What's with the free movie tickets on DVD?

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Has anyone noticed that lately some DVD's come with a free movie ticket? For example, Especial Edition of Pitch Black came with a free movie ticket for Chronicles of Riddick. Another example, The Collector's edition of Predator comes with a free ticket for AVP. Why do you think studios are doing this? Are they fighting piracy or is it because they've grown a heart and want to give fans more? Any ideas?

The Ones
probably fighting piracy, its all about money for studios so therell be no other reason i can see

Piracy? No. It's now just common practice amongst movies that get a DVD upgrade down the road. If you bought the original, chances are you'll buy the new and improved version, as well as have the desire to see a related movie. (Pitch Black/Chronicles, X Men 1.5/X2, and Predator/AVP.)

It's nice because if you planned to see the movie already, then the DVD comes along, it plays out as one of 2 things.

1) You get the DVD for about $8, technically.

2) You pay $15 for the DVD, and see the movie for free.

..or in my case, I got $5 for my old "Predator" DVD as well as the free movie ticket for "AVP" which I already set money aside for, which made the new "Predator" about $3 after all those savings.

Stormy Day
Those statistics are amazing eek2

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