scream.

The other clocked man looked from the Corvette to petjo, "ah crap!" He ran over to the guards, pulling one of the silver sylinders off his hilt, and pushing a slide button on it. A blue flame shot out of it and sliced through one of the guards. The other turned, but was impaled before he could do anything.

Petjo fell to his knees, he had heard of something similar happen on Tatooine not long ago...but that had been an old man. This was a young boy, jet black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. His hood had fallen off as he ran. He smiled giving Petjo a hand up, "come on!" he yelled pulling him towards the corvette, "we don't want to miss our ride!" he sensed something in Petjo that made him feel like he should come along. He dragged him towards one of the suply doors that was about to close and threw him in, jumpng in after him.

Petjo wasn't sure what was going on, everything had happened so fast. The robed man turned to him, "My name's Jacob Antica" he said, handing him a bottle of brandy, "drink up, you'll need it"



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