Wouldn't it be good to have a Matrix 4?

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Maybe called Matrix Reconstructed or something....
I mean, okay, Keanu is 40 now but they could do one more, just one more.... confused

Stealth Agent
AHHHHHHH! Not the eggs take the yolk out~

Mr Zero
No - it would be like being forced to eat scrambled shit on toast.

For a week.

no expression This is pretty pointless

the story has been told. Everything was already done in the three films we have. Absolutely no point for another installment.

*sigh* as i said pointless..

Yeah you can't just have one movie with that plot without having to do another trilogy.

Like that crappy new star wars trilogy.The last looks good the phantom mence and clone wars sucked........sucked.No need to stretch the trilogy.


mc pee pants
let it go!!! jesus tap dancing christ!!!

just let it go...

No, it wouldn't be good to have a Matrix 4. That's my simple reply to a simple question.

ok...let me explain this...MATRIX is very similar to ANIME...the ending to any anime is not really an ending, it is just a good place to stop. Just like real life doesn't "end", neither does a good anime, and neither does the Matrix. However, the Matrix is over. there will be no more movies, perhaps an animatrix 2, but not a Matrix 4.

laughing oh Lordi

The Ones
not true. the story was told in the 1st film. the wachowskis were just greedy and lazy

No one likes the idea.....I think it could work. I know Trinity is dead but it could still go on, if you know what I mean.

I don't think it would work at all. I don't know what you mean. Trinity being dead is also low on my long list of reasons why.

i love how people say that the story was told in the first, when it clearly wasn't. the second movie was the end of the war, it was the beginning of what Neo said would happen in the end of the first.


No. The first movie was not the end to the story. the audience was still in the dark as to what was going to happen with the prophecy, and the war. The second movies were an elaboration on the first film, taking it past the original story and unveiling everything that was talked about in the first film. If the wachowski brothers were lazy and greedy, i highly doubt that they would have put the time and passion into these films as they did. I believe the Wachowski brothers are an example of what devoted film makers are. you dont have many people putting that much energy into a project as they did any more. saying they are greedy and lazy is just a naive, biased opinion.

David Duchovony
A prequel is possible. A film about the events from the real 1999 on that lead to the creation of The Matrix. Could entail the war between man and machine and mankind losing that war.

Hey nice job on the Late Late Show last night David.

David Duchovony
My ass got fired.sad I knew I shouldn't have felt up the producer.

OMG, how could you want another Matrix movie?

1. Do you think the Wachowski brothers have any ideas left? Revolutions was really wattered down.

2. Neo died. Trinity died.

3. The war ended. What's left to tell?

Another person who obviously didn't watch the movie. The war is not over for the hundreth time.

in a sense, the war is over. in another sense, the war has just begun...

cal31, who me?

no please explain

I did see the movie and I was under the impression that humans and machines made peace and people are being freed from the Matrix. I must've missed the part when the sentinels came back after leaving and continued killing people. stick out tongue

The war is not over, billions of people are still trapped in the Matrix and as long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be free, quoting Morpheus. It's like Europe thousands of years ago, whenever the Olympics started, any countries that were at war agreed to a temporary peace while the Olympics were played out. That's what is happening with the machines and humans, they have a temporary peace, but one way or another the peace will end and one side will have to end it.

mc pee pants
and considering the machines always follow their promises, like the architect said, the humans would have to end it. they'd probably have exile hunters or agent hunters or some sh!t like that in the matrix just wreaking havok. it could also mean that there would be another human city besides zion since somebody would be like the mornign star (cool handle in the matrix) and be banished from zion taking his followers with him and try to end the peace...

just rambling...

FOOLS! Revolutions was the end for the most part.
1. 2 main characters are gone, Neo and trinity.
2.Peace, of a sort, is made between humans and machines.
3.I can predict what happens next, for the most part.
Prediction: The people of Zion are distraught with Neo's death yet they get over it. More minds are freed. Occasiolnally there is a new group that doesn't want peace, attacks the machines and are killed instantly. Many years pass, until finally, all who can be free are free. The people who can'tbe free grow old and die. Noone is left in the matrix. Human cvilization grows again. Eventually someone else provokes another war. Reload.

My friend that's what the animatrix is. Watch it.

mailedbypostman> your prediction doesn't realize that TxO is the continuation. what happens in there is what happens after Revolutions

Ok, ok, I'll tell you.

First off, well this is the basics, Morpheus and Niobe are the next cupple (that's spelt very bad) so we can see more of Morpheus with Niobe.

Neo could wake up (sort of) and see Trinity (see's still dead though, kind of) Neo and Trin go off in to another place, somewhere nice and peaceful.

