Naga Sadow vs. Darth Revan

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Darth Mantis
The shroud of the darkside has fallen... Should of brung a flashlight...

Gryn Jabar
Good one, but I think Revan might take this.

Yes, Revan would definetly win.

Darth L. Dipsit
I actually think Sadow would win. This is only because it, and I'm sayinng this TOTALLY SUBJECTIVELY, seemed like the only guy who could take him would be Marka Ragnos.

It seems like that doesnt it.

Yeah Sadow could probably only be defeated by Ragnos, but we don't know that for sure, and that still doesn't tell us how powerful he was.

he could throw stars but that takes time, it probably wouldn't help him in a fight, his command of the force has to be amazing without any doubt, but then again so was Revan. He is probably a great fighter but so is Revan, and Revan uses lightsabers something that can give him an advantage.

This would probably be one hell of a battle to see, and I do think that both could win this

Emperor Revan
I agree with Fishy. The fight could go either way but we don't know enough about Naga to make a clear argument imo. Everywhere I've heard calls it Sith magic that Naga uses to detonate stars so maybe he doesn't even need a great command of the Force to do it, or that ability could've been a gift like Bastila's battle meditation that no one else could learn, his powers could've been more on a galactic scale again like Bastila's battle meditation and wouldn't really help in a one on one fight.

Just like Fishy said, we don't know how powerful either fighter is, but we know a lot more about Revan than Naga so it's really hard to tell who would win. Good battle, could go either way though I'm leaning slightly toward Lord Revan because he is a genius at combat and learned dozens of ways to kill Jedi and/or Sith. (he was the one who told HK-47 the secret HK told to the Exile on how to kill Sion)

I don't have an idea who would win,Sadow could shoot stars but that costs time so Revan could attack him. But if he managed to find a way to lose Revan for a while he could.But it doesn't matter if he doesn't uses a lightsaber,i mean Exar Kun's what's his name Master could block Kun's attacks with just a stick.

Basic info is known, but I don't know enough about him to really make a choice here, just like about Revan... I have no idea how powerful both of them really are

im going with revan because he ran the star forge better than anyone he found the star forge and almost dystroyed the republic but sadow would probely use some sith magic and wipe his memory again so it would be a fair fight


Revan obviously

Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Revan obviously


Freedon Nadd
So, it's okay to necromance threads this old?

No, that guy's just a KMC special needs case.


sadow would obviously take this, he is unmatched and can only be by tulak, ragnos, sidious, vitiate

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