Goku vs Thanos (Oh cum on the other DBZ thread is 4 pages long)
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I wonder how long this will last b4 it is closed down.
SS3, none of that T.V. garbage ; G.T.
In my opinion Goku takes this. I have reservations about Goku's strength when comparing it to Superman, but i have never seen Thanos perform a feat of strength, that compares to an 'On Form' Superman. Thanos has some of the most powerful energy beams in the marvel universe, i.e. he has hurt Odin, Tyrant and Galactus. He is also incredibly durable, but can he withstand the planet destroying attacks of Goku.
I give the fight to Goku, but what do you think ?

Answer You Fools !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Why not ss4, ss3 might not be able to do it, i mean look at what thanos has done, even to galactus...goku is in for a ass kicking, this is one of the few characters i think can serve goku some what for...
Yet another argument that we could just C+P from the Odin one.
When you can blast Galactus onto his ass, nothing from DBZ id going to stop you.
Originally posted by jgiant
Why not ss4, ss3 might not be able to do it, i mean look at what thanos has done, even to galactus...goku is in for a ass kicking, this is one of the few characters i think can serve goku some what for...
SS4 is unoriginal garbage, as is the whole of G.T. It pretty irrelevant as no one has any idea how many times more powerful SS1, 2, 3 is than Goku's normal level. Even in his normal form, Goku is capable of rocking an entire planet, with his power. In the Bu saga the SS1 transformation was described by Barbadi, as having energy ten times greater than the amount needed to destroy a planet. Lord knows how many times more powerful the SS3 transformation is.
Can Thanos really survive such energy blasts. I mean a blast from Galactus, which didn't look that impressive, completely crippled his shielding. A Nuclear level attack from 'the creator' Ko'ed him, and Odin force was exhausted after restoring the moon. I will concede that it was Thor using the odin force at the time.

Galactuses blasts have been known to destroy star systems.
And I'm very glad your limiting this to Akira's DBZ. People trying to use Dub Radiz to prove goku's better is just sad.
The True Fear
goku pushed mountains apart it was pretty bad ass. he is capable of destroying thanos
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Galactuses blasts have been known to destroy star systems.
And I'm very glad your limiting this to Akira's DBZ. People trying to use Dub Radiz to prove goku's better is just sad.
When have Glactus's blast ever destroyed star sytems ??? I smell Hyper bole !!!!!!!!! And Thanos was clsoe to death.

Originally posted by The True Fear
goku pushed mountains apart it was pretty bad ass. he is capable of destroying thanos
I disagree, i thought it was pretty disappointing to see him struggling with such small masses. If you want to see something impressive go to the Superman Respect thread, and look at what the Eradicator throws at Supes and Superboy. Thats impressive !
But Goku's strength is still impressive. Single punches and kicks have shown to be capable of leveling large Skyscrapers. This clearly suggests he has high Class 100 strength. Thanos has been hurt by Thor, its not hard to imagine Goku hurting him.

Thanos is strong, but he's not realy Thor or Superman strong without useing the power cosmic.
As for hyperbole, I belive it was when Galactus was fighting another cosmic power, I want to say abraxes, but I don't think so.
And It may have been Galaxys that were geting torn apart, but that DEFIENTLY sounded like hyperbole, at least without scans.
dragon dragon ball dragon ball ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz
The Ion
Originally posted by yahman
When have Glactus's blast ever destroyed star sytems ??? I smell Hyper bole !!!!!!!!! And Thanos was clsoe to death.
Perhaps hyperbole but at full power Galactus is right under Tribunal in power. I wouldn't doubt he could blow a star system to hell.
he could destroy a galaxy when not at full power
the Darkone
Thanos has cosmic power since he is a eternal, he can manipulate any forms of energy at will, increase his own abilities and also can tap into unknow dark power source.
Thanos is 10,000 years old mastered every fighting style on Titan trained gamora in the art of fighting, and let's don't forget that he has high level of psinoic powers which means he can mind f**k the hell out of goku.
long pig
I would really prefer you not to spell "come" like "cum" anymore, yahman. It makes us all very very uncomfortable.
Probably Thanois, I dont know much aboot him....but he probablys has powers succeeding Goku by far.
Originally posted by long pig
I would really prefer you not to spell "come" like "cum" anymore, yahman. It makes us all very very uncomfortable.
Indeed !!!!!!!!!!! Sorry
Mann Long pig, you do cum !!!!!!!! out with some funny stuff.

long pig
You sir, have forced my hand. Prepare to feel the power of my rage....
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