Star Wars DVDs Smash Records.

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Star Wars DVDs and Battlefront Smash Global Sales Records
September 22, 2004

Shattering all records for entertainment franchise spending in a single day, Star Wars fans around the world have spent more than $115,000,000 on in-home Star Wars entertainment. Single day sales for the most requested DVDs of all time, the Star Wars Trilogy, combined with the release of the new Star Wars: Battlefront videogame have set yet another benchmark for the most popular entertainment franchise in the world. This phenomenal achievement will continue as the DVD debuts in Japan, Australia, Benelux and Mexico and the LucasArts game launches internationally later this week.

Easily setting a record for the bestselling film collection ever released on DVD, the Star Wars films boast global box office performance in excess of .4 billion, not adjusted for inflation. Worldwide home entertainment sales for the Star Wars franchise stand at more than 125 million units inception to date.

To read more about the bestselling Star Wars Trilogy DVD set, click here for a list of recent stories. To read more about Star Wars: Battlefront, visit LucasArts' official site here.

that's a lot of money for Star Wars! eek! eek!

I went to rent them..because I've heard allot of bad press over the changes,so I am not shelling out the cash till I see 'em for my self.

a new hope was all out sadly but I got the others.

I'm so sick of Star wars...........i mean, okay the first 3 movies, especially the first one are good, i loved them when i was a kid...................but are you people not sick of being f***ed by george lucas.........he is making money out of you.......and he don't deserve it............look at the crap he is releasing now............phantom menace......shite............attack of the shite........................why don't he make something else...........if he where a true artist he would be bored with the whole star wars thing and have moved on to something more stimulating.............he is a greedy little shitehook!

If you would know what the hell you are talking about, you would know he already said he wants to get back to making films like THX-1138. Also, how is he making money any more differently than any other director or business man would? If he doesn't deserve it, I suggest you watch Empire of Dreams once and see how much shit he went through to get his films made.

They did some horrible stuff to the trilogy like when Han Solo shoots the alien in the bar they changed it to make it look like Han shot in self deffence.

Not worth buying. Stick with it on VHS.

Buy the dvds, they're great. If you let a new scene that lasts 2 secs. ruin the movie, it's you're own fault. They have the actual emperor in ESB instead of monkey woman, picture is a lot clearer than vhs, and the Rancor actually looks half decent without the matte lines, just to name a few reasons why.

whats on the forth disc?

Empire of Dreams, 2 and a half hr. documentary, three featurettes, tv spots and trailers, demo for Battlefront, Photo galleries, and EP III Vader featurette.

Reborn Again
Scary how so many people can be dupped by a shiny object.

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