Equilibrium trivia

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lets start out with some easy ones

1) When did the son and daughter stop feeling?

2) Who was the first person to stand up in the rally when Father was talking?

3) Who was Mary's lover?

4) What was the city called?

5) Who was the author of the book Partridge was readding from?

1) When their mother was processed.


3) Partridge

4) Libria


Lord Shadow Z
1) When their mother was processed


3) Partridge

4) Libria

5) Yeats

OMG this has been forever since i been to the forums

1) When thier mother was processed

2)the leader of the resistance (name unknown at the time)

3) Partridge


5) W.B. Yeats

1. The kid's started to feel again when there mother was processed.
2. Jurgen, the leader of the resistance.
3. Partridge.
4. Libria.
5. W.B. Yeats

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