Superman vS He-Man
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FistOfThe North
Superman vS He-Man
Pre-Crisis Superman ran into He-Man and was afraid that He-Man would kill him. Pre-Crisis!! He-Man has strength and a magical sword on his side, but if Supes is smart he'd never let He-Man touch him. If He-Man gets a hold of him, it's over. Otherwise Supes could play hit-and-run until he wins.
I thought SUperman beat him up already.
i hate superman but respect him and he would get the better of he-man
Originally posted by Fanboy
I thought SUperman beat him up already.
The only encoiunter I know of is the crossover where He-Man is said to be stronger, though neither "wins" the confrontation, since they're both good guys and end up teaming up.
in a "pull out" in all DC comics of that month, he was facing Superman and they teamed up at the end. Skeletor brought Supes to Eternia and tricked Supes into fighting him because he sensed Supes energy could beat him
It was inconclusive. Both though the other was there equal
In a He man Supes comic also from the early eighties again they face off, again it was inconclusive
Hope that helps.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
The only encoiunter I know of is the crossover where He-Man is said to be stronger, though neither "wins" the confrontation, since they're both good guys and end up teaming up.
Know Comics, Know the whirly one
Originally posted by kgkg
Crossover is not a good ground for debates
I know, but it's all we have for this fight.
They've been said to be equals (in crossovers, so take it how you will). This is current Superman, then I would presume that He-Man is stronger (he draws strength indefinitely from Castle he's potentially limitless in strength...he once threw a building-sized chunk of rock into space with little trouble) but Supes is still a lot faster. He-Man's strength is based upon need, so he isn't always ridiculously strong (hence some questionable showings in comics) but technically that potentially limitless strength is there for use. I'd give it to Superman because of the speed thing though....He-Man isn't limitless in durability, just strength.
Well I saw it like this dude had a link and it showed SUperman taking a hit and it did nothing He-Man could not hurt SUperman. SO SUperman wins.
He-Man easily, plus he also has super speed as well as super strength. One hit from He-Man would send Super wimp flying to the sun
I wish people would understand that if your user-name is Spidey4Life, people really won't take you seriously in threads about Spider-Man...which is probably where you would want to have the biggest debating 'impact'
...just a thought...hehe
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by He-Manrules
He-Man easily, plus he also has super speed as well as super strength. One hit from He-Man would send Super wimp flying to the sun
What is He-Man's greatest feat of strength? Is it greater than Superman's?
Superman flying into the sun? How would that Even hurt Superman I mean the sun is his source of energy if that hit from He-Man hurt Superman then being in the sun would heal him instantly and I still think He-man would get his a-- handed to him.
He-Man has a limited number of appearences, but his greatest feat (that I know of) was throwing a giant asteroid and/or moon-like object into orbit. Presumably, his strength is limitless and is based upon need, so he will channel strength via Castle Greyskull when he needs it, so in theory he should be stronger than Supes. Also in theory, he should be potentially the strongest being ever. In reality, though, we aren't sure what would happen.
I stand by my original assessment. Nowhere have I seen He-Man possess speed on Supes' level, so Supes could play hit-and-run until he kills He-Man.
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