More Firefox Oddness....profiles?

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When I just tried to open Firefox, it gave me a window asking what profile to use. I selected 'Default', as it was the only one there, and it gave me a popup window saying it couldn't use it as it was already in use (I've screencapped it and will attach it). Now, what the hell is this? I've never had this before, and I had to make a new profile to get Firefox to load, meaning I don't have my bookmarks, all my cookies are reset, etc. Bit of a pain and minorly annoying.

Anyone have this happen before? do I fix it? erm

i've had that popup once
go to task menager and close firefox process.

Ok, I'll go try that and see if it solves it.

I'm sure it will ninja

It did smile thanks Clovah happy

smart np

happens to me all the time. i cant stand firefoxs profile thing. cept for when my mom goes on the comp. i need to.. hide... certain sites and what not

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