Why I changed my Username. By Preston.

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Tired Thins
Do to the influx of private messages I have been recieving by fellow forum members as to why I changed my name, I will explain. In a thread designed by Clovie called, 'sooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwiiiiieee', she had misspelled a word in her signature or maybe in a post she made, I can't remember. The word was suppost to be 'think' or 'things' I'm not really sure. So, D-Double and I were hanging in that thread and suddenly I got the idea that I should cut the 'Hiker' off of 'Tired Hiker' and change it to 'Thins', the word Clovie inadvertantly invented. Sort of like Wheat Thins. Hope that clears up the matter. Good day!


how clever of you, preston

Tired Thins
laughing out loud


Tired Thins
Yes, no longer TH, now TT!! smile

it was supposed to be 'this' bag

and i've never told you to change name no expression

Tired Thins
You didn't have to, Clovie. It was time for a new name and that just happened to be the time. The moment I read the word 'thins' that was supposed to be 'this'. Don't be ashamed. Take the bag off your head. It could have happened to anyone. smile

laughing if you says so... but it was just a stuupid typo erm

Tired Thins
No, Clovie. It was a magnificient typo! big grin

Tired Stuupid next?

Tired Thins
Stuupid has two 'u's? That's pretty stupid. eek!

i assumed since the last name change was clovie-typo related, next 1 would be to confused

Rightttttttt admit it u spelled stupid wrong

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