Smith is still dead but goes to this place where Neo & Trin are and tries to turn this place into this own place, whatever he likes...

Neo and Trin take him on (again) with more power (this place holds and gives power to anyone who's there).

They do there fighting and stuff (there's only 1 Smith not loads and loads...)

The 'Real World' is disturbed and Morpheus knows (he knows everything that's happening because 'he believes') it's Neo, he feels it.

Once Smith is totally destroyed everythings back to normal.

Neo and Trin split up and don't see each other again...



Quite Simply no expression

here's an idea...you stop talking, and we are happy...that sounds like a winner to me...

deffinately wink

sad miffed huh

thumb down What the f**k?

Stealth Agent
if u guys piss in the eggs 1 more time ull die

Look, we have ben frank with you, if you dont calm down with the thread-bumping and spam-posting we are gonna report you to Raz.


What? I'm was just telling Korri, she's the one that said 'please explain' if you recall.

What did I do? It's just a chat room, geez!

Don't tell me to calm down, I'm not even that angry to calm down ok....

I got a little mad when 'HE' told me to shut up....

I'm done here, why do I need to talk to losers anyway?
No reason not to, that's what I think. Goodbye. big grin

i told you to "calm down with the posting" i didnt tel you to calm down.

Its not a chat room its a forum where we discuss the The Matrix if you wanted to chat there is an off-topic forum.

As for us being "losers" i think you have just proved that your the pot calling the kettle black so to speak.

What if the kettle is black? what does the pot call the kettle then, and why is the pot talking to the kettle in the first place? I mean does the pot really expect the kettle to respond? It is busy boiling hot water, i know i wouldnt want to talk to someone with a mouth full of boiling hot water.

I said sorry on another board you were on Korri

You still dont listen to our advice so nothing has changed.

dude what the hell are you talking about?? laughing

wait a minute, what did he say?blink
I don't read jibberish

I read jibberish, what do you need translated?

apparently, you also write jibberish...

Now that is jibberish, I could even tell you that...laughing

i would have thought you would be comfortable with understanding your native language.

who me

mc pee pants
not you.

wow... i can't belive this thread is still alive.

NO more Matrix yawn

no im talking to MN

Nic fluk corn day floo!!!!!!!!!!!

Heeeyyyyyy...... huh

Stop bumping old threads. We don't need them resurrected especially since this one is OVER FIVE MONTHS OLD. I sent you a Pm for a 1-2 punch which should explain why you don't respond to old threads. This is done in hopes that you will abandon your mad thread bumping.


its a waste of time. she will soon grow tired of it and go pester some other poor website.


no expression not funny

I wish we could exterminate her ONCE AND FOR ALL, AND THEN WE COULD... Sorry.

mc pee pants
the agency has tainted your brain MBPM.

yeah deffinatley laughing out loud

What's that? blink

The agency has deemed your question classified and must point youto the off-topic forum for more information.

yeah stop poisoning this already sying forum..


Understandable smile

shut it i cant type stick out tongue

but we love you anyway big grin

aww thank you for loving somone who cant type embarrasment

eh...i'm surrounded by people who can't type, or people who use the wrong homonym, or people who forget there is something called grammar...so i have to accept it, even if i yell at them for it

ok no expression *kills self*

Dude as much as I loved The Matrix Trilogy, There is no need for a 4th Matrix movie period.

there is no need, although I definetely would want to see it.

No, absolutely not. The Wachowski brothers created a monster with first film but then kicked it to death with the sorry excuses for sequels. Three movies is bad enough.

been discussed now thi9s thread is an excuse to talk about me diva

I think the subject matter is too disturbing! messed


Matrix Four !?

Haven't they ruined the franchise enough already.

I think that they should release 1 more matrix to just finalise things ...to show that neo is alive and stuff....they could base it around the merovingian...and my personal theory that the twins are still alive

shut it baw.. diva

*koff*korri is a menace*koff*



http://images.killermovies.com/forums/avatars/undead/ud25.gifwhip http://images.killermovies.com/forums/avatars/undead/ud25.gifwhip

Ha Ha Ha
Clearly the second and third films were a hollywood cash in.
Clearly they consisted of ALL style and NO substance.
Clearly in the first film it was obvious to everyone and his granny that this was original work-that was expected to simply do ok.

But when the critics applauded and the money rolled in- The wachowskis which has already been mentioned-finalised the story with two rather shallow sequels, culminating in the crappest of all crap endings to top the crapfest ending pile of all.
What a build up- what a let down.
And for me- there was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy to much explaining going on in the sequels to the point an unborn child would have understood.
At least the original had mystique and was rather good.

aww you dont have an avatar for me to whip cry

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