Limp Bizkit Break-Up

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What happend to Limp Bizkit? They havent made a damn album in like... 2 1/2 years?. That sucked, they were pretty good. And dont seem to here Fred Durst anymore. eek!

never liked them. I heard Fred Durst freestyle once (when he was more hip hop than rock cuz i haev no idea what their group is rock/hip hop???)
and the freestyle was WACK.

Its kind of... Hip Hop/Rap/Rock.

its kind of....wack laughing out loud

Ahhh..they had an album released in September of last year. Being only like 7 months ago! It was called Results May Vary. It had that single Eat You Alive, and the remake of Behind Blue Eyes. It isn't a very good cd in my opinion, but I really am not that fond of the band.

I forgot to add also that the band isn't near as good since Wes Borland quit. He was fricken awesome. The new guitarist is Mike Smith or sumthin, he was the guitarist for SNOT. I liked SNOT tho. I just can't deal w/ Fred's stupid lyrics. Maybe it's just cause I dated a guy who was OBSESSED w/ Fred and wanted to be JUST like him! (he was in a band)

Limp Bizkit break up? Yay!

^ agree

Darth Revan
it's Rap Metal, a genre that rock fans seem to be split right down the center on... I'm not sure where I stand, I like some Everclear but I HATE Limp Bizkit.. So I'm celebrating if they actually broke up happy

And they destroyed Behind Blue Eyes... Just the middle part, at least. It sounds literally NOTHING like the original. Some techno rendered crap that sounds like it says "KNRQ" (the name of my radio station) in a robotic voice

let the celebration begin laughing out loud

i didn't know they were breaking up...i learn something new everyday. but i never did care for them. a couple songs were okay, not the best

total metalhead
Hopefully they've all gone to burn in hell somewhere. They're a disgrace and they very nearly ruined my favorite band.

That ****in Fred Durst ***** needs to leave the music industry. Now.

I agree TM

I don't want to crush all of yor dreams, but sadly Limb Bizkit is NOT breaking up. They just got a new member. Hopefully, because things aren't going all that well they will break up soon!

i really dont have that much of a problem with them, things just went from bad to worse when they made the choclate starfish album... i think significant other is quite good.

and when Wes Borland left people started to realise that he was the only guy in the band they actually liked

I love limp bizkit, granted their sound is different without wes, but fred kicks ass. Results May Vary was a solid album. I wish wes had not left, but the new guys isnt that bad.

I can't wait for the new album, whenever it comes out.

Limp Bizkit would be a great band if Fred Durst didn't open his mouth.

or it would be a better band if they fired Durst and hired any new singer .. maybe get Wes back , change there style of music , maybe even there name .. ( limp bizkit .. what kind of shit is that ? ) then they might be listenable ..

Darth Revan
It would also be better if they didn't exist yes

Black Onyx
hctib hehehe thats ***** backwards

Darth Revan
um... yeah... Ima go... over there... *points* *moves*

laughing out loud

laughing out loud

Red Superfly
I thought they had some awesome ideas (get the DJ from House Of Pain, a charasmatic lunatic guitarist who was made up like an alien, a monkey on the drums etc) but over time I kinda got sick of Fred Dursts voice, and the stupid lyrics.

The songs were fun, and mindless fun at that. I like some of their songs. There I've said it.

However, I think they should have just left it with that last album. This nu-metal stuff ain't what the kiddies (and lets face it nobody wants to listen to a band when their main audience is 12-15 year old skater wannabes) want to listen to anymore.

I don't think they are a travesty, but I never thought they were all that great anyway. A few nice songs, that's it I suppose.

I guess I don't really care anymore what happens to them.

that band was and is horrible.

end of story.

Man Boog you hate them so much...They are awesone, everyone knows it. I do thik they need a guitarist. Some fo the lyrics could use work, but thats just Freddy D baby!

total metalhead
Please don't tell me you actually believe that. Usually I can see the appeal in any band, even the ones I hate, but Limp Bizkit really seem to have absolutely no merit what so ever. And I try hard not to judge the members of the bands as people, seeing as I don't know them personally, but I really can't help but see Fred Durst as a complete ass. He really is an idiot. He thinks he's the biggest rock star since Mick Jagger, and obviously believes he is actually a good rapper/singer. He is a poor deluded fool who needs to stop trying to make nu metal into pop music and maybe once in a while take that dumb f**king cap off his head.

HAHAHAH, I couldn't have said it better my self! Rite ON

LoL looks like im the only one that used to like them... big grin

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