Shazaam(Wizard) vs. Dr. Strange

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Who would win this battle between the two most powerful magicians? Alot of people mistaken Captain Marvel as Shazaam for some reason but that is not the case. Dr. Strange is the most powerful magic user in Marvel and called Earths Sorceror Supreme.

Dr. Strange or The Wizard Shazaam!

The reason people call Captain Marvel "Shazam" is because there so many f***ing Captain Marvels in BOTH worlds. It saves confusion. They know who the real Shazam is.

And Shazam would own Dr. Strange.

I never really saw him do anything but in Superman #216 he kept Superman(Eclipso) at bay with lighting bolts.

Yes. This comic is rapidly becoming annoying. When it comes to Shazam they either quote this event or Kingdom Come.

You lost me. I must have missed something.

What I mean is that most people don't know much about CM other then these two events.

Well I admitt I dont know alot but I know some stuff. I will change that cause I just win a auction on Ebay. It was The Power Of Shazaam series, It was a 47 issue run and I cant wait to read it.

The Flash
How much did you get it for?

$57 dollars. Not bad for 47 issues.

Damn...nice price on those comics Juggs. I love ebay..

And Dr. Strange isn't the best sorceror in Marvel. All of the Asgardians have powerful magic, and I know for a fact that Loki (*winks to tournament buddies*) is more powerful than Strange. Strange is the best Earth-Sorceror.


I'd say Shazam wins by the way. If he can make a guy like Cpt. Marvel, he must be crazy-powerful. Also, as I said Strange is Earth-based, but Shazam is more of a god-like entity. His power most likely trumps Strange.

I haven't noticed Strange imbueing anyone with 100+ strength, flight, and all other manner of powers lately. Shazam wins.


Difficult. They are bothe powerful, but i think shazam uses his powers on more important matters, and wouldnt know how to use them in a fight

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