Heavy Weights

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This isnt one of those heave waight things with hulk or juggy.
This one is actually fair
Thing VS Colossus VS Solomon Grundy VS Sasquatch VS Rhino

All of these heavyweights strengths are pretty much even. Most are arounf the 70 tonne area. Solomon grundys strength varies from time to time so well say during this battle its 70 tonnes

Hmm.....hard to call. I would like Thing or Colossus to take it. But, too random (for me) to predict. Someone else with substantial knowledge of these guys could give you a better answer.

thing and colossus is a fight i've wanted to see for a long time. and i'm still not clear on a winner for those 2... its so close its hard to tell.

sasquatch back in the day fought thing. thing held his own with him, despite being weaker. sasquatch commented on things will to win.

When did Sasquatch and Thing fight?

muffin man
sasquatch he's got the highest IQ

Thing is presently much stronger than sasquatch...sasquatch admitted to it in the infinity war.

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