Iron man vs. thor(fist fight)

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iron man vs. thor in a fist fight

who would win??

..a thin can metal-man against someone who can trade blows with Supes..hmm who would win indeed ...

King KAM
I got 5bucks on the black guy.

Black guy? What black guy?

Fist fighting isn't quite Iron Man's forte; blasting away with several different energy beams is his modus.
Eventually, his shell gets cracked open, Thor opens a bottle of whiskey, fumes intoxicate Tony into a coma, fight over.

Originally posted by roughrider
Black guy? What black guy?

Fist fighting isn't quite Iron Man's forte; blasting away with several different energy beams is his modus.
Eventually, his shell gets cracked open, Thor opens a bottle of whiskey, fumes intoxicate Tony into a coma, fight over.

And yet there are several ocassions in which Tony has put Thor on his arse, only using his fists. I know it doesn't make any sense, as Thors durability has been depicted at a Nuke withstanding level, yet several Level 6 characters including; Wrecker, Ulik, Namor, Iron Man and Thing have all given Thor problems, in fist fights. smile big grin

Well, I'm sure Sif has *****-slapped him once or twice too, for putting his foot in his mouth over something. laughing out loud

Originally posted by roughrider
Well, I'm sure Sif has *****-slapped him once or twice too, for putting his foot in his mouth over something. laughing out loud

laughing laughing laughing smile smile sad confused

Thor. Thor. Thor. Thor. Thor. Thor.

You all got the message.

but thor lost to hulk when thor tried to beat him with his fist only
and didnt iron man ko hulk with punches?

Thor has also stalemated Hulk for 1 hour, increasing his strength just as Hulk did.

And yes i do believe Iron Man has ko'd Huk before. What else is new. Thats another one on the list of powerhouses that has ko'd Hulk.

Ironman has hulk buster armor you know.
He can go blow for blow with the likes of the hulk.
He can lift and punch with the big boys.
Thor is a powerhouse, but all tony needs is the right suit and he will knock thor out.

"but thor lost to hulk when thor tried to beat him with his fist only
and didnt iron man ko hulk with punches?"

Thor never lost against Hulk. What Hulk had was sometimes the upperhand and others not. They both had ko each other.

Iron man did ko Hulk once but with a trick. He got more power in his armour before passing out. He did the same to Hercules.

Originally posted by olympian
"but thor lost to hulk when thor tried to beat him with his fist only
and didnt iron man ko hulk with punches?"

Thor never lost against Hulk. What Hulk had was sometimes the upperhand and others not. They both had ko each other.

Iron man did ko Hulk once but with a trick. He got more power in his armour before passing out. He did the same to Hercules.

About the conversation earlier :

The tower was about the size of your average Crane, and is unlikely to have weighed more than a 100 tons. The average train weighs over 1000 tons. + Wonder Woman threw the train into the sun. smile


But she didnt trew it into the sun. Your thinking on He-Man.

Thor i say...

Thor never lost against Hulk. What Hulk had was sometimes the upperhand and others not. They both had ko each other.

i dont have any scan to show because i dont have a cam but
it was avenger v2 issue 5

and in issue 6 thor was knocked out pretty bad by the hulk

i think it was this one but the front page looks different from the one i have... hm...

and then BAM

Originally posted by jacobo0o
i think it was this one but the front page looks different from the one i have... hm...

Heroes reborn, pocket universe....that's not the real Thor.

King KAM
I forgot what FF comic it was but when i was little i had it, they went to go visit the Avengers and they found Banner all tired looking and unconcious, and everyone of the Avengers had been beaten up BADLY, Thor was in one place and his hammer in another, and the sad thing is that they found thor under a pile of metal and rocks, all battered, and it was the same for cap and i think Ironman(not sure though) but all the Avengers that were there at the time had been DEMOLISHED along with everything else pretty much, and when Banner finally came to he told the FF that the HULK did it....and then the issue ended , but the reason im bringing this up is because i think that if agrivated enough the Hulk can whip all of their asses at once.and he has done it.

