It wont let my sis join!

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Piggle Humsy
My sister has tried a few times to also join this site and it keeps telling her she's already a member, She isn't and I know this is obviously down to us using the same computer..
Is there any way to get around this? confused
She's jealous coz I told her how great it was here! laughing

Piggle one eye
x x x x

Orlando Bloom03
Hmmm.........Just she have the same email as you?

No, an IP address can only register one username, so if is registered as "KMC User", whenever you press register, it'll say that "You're already registered as 'KMC User'!" Only way to get around it is to go to a public access computer, say at school or at a library and register there, or if you have Windows XP create a new XP account and register on that. Cleaning out all of your cookies will help greatly, as well.

But Make sure Raz knows you not Socking, or he may ban your sister, so PM him or sumthin.

yea.. it snot good to get banned .. no

Piggle Humsy
It's not possible to use another computer and we have both been able to join other sites from this computer... confused And I did email the site and PM admin but they never replied. sad
Oh well looks like it'll just be me then. big grin
Not that I mind! lol

Piggle one eye
x x x x

Contact me via PM and I'll set her up with an account.

Raz made it possible ! big grin

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