Question about Saesee Tiin's Masterhood???

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If you had to be a Master in order to have a seat on the Jedi Council, then how the hell was Tiin a Council member for so many years if the Ikotchi species only have a lifespan of about 50 years???

Did the OJO offer "Early Masterization" to short-lived species???

Sir Mist
Maybe he was just really really good no expression

Obviously not, from the fight with Palpatine, but who really cares? He's a master, end of story.

.:Space Opera:.
that would be totally EU, because there is no real discription of that species in any of the movies so you cant say that its canon.

Darth Imperial
Sasees rubbish, he got killed in like a second by palpatine!

Moff jango
Yeah, how long would you last against Palptine?

Jedi Priestess
I have to ask why you are interested in this? THe character was just another Jedi killed off. More like background filler Id say.

Moff jango
yes something like u. Everyone knows JP has a Cameo in ROTS

Jedi Priestess
Is that the best you can do? Really little man, I expect more from you boys these days. roll eyes (sarcastic) roll eyes (sarcastic)

I misread this and thought it was questions on Sassee Tiin's manhood.

But yeah, good question, this. Answer? Not find it, you can. Matters it not.

Moff jango
THX, coming from you that's a great honour.

(She talked to me!!!!!!!!!!!) LOL, JUST KIDDING.

lol making 'jokes'

Captain REX
You know, the JP bashing days are dead. no expression

I'd say "Go to the EU" and "I already answered this," but I'll say it again.

He could have been made a Council member at 30-35 or so; we only see him for 13 years of his life. He could easily be near the standard Iktotchi death age.

But it's all EU fodder.

Jedi Priestess
Thanks Rexxy mwah1

Actually at the time I posed the question I was being serious. I always wonder why people ask such detailed questions about characters that are basically just background material.

Captain REX
The reason I do it is for story material, myself.

Because they want to know more about Star Wars. The movies themselves are great, but deadendswhen you thinka bout it. EU appeals to many interests because Star Wars has such a rich background and most of it doesn't get used to its fullest.

Jedi Priestess
Well there ya go Rex, an answer to my Q! Thanks smile

ANd see EU doesnt really "count" in my book Janus!

I like the glow effect on your sig, JP... How'd ya do that?

Captain REX
Two, actually. stick out tongue

Moff jango
You really needed that aswer to understand why he asks that question? It all seemed clear to me.

Jedi Priestess
Originally posted by Darth_Janus
I like the glow effect on your sig, JP... How'd ya do that?

dunno, PVS did it for me. big grin

and yes Jango I did because without the explanation it seems like a stupid Q.

Captain REX
Well, it doesn't benefit us really, nor does it add to the movie. So yes, she did.

Moff jango
Originally posted by Captain REX
You know, the JP bashing days are dead. no expression

I'd say "Go to the EU" and "I already answered this," but I'll say it again.

He could have been made a Council member at 30-35 or so; we only see him for 13 years of his life. He could easily be near the standard Iktotchi death age.

But it's all EU fodder. Ah, Nostalgia for the Old days.

Before the May Noobs! They're ruining the whole forum.

Jedi Priestess
Indeed, I kind of miss dismantling peeps via flamage for breakfast! sad

Captain REX
The May noobs? Personally, I think the June-August are worse, from time to time...

Jedi Priestess
Why stop there, lets just go with EVERYONE thats a 05 er. wink

Well, no one says you have to accept EU, of course. But it seems almost universal that one MUST accept every aspect of the movies. Point is, anyways, that for those of us who want something more than what's present in the movies, we look to EU, because GL himself isn't really going out of his way to do anything else.

I'm sure if GL wrote Eu novels and made the games, comics, etc. from the ground up, more people would take to them, instead of a mix of good and terrible authors, game makers, etc.

Moff jango
Originally posted by Jedi Priestess
Why stop there, lets just go with EVERYONE thats a 05 er. wink I'm not one 'o'em.

Originally posted by Darth_Janus
Well, no one says you have to accept EU, of course. But it seems almost universal that one MUST accept every aspect of the movies. Point is, anyways, that for those of us who want something more than what's present in the movies, we look to EU, because GL himself isn't really going out of his way to do anything else.