Originally posted by King KAM
I forgot what FF comic it was but when i was little i had it, they went to go visit the Avengers and they found Banner all tired looking and unconcious, and everyone of the Avengers had been beaten up BADLY, Thor was in one place and his hammer in another, and the sad thing is that they found thor under a pile of metal and rocks, all battered, and it was the same for cap and i think Ironman(not sure though) but all the Avengers that were there at the time had been DEMOLISHED along with everything else pretty much, and when Banner finally came to he told the FF that the HULK did it....and then the issue ended , but the reason im bringing this up is because i think that if agrivated enough the Hulk can whip all of their asses at once.and he has done it.

Can you say lazy & inconsistent writing?
These stories have to fill some 20-odd pages every month.

grey fox
THIS IS MADNESS , iron man should not be able to take down thor , but in the essence of fairness

Hulk buster iron-man 4/10
Normal armour irnman 1/10*
Thor buster armour 7/10

* this 1 counts as a half assed piece of writing such as a 'super' punch where iron-man reroutes all of his power into the attack

Originally posted by olympian
"but thor lost to hulk when thor tried to beat him with his fist only
and didnt iron man ko hulk with punches?"

Thor never lost against Hulk. What Hulk had was sometimes the upperhand and others not. They both had ko each other.

Iron man did ko Hulk once but with a trick. He got more power in his armour before passing out. He did the same to Hercules.

trick? it's not exactly like he was using hulks gullibility to his advantage...pffft.. he pulled out a very unorthodox maneuver and he got the win...

In Avengers Disassembled Iron Man put down She Hulk with one Punch when she was going nuts over the death of the Vision, and at the time she was in an enraged state, and he was in his normal armour im assuming. Now im not saying that means he can do the same to Thor, but im sure its gonna be a great fight.

the avengers is cool and i like both iron man and thor . but if they go at it id say thor cause hes much stronger when he uses his hammer . he knocked the crap out of superman in that comic book jla vs the avengers

I think its Thor without his hammer in a fist fight.

he still has alot of strength without his hammer. but his hammer gives him more powers ability to fly and all that

but in a way he doesn't have the best fighting skills as everyone in the avengers. but hes still cool

"Can you say lazy & inconsistent writing?
These stories have to fill some 20-odd pages every month."

Its canon. Deal with it. It happend. Hulk has taken out the Avengers on more than one occasion.

Anyway Thor takes Ironman apart at least 6/10

That sounds like a hilarious story...Banner shuffling around and the Avengers beat to hell...what issue is that...F4or in Avengers?

then help write some stories havent seen you right jack. and actually your wrong hulk can probably take out most of the avengers but not thor he knocked the crap out of superman in a comicbook. and another one hulk and superman went at it and hulk he kncocked down superman afew times but superman got his ass up and knocked him out hard.

Thor knocked the CRAP out of SUPERMAN? LOL...

Yea, les not get carried away. Thor didnt knock Superman out. He knocked him away and into a building. Superman was getting up on the next page.

Superman on the other hand knocked Thor out.

there powerful in different ways thats why they both knocked each other out. but with a fist fight superman would win. he can beat most people not all im sure many people don't believe that cause hes the most popular guy and all that

Originally posted by Grammaton
"Can you say lazy & inconsistent writing?
These stories have to fill some 20-odd pages every month."

Its canon. Deal with it. It happend. Hulk has taken out the Avengers on more than one occasion.

Anyway Thor takes Ironman apart at least 6/10

I don't care - crap is crap. I see it, I don't step in it, and it doesn't get my money.

this topic is a fist fight dont forget that
i know that iron man doesnt have a great chance at all if it was a regular
fight,and ive seen iron man lose pretty bad to thor
thats why i made it a fist fight

i agree with you on that one. thor is the strongest out of all of them but my fav guy on the team is hawkeye but hes gone

that was cool in that comic book jla vs avengers where hawkeye and
greenlantern start arguing but in the book they never whent at they just kept running there mouths but like i said i think hawkeye is a much cooler guy then greenlantern

Uhh dont you mean Green Arrow?

yah my bad. i mix those 2 fools up sometimes but i don't keep up with dc alot any ways the characters on marvel are much cooler

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