Race to the finish

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In a race, which would prevail? an A-wing( which is the fastest "wing" type fighter) or TIE-Interceptor (which is the fastest TIE fighter)

After playing countless hours with Rouge Squadron I will have to go with the A-wing.

Agreed. The A-Wing is incredibly maneuverable and one of the fastest fighters in the star wars galaxy

I agree.

same here

The solar panels on the TIE restrict its speed in areas that aren't sunny. It would depend on where the race was, but I would still say the A-Wing based on Rogue Leader.

actually they're about even...the skill of the pilot would come into play,...ie if Jaina solo flew the interceptor most pilots would be eating space dust

lol jaina, ya.....id place my bet on anakin or saesee tiin way before her

Revan Darkstar
It says on the Star Wars Essential Guides to Vehicles and Vessels that the A-Wing was faster than the TIE Interceptor, I also think that it says this on the Star wars site. So I say A-Wing too.

both are fast....are they shooting at each other???

Revan Darkstar
its a race, they both start at a line and then go

A-wing, no contest

Board Walker
Tie-interceptor is suppose to be faster in long distances with no turning involved, its top end speed eclipses the A-Wing due to superior torque and horsepower balance.

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