I'm sure if GL wrote Eu novels and made the games, comics, etc. from the ground up, more people would take to them, instead of a mix of good and terrible authors, game makers, etc.

errr...yea...isnt that obvious, if GL wrote and did everything, it'd all be good. lol

and then yes, people would have to take to them, they'd have no choice.

Jedi Priestess
I honestly feel for you guys that are getting in at the end of the whole SW phenom. I know it feels like to you that its just been way too short, but to those of us that were there in 1977, Lucas hase given enough of his lifetime for one movie franchise. Or at least I think so. smile

I saw the OT when I was about three or four, and every year since then. I realize that GL did us wonders, but still... not satisfied. Want more. Call it a character flaw.

I agree, and I hate when stupid EU authors screw everything that Lucas has done and accomplished up by telling these (more then often) stupid overdone stories about Jedi who can destroy planets and crap..

and then people take it seriously and it completely under-minds everything GL has done.

Captain REX
Hah! If GL wrote anything, it'd be canon.

"How to cook jawas, by George Lucas..."

Captain REX
laughing out loud

Actually, Tiin was a good fighter, Sir Mist. He survived the Battle of Geonosis. But Palpatine attacked so quickly. Saesee didn't even get a chance to raise his lightsaber.

Captain REX
Which is pathetic, because Mace and Kit Fisto did.

He killed Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin quickly, so Kit and Mace knew he was gonna try and kill them too.

Captain REX
No excuse.

That's like me shooting three markman before the fourth gets his safety off.

.:Space Opera:.
"You know, the JP bashing days are dead. "

That is quite possibly the funniest thing that i have ever heard. everyone will pick on her forever because she's popular, and i dont understand why poeple dislike that, it doesnt bother me.

Sir Mist
Originally posted by FistoFan
Actually, Tiin was a good fighter, Sir Mist. He survived the Battle of Geonosis. But Palpatine attacked so quickly. Saesee didn't even get a chance to raise his lightsaber.

We saw jack all of his fighting abilities, all we saw was him standing there holding his saber.

Palpatine attacked quickly? He stood there, ignited saber in hand, talking to Mace before he attacked no expression

Whatever Jedi can be so stupid to stand there and get killed like that doesnt exactly qualify as a 'good fighter'.

All he told mace when he spun toward's them was, "It's treason, then."

Sir Mist
Dude.....a Sith is standing in front of you with his lightsaber ignited.....are you gonna stand there daydreaming?

Well, like I said, Palpatine attacks very quickly.

.:Space Opera:.
i think that they were stunned that he twirled towards them like a screwdriver, so the didnt know how to defend themselves against that kind of attack

Jedi Priestess
Now see I think that looked so stupid. erm

.:Space Opera:.
there were parts in that scene that made sidious lloked like he new what he was doing with his saber, then at other times he looked like he didnt know how to hold it at all like a child would.

I think Saesee let himself die. He prolly figured: "Aw fukk it!, The Jedi Order is screwed, and I'munna kick the bucket pretty soon anyways, so why not go down fighting and die like a martyr!?".....and then he lowered his guard just like Ben did in ANH.

Sir Mist
He held his saber like those stupid fanboys do in the crap fanfilms....I cant wait to get a camera so I can show those retards how to hold a saber properly....

Captain REX
Who, Tiin or Palpatine? stick out tongue

Sir Mist
Tiin, Palpatine and the several thousand fanboys out there.....

Originally posted by Darth Imperial
Sasees rubbish, he got killed in like a second by palpatine!
shut up. all the jedi had the same amount of time to kill palps. if u should blame anyone, blame agen for not stabbing palps who was right infront of him

Originally posted by Sir Mist
We saw jack all of his fighting abilities, all we saw was him standing there holding his saber.

Palpatine attacked quickly? He stood there, ignited saber in hand, talking to Mace before he attacked no expression

Whatever Jedi can be so stupid to stand there and get killed like that doesnt exactly qualify as a 'good fighter'.

Sir Mist i have to say ur very rude.

It might have been better if Mace didnt wait till they all died.

omg, I read "manhood" laughing out loud

thats what I thought to

Captain REX
Originally posted by Council#13
Sir Mist i have to say ur very rude.

And you bumped a dead thread?

How is he being rude? He's right.

Originally posted by Captain REX
And you bumped a dead thread?

How is he being rude? He's right.
You should see have the threads he's been to...

u really should

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