deleting things

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internet explorer messed up so i now use firefox on internet explorer i used to be able to delete thing with this little clock thing in the top toolbar it has a little clock with an arrow around it does firefox have anything like that? if not is there anything i can use to get rid of the recent stuff

ctrl+H ?

Or just download Windows Washer, it will make your PC faster.

If I add a post in the wrong area and want to delete it right afterwards, how can that be done? I know I can edit within 15 minutes, but it would be cool to just be able to delete the whole of it in that time frame, also.

Also, I am having trouble getting the Administrator to reply to my questions/requests... Is there some form of protocol I am missing?

Lastly, how do we find out who the moderator is for each forum and how to get in touch with them?

Thank you.

Posts can' t be deleted. However, you can ask a moderator to do so for you.

Raz will answer your questions/requests when he has the time.

Forum Leaders
You can PM us at any given time.

Glad to see that I don't need to do anything more and a reply will be coming soon. I wasn't sure if it was because I wasn't including some info that I should and therefore was not getting an answer. Some groups are very picky about making sure you do things -- including how you send requests -- per their requirements or they won't give you the time of day. So, now I know and all is fine and I thank you for your reply.

If you wish to ask me any question the best way to contact me is via Private Messages.

Sorry, I've tried for three weeks now to get a response from Raz, with no luck. I've emailed and PM'd. It just doesn't work for me.

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