New Sugarcult Album

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Anybody heard the new Sugarcult album? the song "memory" is pretty cool. the old album "start static" kicks a$$! what do you think? Happy Dance

yeah I heard and have it! I was supposed to see them a week or so ago, but Tim had a medical emergency sad

never heard it .. but i like that one song ... " Bouncin off the walls again "

I really like Suagrcult, but I haven't heard this album yet.

me niether .. prolly not gonna either

I bought the cd the day it came out and it's different than start static but it's a great cd.That's just my opinion though

How is it different? I mean...I hope so, because it shows they're growing as a band.

Their new cd is great. I luv the songs "memory" and so is "she's the blade"

im thinkin about downloadin a few of the songs .. if i like what i hear .. i will buy .. if not then no

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